NEW Fw-190 (6 Viewers)


Although the email from Thomas Gunn does not mention numbers, I would assume that, based upon their prior practice, the add on sets would be limited as well.
Dear All
The factory have finally informed me that the FW190 Tropical Version will be leaving HK for the USA, UK and Australia in mid November as production will be finished on 5th November. Approximately 100 of this version have been made and as its been such a long time in the making I would ask you confirm your order with your dealer or me should you still be interested in this beautiful piece. The ETO version is available as a run of 200, however by means of an apology the factory have told me I can have as many or as few as I like! Therefore if only 50 of you order the ETO Armin Faber version we will only make 50 but if 200 of you order this version we will make 200 and no more! I have to give the factory an order by 5th November for this version so please drop me or your dealer an email, phone call, letter, telegram or message via carrier pigeon with your confirmation at your earliest convenience. I have no plans on making any more aircraft for a long long time so get this piece of history whilst it is available as once its gone its gone forever!
Thanks once again for your support.
Regards Tom

PS The new HMG Anniversary set nearly sold out here, thank you very much all of you who ordered!

Never say never mate. They do say if it was easy it would not be worth doing. Well that was probably said by someone who never did sod all but, I hope you get my meaning. Just put it on the back-burner for now and, you know there is still an big anticipation for these sets and, the forthcoming vehicles.
Meant to post this sooner but I asked Tom earlier this week if he had any photos of the finished airplane and his answer was, unfortunately, no. Apparently they will be finished by November 5 (yesterday), and he wants to look them all over before they ship. I assume he's in China but that's just an assumption. Another assumption is that it will be soon. He said he would send me studio photos when he has them so since I'm sure he's a busy man, if I get them, I will post them.
Better late than never. I am really looking forward to seeing what they look like. The early pics offered looked great and, if the rest of the stuff he releases is a template for the quality in the plane then collectors will be very happy.
Meant to post this sooner but I asked Tom earlier this week if he had any photos of the finished airplane and his answer was, unfortunately, no. Apparently they will be finished by November 5 (yesterday), and he wants to look them all over before they ship. I assume he's in China but that's just an assumption. Another assumption is that it will be soon. He said he would send me studio photos when he has them so since I'm sure he's a busy man, if I get them, I will post them.

Thanks Brad
Regards Scott
Meant to post this sooner but I asked Tom earlier this week if he had any photos of the finished airplane and his answer was, unfortunately, no. Apparently they will be finished by November 5 (yesterday), and he wants to look them all over before they ship. I assume he's in China but that's just an assumption. Another assumption is that it will be soon. He said he would send me studio photos when he has them so since I'm sure he's a busy man, if I get them, I will post them.

Hi Guys
Has anyone got the desert plane yet:confused:
Regards Scott
I don't think they're available yet. I'll follow up with Tom.
I heard back from him. The planes left for the UK last week and are due to ship to the US this week. If I read his email correctly, he anticipates them being in the hands of collectors in two or three weeks.
I heard back from him. The planes left for the UK last week and are due to ship to the US this week. If I read his email correctly, he anticipates them being in the hands of collectors in two or three weeks.

I also heard from Tom today and he said should be in the" US in 3 weeks" Ron
Will be some for view and sale at the London show so, studio photos will soon be obsolete as collectors will take pics at the show and they will all be hitting the collectors hands sooner rather than later.
Will be some for view and sale at the London show so, studio photos will soon be obsolete as collectors will take pics at the show and they will all be hitting the collectors hands sooner rather than later.

I have asked one of the forum members to post a studio picture of the FW190 in all her glory as its sadly beyond my capabilities! More pictures will be posted on the website later today under the workshop section, so keep checking. All Gunn Club members will get some unique photos later on today of this magnificent bird.
The new LG40 and crew (FJ001) has already had 40% of its allocation sold on preorder over the weekend. If you would like a sample of this very unique set then please drop me or your dealer an order as soon as possible, Christmas seems to be coming early for some is all I can say!
Regards Tom
The FW190 in all its glory
You have to say its very detailed from all the detail issues raised by some between the two makers I am very impressed with the detail on the undercarriage and, no black lines painted to acentuate detail no need IMO whe n its a detailed aircraft in the first place. May have taken some time but, everyone will be well pleased

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