New Conte Zulus (1 Viewer)

A tease........The Lt.

Sweet! Love the new poses. I think this will certainly renew the interest in the theme. Love that Durnford pose there. Great stuff, thanks for posting.
Samurai is Japaneese for service. I was once kilted Samurai. Domo arigato!You are very welcome
That hat looks like one my grandmother used to wear, no the figure wasn't modeled after my grandmother, she only had sideburns, not a beard.
Joe bring on the massive zulu attack!!!! Throw all your zulus into the battle, go for broke!!!! let those british know that if you mess with the bull you get the horns!!!!:eek::cool::p

Tim here's another tease.....The Lt.

Seems like Colour-Sergeant Bournes got his hands full sure could use some help from what's headed our way from RC and hope it's not to late for the good Colour-Sergeant....The Lt.

Looks to be a good year for the Zulu War collectors. I am looking forward to the Col. Durnford figure and the Melvill "Saving the Colour" figures in particular. I hope the Britains ZW figures match the Conte figures in size.
Seems like Colour-Sergeant Bournes got his hands full sure could use some help from what's headed our way from RC and hope it's not to late for the good Colour-Sergeant....The Lt.


That's a great shot, that is my favorite Conte 24th fig.:)
Looks to be a good year for the Zulu War collectors. I am looking forward to the Col. Durnford figure and the Melvill "Saving the Colour" figures in particular. I hope the Britains ZW figures match the Conte figures in size.

Breaker here's a couple of photos featuring Conte's Lt. Bromhead from his Hero's of The Drift Set and one showing one of his plastic figures featured with WBritains Glossy figures of Colour-Sergeant Bourne & company. They seem to blend in quite well.......The Lt.


Modall's have no fear Colour-Sergeant can hold his own......The Lt.

Great shots LT. Love the charging Impi and the colour sgt fellow!
looking forward to the conte and Britians releases.Hopefully I'll have my lair finished so we can do the drift next month and I can use me new picture shooter.

Have you done any conversions to your conte plastic ZULUS?
I should at least try some.

Hi Fub hope your lair gets finished as planned loooking forward to what will be headed our way now that you've got a brand new spanking camera. Hope your set to use photobucket. I haven't converted any of my Plastic Zulu figures other than swapping spears and clubs it's something I've considered but need to finish up a bunch I'm painting on. Looks like we got a good year in front of us with what's headed our war on the Zulu War. Take care and hussle up and and finish your lair can't wait to see what you've got in store for us....The Lt.
LT. Yes, the new stuf is looking REALLY good.In particular I like the Britains sets as there are enough good poses , duplicate sets for a squad or 2 of British. All the vingnette from both Conte and Britians are worthy .Even the gloss .I'm not a gloss collector at all but I see some rebasing, terraining and a shot of Matte finish instore for some of those.I can hear gloss collectors squeeling !
Too bad none will be available by January22.
I hope to have the lair reasonably done by then, and Rourkes drift will be a good display to break in the place.Maybe I'll finish a few of those Hinchcliffe Zulus gathering dust before hand.I have some display cabinets to build { 18 feet worth, dont know how tall I want to make them yet.}but those can wait for a while.I'll post pix under toy soldier discussion soon.
I was looking for a long time for the conte Kieth rocco sets. No luck. Even at OTSN.
LT. Yes, the new stuf is looking REALLY good.In particular I like the Britains sets as there are enough good poses , duplicate sets for a squad or 2 of British. All the vingnette from both Conte and Britians are worthy .Even the gloss .I'm not a gloss collector at all but I see some rebasing, terraining and a shot of Matte finish instore for some of those.I can hear gloss collectors squeeling !
Too bad none will be available by January22.
I hope to have the lair reasonably done by then, and Rourkes drift will be a good display to break in the place.Maybe I'll finish a few of those Hinchcliffe Zulus gathering dust before hand.I have some display cabinets to build { 18 feet worth, dont know how tall I want to make them yet.}but those can wait for a while.I'll post pix under toy soldier discussion soon.
I was looking for a long time for the conte Kieth rocco sets. No luck. Even at OTSN.

Hi FUB meant to respond to this early. I find nothing wrong with with refinishing gloss figures in a matte finish but like you said some others would have heart failure. When you've caught up and can fine the time You'll enjoy painting the Hinchliffe Zulus. As for the Keith Rocco Sets I've caught a set or two on e-bay had I known at the time I would have given you a shout but I'll keep my eyes posted from now on. Hope your on target for completing your planned projects, can't wait to see what you have in store for us. Take care....The Lt.
If someone doesn't ruin the collectibility of some of the sets, the others aren't AS collectible.

The Hinchcliffe Zulu War figures are really nice figures. I recall a diorama that someone did of Isandlawana, of the famous painting of the 24th Foot about to be overrun. The guy used a couple of hundred or more figures and the thing was just beautifully done. You could just stare at the thing for hours. It was a photo article in a British modelling magazine from back in the late 70s and the Hinchcliffe figures were brand new, at the time. Maybe someone here knows of it and can link to photos on the web?

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