My Dad the chief of security at Minutemen Toy Soldiers... (2 Viewers)

George, That sucks! Sorry to here that, just when you thought he was better also.:(
Hope all gos well, Hang in there.
hope all goes well with the tests. Your Dad is a strong guy, I will be thinking of him!
George, all the Best to you and your family.

I keep both of you in my heart and mind, Andreas
Best wishes an hope all turns out well for your Dad George.

Hang on there. I'm sure he will be fine although this stinks. Maybe his coming home healthy will be your Christmas present.
Hope your Dad will improve and they stop the bleeding. Sometimes it is from the meds which I had to go back for bleeding after the surgery. I hope your Dad will be out soon. John
Sometimes it is from the meds which I had to go back for bleeding after the surgery

You are spot on John; turns out he has three ulcers, one of which is bleeding, which they already fixed. Amazing what they can do these days.

All of the pills he was taking plus the fact that he was having trouble swallowing, ie, couldn't drink water with the pills equals a bleeding ulcer.

Did the procedure today, I hope he gets out tomorrow.

Thanks again everyone, you guys really are a special group of people..........
Great news George, glad to hear this for you and your family :)
Still thinking of and pulling for your Dad, George. Hang in there. -- Al
Our thoughts, prayer and well-wishes are still with you, your Dad and your family. May he heal fully and quickly!
Best wishes that the problem is solved and he can recover nicely. I did not have a problem after they fixed the med ulcer and gave me two blood transfusions. That is why I still have so much energy.:eek::D John

Glad to hear your Dad is doing better.

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