New EA sets-who got them? (4 Viewers)

I think the verdict is that they did not wear them, at least originally anyway.
Njja said:

I agree WTC disaster has no place in this discussion.

I was however enjoying the discussion of the arm patches. What was the

final verdict?

I just called Bill Guarnere again to make sure, they did not wear them on D Day. Sorry to intrude on your EA discussion..........Alex
Combat said:
Just watching "The Longest Day" and it seems to depict both the 101 and 82 as having the flag on the right. Of course that does not mean anything, but interesting to note.
The Longest Day was mostly 82nd, but you are right there are a few 101st guys with flags, but it is incorrect. I hate to continue to interfere with your EA discussion but everyone seems to be having fun with this. Keep the attacks coming. I am dug in ready for battle, and it seems I have a few allies........................Alex
Njja said:

I agree WTC disaster has no place in this discussion.

I was however enjoying the discussion of the arm patches. What was the

final verdict?


Everybody agrees that there were no patches (US Flag).

Best regards,
Just like un necessary blood bath...everyone enjoy the EA forum.
I think the Gov't should get involved, some kind of a recall is in order!

PS Andy should send out one of those triple fold recall notices, we should immideatly return these figure to our local autherized dealer for repair or replacement!
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When someone in the loop brings up a point every one has a nice discussion about it (How heavy the Panther is etc.) But I see now, if you are not an in guy then you are subject to attack. Well I won the battle I am absolutely right and you guys are wrong. Maybe it is that Fire Department training and the pride of doing your job right, whether it is commanding a fire or making a correct figure. The flag is not of great concern here, it is the attack on my principles. Got to go to work with the my real Brothers. I will see what other insults you guys can come up with when I return
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I find your remarks rather puzzling. This is a forum for exchanging ideas and opinion, making friends and so forth, not sowing the seeds of conflict. This is not a battle here. We're not here to fight with others. After we all looked at the point you made, we all agreed with you but I don't see that it's a question of victory with winners and losers. It's a question of getting facts correct and I'm sure we're all glad that this was done. I don't see how you were attacked at all, except for your equating what you do with toy soldiers; one is real life and one is a hobby. I don't know what you mean by your real brothers. Many people here are my friends, brothers hardly. I also don't see you were personally attacked. However, it was you who started this little contretemps yesterday in an Eighth Army thread.

I believe your beef is with the head of King and Country, Mr. Neilson. He routinely monitors this board (although he's been busy setting up his new store in Texas) and if you send him an email or a private message I'm sure he'll respond.

Hoping we move on to bigger and better things in a friendlier and more amicable spirit.
noli-poli said:
The flag patch from what I understand is sewn to the right sleeve. This photo shows only the left sleeve


You are correct they were to be on the right, but the US flag patchs were not given to the 101st. The 82th got what they had because they were the First US Airborne Div. The 101 was formed out of the 82th.

My wife's father was in the 101 Airborne 502 Easy Company from start to finish. He made it home it. The war was hard on him he's not with us now. I wish I could have know him better he just would not let it out.
Chuck Harris said:

You are correct they were to be on the right, but the US flag patchs were not given to the 101st. The 82th got what they had because they were the First US Airborne Div. The 101 was formed out of the 82th.

My wife's father was in the 101 Airborne 502 Easy Company from start to finish. He made it home it. The war was hard on him he's not with us now. I wish I could have know him better he just would not let it out.

Permission to come on board sir!

Hey Chuck, first a foremost a big hand salute to all the fighting men of the U.S. Armed Forces now serving and who once served to protect the freedom that we now cherish.

Thanks for the heads-up on the flag patch. Actually, the 82nd is my favorite outfit. I have all of the K&C airborne figures. And to make them all belong to the same unit, I covered the 101st patch with 82nd's using 1/32 Archer Decals. Should I decide to sell these in the future, I'll simply soak the decal into the water and off it goes, back to its K&C original state

jazzeum said:
I find your remarks rather puzzling. This is a forum for exchanging ideas and opinion, making friends and so forth, not sowing the seeds of conflict. This is not a battle here. We're not here to fight with others. After we all looked at the point you made, we all agreed with you but I don't see that it's a question of victory with winners and losers. It's a question of getting facts correct and I'm sure we're all glad that this was done. I don't see how you were attacked at all, except for your equating what you do with toy soldiers; one is real life and one is a hobby. I don't know what you mean by your real brothers. Many people here are my friends, brothers hardly. I also don't see you were personally attacked. However, it was you who started this little contretemps yesterday in an Eighth Army thread.

I believe your beef is with the head of King and Country, Mr. Neilson. He routinely monitors this board (although he's been busy setting up his new store in Texas) and if you send him an email or a private message I'm sure he'll respond.

Hoping we move on to bigger and better things in a friendlier and more amicable spirit.
No my beef is with you guys, its ok if you discuss Panther weight, tread detail, subdued vs. bright colors, rounded body design, someone is always going to speak to Andy about something or another. About what.... "accuracy" that is what we all want. But be someone who is out of the inner circle, and mention a small detail like a flag, and all of the in boys are in an uproar. You guys are only Brothers if it suits you. Start a new thread Noobie bashing, so these guys can get on with their discussion their EA's....I love this stuff......surrounded, but on good ground............. and on the side of right...... Keep it coming
You appear to have a misguided view of things here. There is no inner circle here (I've only been collecting for about two years) and any discussion on any matter is always welcome. This is not a war and I've got news for you this is not a band of brothers. I don't think most people view everything as an us against them mentality. On the side of right? Get a grip. On the issues of freedom, rights, poverty those are issues on which you can talk about being on the side of right. Historical accuracy, please. Very sad.
Yes, this is truly sad.


we are not here to attack or harrass you, but to talk "toy soldiers" (or military miniatures, if you prefer that). I understand that you like historical accuracy, but everyone can make a mistake. If you still think that these figures don't fit your standard, don't buy them (or just do it like N-P).

We're not brothers either, just good friends who share the same interest.
Concerning the 9/11 part, it just doesn't fit here. If we want to discuss here, let's stick to the point. Politics, etc. don't belong here, because it could tear apart this forum into several groups. We are bound by our mutual interests, not our political preferences or points of view on situations in the world...

Also, we are not planning on kicking you out of here. I find this forum quite open minded. Yes, some people can push through their view, but there's a great "freedom of speech" here. (if you keep it decent...)

Anyway, you proved your right, so now we can discuss the new EA stuff again.

Have a nice day,


BTW, John: it's been a while. Glad to see you back here...
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Firebat said:
No my beef is with you guys, its ok if you discuss Panther weight, tread detail, subdued vs. bright colors, rounded body design, someone is always going to speak to Andy about something or another. About what.... "accuracy" that is what we all want. But be someone who is out of the inner circle, and mention a small detail like a flag, and all of the in boys are in an uproar. You guys are only Brothers if it suits you. Start a new thread Noobie bashing, so these guys can get on with their discussion their EA's....I love this stuff......surrounded, but on good ground............. and on the side of right...... Keep it coming

Jeez, I was going to stay out of this, but I gotta speak my mind. I read through this thread three times and here is what I came up with:
1) Aside from an initial misunderstanding, everyone agrees that you were correct about the flag patch. No one disputes that. There were no attacks or insults thrown at you. Who told you that you'd be banned from the forum anyway? You're not the first to be forthright with opinions/observations (positive and negative) about K&C and you won't be the last. We agree to disagree around here. What one decides to do afterward is a choice. You're choosing to go Bastogne on us and dig in for a siege. We know you are correct. No 88's will be firing on you friend.
2) Being a fellow 101st Airborne enthusiast, I want accuracy with the respective figures. (Shame on me for not noticing. :eek: ) I'm sure things will be rectified in the future. You are in a life and death business. If a detail is overlooked, people can die. No one can die from a toy soldier being inaccurately painted. The principle may be the same, but the comparision is woefully uneven. I know that you don't mean to imply that an accurately painted toy soldier is as important as your serious and dangerous profession. But that is how it can be read. Now if it were a Union Jack that was painted on an American uniform, that would be cause for concern. :) Speaking of 101st errors, there is a basic one in "Saving Private Ryan" that irks me. Point is, sometimes things get over-looked. You'd think that a Spielberg/Hanks production would get it right, but hey, it isn't a deal-breaker. They did get it right in Band of Brothers. Anyway....
3) I'm sorry that you feel that you're being victimized here. You are not being excluded or singled out. I'm a relative newbie myself so even if there was a K&C clique here, I am not a part of it. There is no newbie bashing going on. (Show me where it happened and I'll retract my claim.) Like I said, everyone is in agreement with you. There is no fight here. Can bygones be bygones?
P.S. To be on topic, my 8th Army troops should arrive today. :D
Now if it were a Union Jack that was painted on an American uniform, that would be cause for concern

Hi Justin
Well if there were Union Jacks painted on that would be amusing me being a Brit and all that! :)
red devil said:
Now if it were a Union Jack that was painted on an American uniform, that would be cause for concern

Hi Justin
Well if there were Union Jacks painted on that would be amusing me being a Brit and all that! :)

That it would be Red Devil, that it would be. :D
Maybe if instead of flags, there can be a :) patch for the Allies and a :mad: patch for the Axis. Think Andy would go for it? Heh heh!
indiana81 said:
That it would be Red Devil, that it would be. :D
Maybe if instead of flags, there can be a :) patch for the Allies and a :mad: patch for the Axis. Think Andy would go for it? Heh heh!
Well it could have been worse than the Union Jack - imagine if Andy or someone in his factory thought it amusing to paint a swastika on their uniforms!! Now that would have caused real uproar :)
Here we go. It's only called the Union Jack when flown at sea. On land it's the Union flag. LOL

Eazy said:
Here we go. It's only called the Union Jack when flown at sea. On land it's the Union flag. LOL


Hi Eazy,

Interesting precision.

It's funny. I only know that because somebody mentioned it on Doctor Who last saturday!

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