I did not know the formula...
thank you...
It's a bit confusing, but the easiest way to look at it is;
You play each team in your division twice.............3 x 2 is 6 games
You play a rotating division in your conference......4 teams is 4 games
You play the team in the other two divisions in your conference based on where you finished; 1 plays both 1's, 2 plays both 2's, etc............2 games
You play a rotating division in the other conference.....4 teams is 4 games
Now this year, you play a random team for the 17th game
So aside from the two teams in your conference that you go head to head with based on where you finish, it's the luck of the draw who you play each year and it's total crap shoot.
This year the Patriots get to play the 3rd place finisher in the two AFC divisions; first time in forever they did not have to play the first place team from the divisions.......................they have a pretty easy schedule this year; they play the NFC South; aside from Tampa, three easy games, then the AFC South, two very easy games, two somewhat difficult ones, then the Chargers, the Browns and their division opponents.
The X factor is what they get from the QB position; they could finish anywhere from 12-5 to 5-12.
Time will tell.