NBA basketball...................... (3 Viewers)

Groveling to the Chinese and begging forgiveness while players and coaches relentlessly criticize the US is just another reason to dislike the NBA. Imagine an owner groveling when his GM and his family are being threatened. The GM should stick to his guns. All that high and mighty talk of organizations like the NBA and NFL about taking the high moral ground is hypocrisy. It is all about the money and public relations. You would be hard pressed to find any developed country that has the human rights abuses of China. But almost no one in business or politics will criticize them because of the enormous amounts of money that they control. But coaches that go on rants about the US get a free pass. There is no NBA apology or suggestion in those instances that the NBA is "not a political organization."

As the saying goes, money talks and BS walks. It's amazing when you have to backtrack when people are fighting for certain rights. Ultimately, it’s not going to end well because they live in a dictatorship. I’ve discussed this with my sister quite a bit; she lived there for almost 20 years and two of her children were born there and the economy is in poor shape. Many of the violent protesters are suffering and feel that they have nothing to lose and don’t care what happens. They are prepared to die. It’s an incendiary situation, to say the least.
As the saying goes, money talks and BS walks. It's amazing when you have to backtrack when people are fighting for certain rights. Ultimately, it’s not going to end well because they live in a dictatorship. I’ve discussed this with my sister quite a bit; she lived there for almost 20 years and two of her children were born there and the economy is in poor shape. Many of the violent protesters are suffering and feel that they have nothing to lose and don’t care what happens. They are prepared to die. It’s an incendiary situation, to say the least.

I'm generally against politics in sports but the NBA and NFL have allowed players and coaches to engage in political discussions in their roles as employees when it suits their public relations. They have even promoted it in some instances. But now suddenly the NBA is not a political organization and frowns upon criticism of China (of all governments)! It is surreal and disgusting. I bet guys like LeBron and other super stars with all their merchandise from big dollar endorsements coming out of China will not utter a peep about this one. No fancy t-shirt slogans or post game tirades against China. Nike won't get involved like they did with that silly Betsy Ross shoe issue.
If the NBA had any guts, they could cancel those ridiculous preseason games in China. The Chinese have already said they will not air them on TV so what's the point. But Adam "the alien" Silver is still groveling: he "regrets" how so many Chinese people and NBA fans were upset by the now-deleted tweet. LOL. Is there a single NBA that gives a rat's behind about China? What a pathetic, lying coward for money.
In other depressing news, the NBA continues to allow China to humiliate them. Banning the games from being televised, limiting press access etc. Yet the NBA continues to grovel for forgiveness. And where are Kerr and Popovich who feel free to pontificate about all things wrong with the US? What hypocrisy. They should be ashamed. The only positive thing about this is that it exposes them as complete phonies and blowhards.
I am a big Steph Curry fan but his response to this debacle has been nothing short of cowardly.
The Lakers are really rolling. I haven't seen many games but apparently Dwight Howard is working out. Much to my surprise. If they stay healthy, this might be the year. The Lakers have mortgaged their future on a win now strategy and so far so good.
it's good to see the Lakers and the Celtics doing good together...
I really miss the Bird/Magic rivalry...
good game tonight...
on 7PM Central TNT...
Bucks & Lakers...
best records in the East & West...
possible Finals preview...
AD questionable to play for Lakers...
good game tonight...
on 7PM Central TNT...
Bucks & Lakers...
best records in the East & West...
possible Finals preview...
AD questionable to play for Lakers...

The Lakers are rolling but not the same team without AD. He has been a man among boys. I was a bit dubious of that trade considering the value they gave up but he is an MVP candidate. About the only positive this year in the LA sports scene.
I think he will play tonight...he has been upgraded to questionable...
both of these teams could be in the Finals...
I'm gonna watch it tonight...
and hope AD is playing...
I think he will play tonight...he has been upgraded to questionable...
both of these teams could be in the Finals...
I'm gonna watch it tonight...
and hope AD is playing...

I'm clueless about the Bucks having not seen them play since Kareem and the Big O were on the court but their record looks impressive. I watched the Lakers/Pacers game the other night and was shocked at the lack of D. Both teams just scored back and forth often on uncontested dunks. The players have become so good there is almost no way to stop them. Big, fast, and able to knock down three pointers from ten feet beyond the three point line with a defender in their face. LeBron is as big as an NFL linebacker and he seems to play the point guard position much of the time. Unreal.
Watched the Lakers last night to see the Kobe tribute. I haven't seen many Laker games this season because they start so late etc. Man do they play awful defense. As in zero. I can't see them winning the championship playing like that. Granted AD is a man among boys but LeBron is well past his prime and I have never heard of the rest of the guys on this team.
I have been watching these tributes to Kobe...honestly it's hard not to stumble on one...they seem to be on every channel and show from Jimmy Kimmel to Good Morning America to the 2020 Grammys...

while they seem to be winding down...his impact on so many people is absolutely amazing...the media seems to be giving him ultra celebrity a King or a President...

he affected a lot of lives and was taken way too early...Kobe was very successful and charismatic...I find the photos of him and his daughter extremely touching...they overwhelm me with sadness when I see their relationship captured in photos...the love they shared...the smiles on each other's face as they talked...

Kobe had been likened as a role model by many...even though he had a very tarnished image on a sexual assault case that never went to trial...but was resolved in a civil suit...

I do like the tributes...I was a Kobe fan...the ones that really grab me...are the ones of him and his daughter...I am really amazed at the public's response to this horrific tragedy...I suppose he deserved their admiration and loyalty...

the tragic end of an era...
Watched the Lakers-Celtics game yesterday which was pretty entertaining aside from the awful officiating. It seems like the NBA players of today are simply too big, strong, and talented to be defended. Guys are scoring at will or drilling three pointers left and right. The NBA needs to do something like making the court bigger and moving the three point line back. If they wanted to get radical, how about letting a 6th player in the game on the defensive end? An extra player who could only stay in the backcourt? Currently there is almost no defense being played. It's all shooting and fouls.
Watched the Lakers-Celtics game yesterday which was pretty entertaining aside from the awful officiating."

I actually forgot the game was on, caught the last few minutes.

That officiating was beyond embarrassing.

I agree with you; the players are too big and fast and the game moves at such a high speed, these nitwit officials are clueless.

Minus Walker and the Celtics gave the Lakers all they could handle.

Bucks/Lakers should be a great final, I can't see any other match up; basketball like no other sport is predetermined and if it's not, the officials will make it a certainty.

Watched the Lakers-Celtics game yesterday which was pretty entertaining aside from the awful officiating."

I actually forgot the game was on, caught the last few minutes.

That officiating was beyond embarrassing.

I agree with you; the players are too big and fast and the game moves at such a high speed, these nitwit officials are clueless.

Minus Walker and the Celtics gave the Lakers all they could handle.

Bucks/Lakers should be a great final, I can't see any other match up; basketball like no other sport is predetermined and if it's not, the officials will make it a certainty.

Great post that perfectly describes the NBA.

The league itself is suffering a massive drop in viewership and most of that is due to the predicability George points out. The other problem is the huge gap between the have’s and have nots. Most teams do not have a shot at a title and more often than not, teams like that are playing each other night in and night out.

No disrespect intended but who wants to watch Phoenix vs. Charlotte on a Wedsnrday night? Even if you are a fan of one of those teams you know that you have no shot at a championship and most if not all franchise players want to be playing some place else.
Toronto has 42 wins. Only two behind the Lakers and more than the Clippers and Celts. In fact, the most of any team in the NBA except the Lakers and Bucks. Pretty impressive given that they lost their best player. I figured they would be at the bottom.
I have been watching these tributes to Kobe...honestly it's hard not to stumble on one...they seem to be on every channel and show from Jimmy Kimmel to Good Morning America to the 2020 Grammys...

while they seem to be winding down...his impact on so many people is absolutely amazing...the media seems to be giving him ultra celebrity a King or a President...

he affected a lot of lives and was taken way too early...Kobe was very successful and charismatic...I find the photos of him and his daughter extremely touching...they overwhelm me with sadness when I see their relationship captured in photos...the love they shared...the smiles on each other's face as they talked...

Kobe had been likened as a role model by many...even though he had a very tarnished image on a sexual assault case that never went to trial...but was resolved in a civil suit...

I do like the tributes...I was a Kobe fan...the ones that really grab me...are the ones of him and his daughter...I am really amazed at the public's response to this horrific tragedy...I suppose he deserved their admiration and loyalty...

the tragic end of an era...

Personally IMO he deserves every bit of accolade, his story is amazing from the get go and his give back was quietly incredible. When he was on the Court, he adored the spotlight and his ego was huge, after the career and his charity was quiet but huge, you never knew a lot about what he did/done/doing as he did it I believe truly because he could and wanted to.

Regarding the sexual assault, I remember that case very well b/c a Laker fan, it was potentially devastating. That said, I think the only thing he was ever guilty of was being an adulterer, an idiot, a cad and an egomaniac. Once the truth came out about that particular female in deposition and investigation, she had an awful history, personality, record, etc. My opinion has always been that he settled in civil court more because of his own embarrassment, he embarrassed his wife and I believe he felt he needed to "pay" in some way. I also think he felt sorry for the woman b/c of in the end what he put her through in public scrutiny regardless of her motives. The part that irritates me now is that every press article tries to rewrite the history of that case and basically say he is a rapist. I just don't believe that to be true and the facts agree with me. Can you imagine if that happened during this ME TOO era? They would have crucified him without evidence as every "case" now the press finds you Guilty ahead of time.

Let's also compare that case to Ray Lewis - Ray Lewis blatantly lied to the police regarding a murder he witness and was present for. Do I think he killed anyone, NO, but he knew who did and knew that he was present, he has to live with that. Why he lied has never been explained and why he had blood on his now missing white coat? Who knows the true answer to that.



I'm a Laker's fan...and a Bryant I'm a little biased in my opinion...
but I agree with you on the sexual assault charge...
the girl's story was hugely discredited...
and adultery...not rape...was my conclusion on his misdeeds......

his death really touched a lot of people...
the farewell for him and his daughter Gigi...was surreal by any standards...
both in volume of attendance and the celebrity/sports personas that attended...

here are some crazy stats I heard on Kobe's farewell memorial...

there were over 37,000 roses on display...
that's a lot of roses!
tickets to attend were going for $24.02 or in some cases two for $224 or $224 each...
the date chosen for the memorial Feb. 24th...or 2/24/20...was a combination of his daughters jersey #...his jersey #
80,000 people applied for tickets...

makes me wonder how many people will attend my funeral...
I think we could mine in my garage...^&grin
with room to spare...
Great post that perfectly describes the NBA.

The league itself is suffering a massive drop in viewership and most of that is due to the predicability George points out. The other problem is the huge gap between the have’s and have nots. Most teams do not have a shot at a title and more often than not, teams like that are playing each other night in and night out.

No disrespect intended but who wants to watch Phoenix vs. Charlotte on a Wedsnrday night? Even if you are a fan of one of those teams you know that you have no shot at a championship and most if not all franchise players want to be playing some place else.

Yeah, the NBA is comically predictable.

Once LeBron colluded with Davis and rigged things so he'd land in LA, the Lakers were shoe ins for the finals, just a complete and utter joke, this is the second super team he built by colluding, yet no one says a word about it.

In the East, the Bucks are steamrolling to the finals, but then again, they were last year too until the Argonauts/Blue Jays/Maple Leafs beat them in the Eastern Conference Finals and went on to win the title thanks to Durant blowing out his achilles, Thompson was hurt too if I am not mistaken, I really can't remember as I barely watched any of the finals.

Regardless of who ends up there from the East, the title is predetermined, watch how LeBron lowers his shoulder, sticks the basketball under his arm, bowls players over on the way to the hoop and draws the foul, or how Davis mugs players in the low post, climbing over players backs with no call, the NBA wants a title in LA, so it is written, so it will be...…………………...

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