Noah, it is not that they are not well done; we all know they are. It is rather that charging cavalry is well overdone and very disproportionate to the number and length of real charges in battle, especially at Waterloo. While the grand charge against the squares is iconic, it is not very representative of events at the battle from all accounts. The fields were soaked and there were few examples of true charges. Moreover, cavalry generally did not charge up to the squares but rather between them to the extent there were real charges. So while the FL Cuirassiers are beautiful and correct for the limited circumstances they represent and certainly consistent with the mass mis-impressions about the battle, they are also not as flexible and consistent with the true fighting scenes of cavalry at Waterloo or elsewhere. Moreover, unless you should show them charging from the other side of a large table or well away from a square, they are not so easy to show against their opponents since almost all charges ended well before the foe was encountered. I just hope we don't get charging British cavalry since that was the stupid and incredibly wasteful and ineffective part of their participation at Waterloo.