Great battle scenes but there was so much drama at Waterloo that is not portrayed and the actor who played Uxbridge was awful as was the guy who played Muffling who was a comedy actor. That I think was pro rata the or one of the most expensive films ever made so an opportunity to make something great instead of a bad script and a lack of human drama.
It had enough drama for me and I can't think of any other movie made in the 1960's that was any better. For example people rave about 2001 - A Space Odyssey, but I found that film very boring, almost as bad as Titanic IMO, and I'm a Sci Fi fan.
The actor playing Uxbridge delivered some of the best lines in war movie history, but agree the actor playing Muffling wasn't the best, but by no means terrible.
Not surprised the movie was so expensive considering the scale and relatively famous actors of that time, and don't forget there were over 15,000 extras in period costume, I think that would even scare Peter Jackson, who is a fan of 'Waterloo' BTW. And if PJ reckons it's a great movie, that puts me in good company I'd say.
That said, I expect the Riddley Scott movie will be more accurate and in many ways a superior film. Time will tell how successful it will be at the Box Office, I'm thinking it won't be as popular as they expect considering the subject, current PC influences etc.