NCAA Football 2024 (1 Viewer)

Learned a lot about college football tonight watching the Georgia/Texas game.

Never knew after a really bad call, your fans can pelt the field with bottles, NOT get a penalty for it and give the refs 10 minutes to overturn a NON reviewable call.

Also, when you score a TD with neither knee touching the ground, the refs will still say it's not a TD.

Lastly, when you get tackled out of bounds but never touch the ground and get to the line to gain for the first down, you still don't get the call.

And wowza, the QB for Texas blows; Manning can't beat that stiff out? How the Christ were they undefeated prior to tonight?

All the sad sack long faces in the crowd; they do know it's a 12 team field this year and your team is now 6-1 and has 5 tomato cans lined up still to play; no worries, last time I checked, 11-1 gets you in.

Texas' blowout wins against Michigan and Oklahoma don't look as impressive now. Both those teams are tanking fast and will be unranked after the weekend. When you take those off the board, Texas has wins against teams like UL Monroe and something called UTSA. The only ranked team left on their schedule is Texas A&M. They somehow don't play Bama, TN, or LSU.
Texas' blowout wins against Michigan and Oklahoma don't look as impressive now. Both those teams are tanking fast and will be unranked after the weekend. When you take those off the board, Texas has wins against teams like UL Monroe and something called UTSA. The only ranked team left on their schedule is Texas A&M. They somehow don't play Bama, TN, or LSU.
Ok guys enough of the Texas bash. Long season to go. Ewers looked awful had a bad night and not the same since his injury. Do they have elite players, yes and a lot of them. Can they be there in the end yes will they, never know college football changes on a dime. There is a lot of inconsistency with the top teams week to week. The playoffs will be interesting for sure. Is Texas dead? No and imo Manning will be the starter before the year is out. Many a top rank team has lost, imo it is the worst position to be in during the season bc every team plays you like it’s the championship. End of day tough loss but I am sure Bevo and team will be back.

Hook ‘em!
Texas lost, Georgia was the better team last night.

That is completely secondary to the acts of the fans throwing bottles onto the field after a controversial call.

What an absolutely shameful and pathetic act.

Georgia played a great game and UT fought back, both teams are worthy playoff teams.

UT students proved that while a team might have a championship pedigree, drunken fans deserve a loss.
Even the most egregious call doesn’t deserve that. In one way the refs need to know they blew it, that said that was not classy and uncalled for. I think UT played admirably in the second half, they didn’t quit.
Ok guys enough of the Texas bash. Long season to go. Ewers looked awful had a bad night and not the same since his injury. Do they have elite players, yes and a lot of them. Can they be there in the end yes will they, never know college football changes on a dime. There is a lot of inconsistency with the top teams week to week. The playoffs will be interesting for sure. Is Texas dead? No and imo Manning will be the starter before the year is out. Many a top rank team has lost, imo it is the worst position to be in during the season bc every team plays you like it’s the championship. End of day tough loss but I am sure Bevo and team will be back.

Hook ‘em!
Texas has a great team and they have as good a chance as anyone. It's hard to tell, though, exactly how good they are now that Michigan and Oklahoma have been exposed as unranked teams. It's possible that Georgia may be the only ranked team Texas plays in the regular season. That's hard to believe given that they are in the SEC. I do love seeing "Eight win" Sark stare at that Denny's menu that he grips like a security blanket when things go south. Whatever the question is, the answer is apparently not written there.
Texas has a great team and they have as good a chance as anyone. It's hard to tell, though, exactly how good they are now that Michigan and Oklahoma have been exposed as unranked teams. It's possible that Georgia may be the only ranked team Texas plays in the regular season. That's hard to believe given that they are in the SEC. I do love seeing "Eight win" Sark stare at that Denny's menu that he grips like a security blanket when things go south. Whatever the question is, the answer is apparently not written there.
I think like any team when things started going wrong in that first half the question is always how bad is this going to get. Well it was a cascade of errors they could just not fix.

I did read the SEC stmt on thr officiating. They rightfully condemned the unsportsmanlike behavior but I did find it interesting that they also chastised the offiicals fairly strongly which is unusual. I really wish these conferences would hold these officials accountable. They need to be let go for poor performance. There are way too many blatant errors by officials. It has gone beyond the human error benchmark. They need to be benched. I didn't see this game live as I was at the Rock Hall of Fame induction ceremony but I watched the early morning replay that analyze the calll 40 ways to sunday and it was egregious and that was not only my opinion but every analyst as well. The only person who played dumb about it was Kirby Smart and it doesn't take a genius to figure him out. If it had gone the other way, he would still be talking about it!
I think like any team when things started going wrong in that first half the question is always how bad is this going to get. Well it was a cascade of errors they could just not fix.

I did read the SEC stmt on thr officiating. They rightfully condemned the unsportsmanlike behavior but I did find it interesting that they also chastised the offiicals fairly strongly which is unusual. I really wish these conferences would hold these officials accountable. They need to be let go for poor performance. There are way too many blatant errors by officials. It has gone beyond the human error benchmark. They need to be benched. I didn't see this game live as I was at the Rock Hall of Fame induction ceremony but I watched the early morning replay that analyze the calll 40 ways to sunday and it was egregious and that was not only my opinion but every analyst as well. The only person who played dumb about it was Kirby Smart and it doesn't take a genius to figure him out. If it had gone the other way, he would still be talking about it!
SEC also said they will further review the unsportsmanlike conduct of the fans for throwing water bottles onto the field, probably meaning a fine to the program. The initial call was terrible, but was reversed and ultimately had no bearing on the outcome of the game.
Texas' blowout wins against Michigan and Oklahoma don't look as impressive now. Both those teams are tanking fast and will be unranked after the weekend. When you take those off the board, Texas has wins against teams like UL Monroe and something called UTSA. The only ranked team left on their schedule is Texas A&M. They somehow don't play Bama, TN, or LSU.
But they play Kentucky! :rolleyes:
SEC also said they will further review the unsportsmanlike conduct of the fans for throwing water bottles onto the field, probably meaning a fine to the program. The initial call was terrible, but was reversed and ultimately had no bearing on the outcome of the game.
I don't disagree that the fans behavior was awful, it has happened before and it will happen again, still just not a good look. I know I am railing on the officials, but with modern technology, their errors are either embarrassing or on purpose. It is just getting ridiculous and part of what you saw is the frustration being voiced in a very unclassy way. I am actually surprised at times we don't see more of this anger. It is not right, I am not condoning it in any way. That said, name one week where there is not an egregious penalty that does affect the game. IMO, Texas was just not destined to win this one, you have games like that so ultimately the call didn't matter, but on the other hand, the delay, the controversial ruling, the tension caused, it does affect games IMO. Human error is one thing, but we now have technology that can review just about anything, you know this call was that awful when in the same statement the SEC is condemning fan behavior, they chastise the call. My question is why is that call happening in the first place. 105,000 people live all saw it the same way plus the millions of viewers, yet 1 official is that stupid? It borders on impossibility.

I don't disagree that the fans behavior was awful, it has happened before and it will happen again, still just not a good look. I know I am railing on the officials, but with modern technology, their errors are either embarrassing or on purpose. It is just getting ridiculous and part of what you saw is the frustration being voiced in a very unclassy way. I am actually surprised at times we don't see more of this anger. It is not right, I am not condoning it in any way. That said, name one week where there is not an egregious penalty that does affect the game. IMO, Texas was just not destined to win this one, you have games like that so ultimately the call didn't matter, but on the other hand, the delay, the controversial ruling, the tension caused, it does affect games IMO. Human error is one thing, but we now have technology that can review just about anything, you know this call was that awful when in the same statement the SEC is condemning fan behavior, they chastise the call. My question is why is that call happening in the first place. 105,000 people live all saw it the same way plus the millions of viewers, yet 1 official is that stupid? It borders on impossibility.

What gets me with the officials is when they are looking right at a play and throw a flag but then pick up the flag without any explanation. If you call PI or holding while looking right at it, what could possibly change your mind to pick the flag up? Nothing new has happened. If you called it, stick with the call.
Texas fined 250K by the SEC. Have to do something, so I can't say I disagree with this as to try and dissuade future behavior. What I did find interesting is "Texas must use all means possible to identify the perpetrators". Ok, so you are going to go after the 18 to 22 year olds who are most likely the culprits who are definitely guilty, but who are probably for the most part normal people caught up in the atmosphere, etc. I believe in very black and white punishment but not sure in this case banning them for the rest of the season is the right call. Let me remind everyone that Texas tried to suspend anti Semitic protestors for IMO far more egregious acts and look how far that went, Travis County prosecutor rushed to their defense about their "right" to an education, do you think these rabble rousers will receive the same defense :)? End of day, the whole game was an embarassment to put behind you.
Texas can shrug off the $250K penalty but will care more about the SEC threat to continued alcohol sales. I wonder how much Vanderbilt was fined after carrying off the goal posts after beating Alabama.
What gets me with the officials is when they are looking right at a play and throw a flag but then pick up the flag without any explanation. If you call PI or holding while looking right at it, what could possibly change your mind to pick the flag up? Nothing new has happened. If you called it, stick with the call.
Stick with a call that's obviously in error? Why not correct a mistake that could be a game changer?
Stick with a call that's obviously in error? Why not correct a mistake that could be a game changer?
I think he is talking about the ones that are obviously correct, then they pick up the flag. The worst ones ever are the blatant holding calls (whether at the line or defensive holding in secondary). I swear, I have seen more of both picked up this year then ever before and usually they are game changing moments. Even worse are the blatant ones with NO flag! Not to speak for Doug, but I took it as they pick it up when obvious foul.

That said, they should pick them up when in error and they should always explain it. Transparency always wins the day.

ON another note, the SEC statement reminds me a lot of a righteous NFL Goodell statement. I am happy Texas is in the SEC for a lot of reasons and they obviously over the last years can compete (just look at pre SEC Alabama games when Bama was best in the land). That said, with the SEC having so much power now, they remind me of the NFL. Parts of me want Texas to tell them to go pound sand, they will enforce penalties in their own way and own manner, they apologized first and foremost immediately, etc etc. But as usual, all about the money, holder of the money has a whole lot of power! Again, as I said before, no condonement, but I am sure knowing Texas for the last 3 years intimately, they do have a high standard and they enforce it on the student body as a whole. There are a lot of rules there.
Stick with a call that's obviously in error? Why not correct a mistake that could be a game changer?
I guess I'm not sure how it is an obvious error. If the ref is looking straight at it and throws the flag, and nothing else happens, what influences them to change their minds? Did they get wiser or have better eyesight after throwing the flag? Many PI and holding calls are subjective to begin with. You could call them on every single play. If the ref calls it and there is nothing else brought to their attention - like the ball being tipped - the ref has no apparent reason to change the call. I can't understand how it is PI one second and then not.
A study once concluded penalties were called more often by far against visiting teams in college basketball than the home team. Part of the "home court advantage" I guess.
Texas Vandy ended up being a game Texas will probably want to forget even though they won. Story of the game - Quin Ewers.................he needs to be moved out of the starting position and they need to go all in on Arch Manning. Too many mistakes (interceptions) as well as sacks where he could have easily thrown the ball away. The only way Vandy scored was his miscues. Ridiculous performance. Also, the score should have been 34 to 20 final, but the Int for touchdown was negated by a targeting penalty...........I will reserve comment on this as I hate that call, but once again, the SEC has controversial calls in a number of games. Who is grading these officials? bet you don't get any statement from the SEC this week, there was no Bottlegate.

General comment on college football this year, lot of sloppy play, starting to wonder if the portal is also responsible for this, teams are losing consistency and no matter how good new players are, they are new.

Nother comment - anyone watching Miami FSU. I remember now why I hate Miami. I am sorry, but no class to go for a 2pt conversion when you are winning by 22 points. I don't care what the stats say, there is no time left and you are doing that late in the 4th, even the announcers question it. Now with 155 to go, Miami calls timeout as they are trying to score again and they did, maybe they go for 2 again.............. FSU is just not a good football team, but I don't believe in running it up. It happens a lot as coaches either do it because they are jerks, or because of the polls. Honestly Miami will be in the playoff at this point, style points are not going to help them. IMO, they will get beat by a much better football team from either the SEC or the Big 10, the ACC teams are not in the same class anymore.

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