Napoleon. Ridley Scott (1 Viewer)

Nicholas V Hall

Private 2
Sep 12, 2015
I remember being disappointed with Waterloo. Bit of a naff film with wooden acting and a bad script despite being spectacular and ambitious. The film was so badly received it put the kibosh on any Napoleonic films at the pre production stage ending Stanley Kubricks epic ambition which by all accounts would have starred Jack Nicholson. That would have been interesting to say the least. Now Ridley Scott carries the baton of a Marshall of France in his knapsack. Can’t wait.
You are being a bt harsh on Waterloo. Plummer was good as Wellington and Steiger was good as Napoleon.
Sergey Bondarchuk also made a very good and very long version of War and Peace.
Looking forward to Scott's Napoleon
Waterloo remains one of my long favorite war movies.

I remember watching it in the local cinema when it was originally released. I watch it several times each year on dvd, the huge battle scenes and solid acting impresses me more than more recent films with unrealistic cgi effects.
Great battle scenes but there was so much drama at Waterloo that is not portrayed and the actor who played Uxbridge was awful as was the guy who played Muffling who was a comedy actor. That I think was pro rata the or one of the most expensive films ever made so an opportunity to make something great instead of a bad script and a lack of human drama.
Great battle scenes but there was so much drama at Waterloo that is not portrayed and the actor who played Uxbridge was awful as was the guy who played Muffling who was a comedy actor. That I think was pro rata the or one of the most expensive films ever made so an opportunity to make something great instead of a bad script and a lack of human drama.

It had enough drama for me and I can't think of any other movie made in the 1960's that was any better. For example people rave about 2001 - A Space Odyssey, but I found that film very boring, almost as bad as Titanic IMO, and I'm a Sci Fi fan.

The actor playing Uxbridge delivered some of the best lines in war movie history, but agree the actor playing Muffling wasn't the best, but by no means terrible.

Not surprised the movie was so expensive considering the scale and relatively famous actors of that time, and don't forget there were over 15,000 extras in period costume, I think that would even scare Peter Jackson, who is a fan of 'Waterloo' BTW. And if PJ reckons it's a great movie, that puts me in good company I'd say.

That said, I expect the Riddley Scott movie will be more accurate and in many ways a superior film. Time will tell how successful it will be at the Box Office, I'm thinking it won't be as popular as they expect considering the subject, current PC influences etc.
The previews I've seen make me even less interested in going to see it.

I read that there is going to be a director’s cut version of 4 hrs length.
So maybe that is worth seeing. Rgds Victor.
Great battle scenes but there was so much drama at Waterloo that is not portrayed and the actor who played Uxbridge was awful as was the guy who played Muffling who was a comedy actor. That I think was pro rata the or one of the most expensive films ever made so an opportunity to make something great instead of a bad script and a lack of human drama.

We can all agree it was not as great as Zulu

But then nothing can ever be
I have an old Chinese import DVD of Waterloo. The sub-titling is hilarious. Ney is always referred to as "Admiral." One character gives this long speech, which sub-titles show as only "We will win!"
IMHO, Plummer does a good Wellington. Steiger is uneven as Napoleon. I like his quieter moments, like just before the battle where he says he would not want his son to see the battle. But he goes a little too over the top at times for me.
Gosh, Orson Welles was huge!
It starts on Tuesday and I’m hoping to see it that day.
Joaquin Phoenix is a great actor, but Napoleon is not the part for him. It's getting very average reviews. I'm not sure it's a movie that can be made properly given the scope of the subject matter. The modern audience is also too dumb to even know or care who Napoleon was. I bet 75% of those under 30 years of age have no clue.
Intend to see this one later this week. Hoping to hear what Forum members think.
I just hope no one spoils the ending for me, I won't be able to see it until next week at the earliest.

Just like the someone gave away the ending of "Titanic" before I had a chance to see it.................
I just hope no one spoils the ending for me, I won't be able to see it until next week at the earliest.

Just like the someone gave away the ending of "Titanic" before I had a chance to see it.................

I hear he meets his waterloo.
Saw the movie tonight.

It was a lust story. Oh I mean a love story that snuck in some impressive battle scenes.

I fell asleep during some of the sex scenes only to be awaken later by cannon shots.

Other times I found myself more interested in scrolling through some headlines on my phone.

The only thing I really liked were the events transitioning from " reign of terror" to Napolian's rise.

Yes,my friends and I were very disappointed

I'm normally a big Ridley Scott fan.

I fell asleep during some of the sex scenes only to be awaken later by cannon shots.

Those weren't cannon shots.

I'm tempted to wait for the four hour directors cut on this one vs paying 6,000.00 to go see it in the theater between the cost of movie tickets these days, snacks and trying to buy tickets on line gives me an ice cream headache.
From the couple of reviews I’ve read the movie operates on two tracks, his rise to and fall from power and his relationship with Josephine. Very few war movies will satisfy people on this forum because they expect movies to be faithful to the historical record (which they are often not) and, overall, they’re less than interested in love stories.

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