Napoleonics! (1 Viewer)


Private 1st Class
Mar 19, 2015
Hi all, been a while since I posted but here are two shots from a battle scene I've been playing around with. Peninsular war street fighting has a particular hold on my imagination after reading Sharpe's Battle on holiday in Spain some years back. I strongly recommend the book if you have not read it


Brilliant work ....

your setup looks so realistic, and brings back fond memories of reading the Sharpe books .... and seeing the TV series.

Keep on posting more, I'd love to see what you have.

Brilliant work ....

your setup looks so realistic, and brings back fond memories of reading the Sharpe books .... and seeing the TV series.

Keep on posting more, I'd love to see what you have.


Cheers John. I certainly will keep posting.
Here's a terrain dio I'm working on. It's based on the terrain around Guarda in Portugal. I've had a lot of fun with it and it's ever expanding.


Hi all, been a while since I posted but here are two shots from a battle scene I've been playing around with. Peninsular war street fighting has a particular hold on my imagination after reading Sharpe's Battle on holiday in Spain some years back. I strongly recommend the book if you have not read it



Great work! Really catches the dynamics of street fighting!
Incredible Scenes. Very nice :) Are you selling the Houses on ebay actually?
Ollie your photographed diorama scenes look incredibly real. Artistic genius at work 👏
Fantastic scenes and attention to detail. Excellent figure placement too!
Thanks for the kind words, gents.

I always think building the dioramas is a lot like movie set design. I spend hours on details and mostly they are blurred away behind as the soldier becomes the focal point. But the overall effect is usually really satisfying. The soldiers are without doubt art pieces alone, but they they can really flourish when placed in a setting. There are some masters on here doing some beautiful work and it's very inspiring.

Excuse the WB cart. I recently weathered it (dry brushed it) and it really put some years on it and brought out the detail. It's essential stage dressing.

^One of my older dioramas with an even older (but glorious) figure.


Taking it to its simplest form. Just static grass and some hedging foliage behind.

Thanks for the kind words, gents.

I always think building the dioramas is a lot like movie set design. I spend hours on details and mostly they are blurred away behind as the soldier becomes the focal point. But the overall effect is usually really satisfying. The soldiers are without doubt art pieces alone, but they they can really flourish when placed in a setting. There are some masters on here doing some beautiful work and it's very inspiring.

Excuse the WB cart. I recently weathered it (dry brushed it) and it really put some years on it and brought out the detail. It's essential stage dressing.

^One of my older dioramas with an even older (but glorious) figure.


Taking it to its simplest form. Just static grass and some hedging foliage behind.


Hi Ollie, you have created some beautiful and well detailed scenes.

I have considered getting back into making permanent dioramas for my 1/30 scale collection like I built way back in my plastic kit days.

However as I'm a 'perfectionist', compulsive fiddler/re-arranger would be a more accurate description. I know that any permanent diorama I purchased or built would soon become unsuitable when I wanted to change the scene. I look at the large 20mm table gaming scenes George builds with modular roads, streams, buildings etc on plain grass bases and wonder why there are so few items like that available for 60mm.

You can buy a base with road or stream suitable for 60 mm however they're fixed and can't be rearranged. I've seen a few building such as Bamboo huts etc for 1/30 scale but no streams or road you can build in sections. Hopefully one of the larger manufactures will get around to that one day, of course they may be already available, but I haven't seen any.
Hi Ollie, you have created some beautiful and well detailed scenes.

I have considered getting back into making permanent dioramas for my 1/30 scale collection like I built way back in my plastic kit days.

However as I'm a 'perfectionist', compulsive fiddler/re-arranger would be a more accurate description. I know that any permanent diorama I purchased or built would soon become unsuitable when I wanted to change the scene. I look at the large 20mm table gaming scenes George builds with modular roads, streams, buildings etc on plain grass bases and wonder why there are so few items like that available for 60mm.

You can buy a base with road or stream suitable for 60 mm however they're fixed and can't be rearranged. I've seen a few building such as Bamboo huts etc for 1/30 scale but no streams or road you can build in sections. Hopefully one of the larger manufactures will get around to that one day, of course they may be already available, but I haven't seen any.

I can totally relate, and I'm working on exactly what you have described, scenes which can be redressed creating a fresh view. It's a work in progress and a long journey, too. But fun. Modular scenery is definitely a domain of war gamers. I think most toysoldier collectors like solid pieces becuase they can be more realistic. And maybe it's a question of scale too? In 1/30 a river with lots of curves might be meters long.
I hope you do get back to Diorama making!


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