New member - Pricing (1 Viewer)


May 23, 2010
I have been reading the forum for about 18 months, never joined until now, but wanted to give my opinion on a few things that seem to go round and round the forum,

Been collecting since 1998 when started with the Nelson and Modern Navy figures. I have a simple outlook, if it is too expensive you do not have to buy. There is never a straightforward answer to the question that I have seen on the forum, but K & C are a business and in the market to make money [by keeping their customers happy, of which I am one most of the time] and if they do not then they go under and no more toy soldiers.

Some of our Friends from the from the American Colonies are some time vocal on the subject but they should look at UK prices, they tend to be £ for $ price, which currently is about 33% more expensive.
Welcome to the forum Botbman good to have you aboard.One thing I've found about price increases is that its happening everywhere,fact of life I'm afraid,so I'm now very careful what I buy and I know everything I do purchase is something I really want in my collection.

All the best

Pricing is a sore point with many of us, but, as said, prices are up all across the board for everything. The problem occurs when one's hobby keeps taking a larger percentage of one's money. Hard choices are then demanded. It is a fact of life so I just buy less than I did before. It is a losing battle for many of us, but a least we don't have a VAT, yet. If that ever occurs, I'm done. -- Al
Pricing is now out of control by all the major toy soldier manufacturers and, I am amazed that everyone especially some UK collectors put up with it and put it down to acceptable good service from UK companies. Try looking at it from what they are made for and sold to dealers and, then see if you are as palatable. NMA for example were selling there products really cheaply and were giving dealers it at half price so, imagine what they are getting it made for the same with other comapnies, including the big ones.

I think the debate the last time was about the cost of design, moulds etc being really high but, its just not true look at the above costs and what it costs to get these figures done I have checked this out with chinese factories and its very low to what some believe on here. Anyone can check this out just search and enquire on the net. Also, many of the makers all use the same factories and, costs are limited to them.

The starter of this blog is also right about £ to $ in the UK and, we cannot be expected to believe that import duty goes up every month as figures are now increased every month. Its cheaper to import figures than buy in the UK. I know these dealers have to make a living but, its out of control for me and will now not buy from the UK. This is right across the board and you cannot use the maxim of you get what you pay for just look closely at the price increase to single figures in the last year about £25 approx £1600 pound pieces which are made for a fraction of that and materials which are negligable in costs.

These are some of the real issues as we sometimes miss the point about cost
I think pricing in any hobby is always going to be contentious and, as I sit here watching Bridge to far and was scanning through this forum I see pricing has raised its head and, with some issues raised by Panzeraces and others so, I thought I would reply.

What we tend to forget is that we collect and sell military collectables they are not 'toys' so, to speak though I am sure some will see them as just that but, each to their own but, essentially, they are collector display pieces and, as such will come at a premium. That my friends is sadly, a fact of life and, we have to put into consideration what our other essential expenditures are first and then see what is left for our indulgences.

What I always try to tell my friends and something which I have been able to do is enjoy what you/I have and not worry about either what you miss or, cannot afford.

Its a given that the products are going to cost less than they are sold for thats called business and, I think every collector knows that the products are going to cost a lot less to make than what they are retailed for and, from the collectors that I have dealt with and spoken with seem to be happy enough with their purchases and, that is at the core for me, about this and every other hobby as long as you are happy with your purchases and don't feel 'ripped off' then thats all that counts. I have never felt ripped off in purchasing the odd bits I collect or, I should say, what the wife buys for me as she has a keen eye for getting me bits and bobs and, I have never ever heard of a collector who has felt this way. I think that was the jist of some of these arguments (though correct me if I am incorrect).

Perhaps some of the main dealers could come on here and finally end this seemingly never ending merry-go-round.
I am happy that I started collecting 10 years ago when prices were more palatable then they are today. I have slowed down my purchases about 18 months ago with a slight pick-up in the last 6 months. Now I find myself slowing down once again... I think a continuous rise in prices will eventually drive a good percentage of people out of the hobby. Even today's prices are getting to be outrageous! When people start to refer to this time as the "Golden Age" of toy soldier collecting, I start getting worried because more often than not, it means we are nearing the end of a good thing...
I think pricing in any hobby is always going to be contentious and, as I sit here watching Bridge to far and was scanning through this forum I see pricing has raised its head and, with some issues raised by Panzeraces and others so, I thought I would reply.

What we tend to forget is that we collect and sell military collectables they are not 'toys' so, to speak though I am sure some will see them as just that but, each to their own but, essentially, they are collector display pieces and, as such will come at a premium. That my friends is sadly, a fact of life and, we have to put into consideration what our other essential expenditures are first and then see what is left for our indulgences.

What I always try to tell my friends and something which I have been able to do is enjoy what you/I have and not worry about either what you miss or, cannot afford.

Its a given that the products are going to cost less than they are sold for thats called business and, I think every collector knows that the products are going to cost a lot less to make than what they are retailed for and, from the collectors that I have dealt with and spoken with seem to be happy enough with their purchases and, that is at the core for me, about this and every other hobby as long as you are happy with your purchases and don't feel 'ripped off' then thats all that counts. I have never felt ripped off in purchasing the odd bits I collect or, I should say, what the wife buys for me as she has a keen eye for getting me bits and bobs and, I have never ever heard of a collector who has felt this way. I think that was the jist of some of these arguments (though correct me if I am incorrect).

Perhaps some of the main dealers could come on here and finally end this seemingly never ending merry-go-round.

Excellent post.I certainly have no complaints,yes it is an expensive hobby,many are today,but the quality and realism I get from K&C,and the superior service I get from K&C UK makes it well worth it in my view.Yes of course I'd like things to be cheaper but prices are high everywhere now.We all have to make our own decisions about our collecting,and sometimes its quite difficult.For me,quality of product and the best service are very important and are big drivers behind my purchasing.

I am happy that I started collecting 10 years ago when prices were more palatable then they are today. I have slowed down my purchases about 18 months ago with a slight pick-up in the last 6 months. Now I find myself slowing down once again... I think a continuous rise in prices will eventually drive a good percentage of people out of the hobby. Even today's prices are getting to be outrageous! When people start to refer to this time as the "Golden Age" of toy soldier collecting, I start getting worried because more often than not, it means we are nearing the end of a good thing...

Well it is certainly a 'Golden age' for collectors in regards to choice.K&C,Figarti,CS,FL,WB its all there for us now.

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For me, I started just short of two years. and getting most of what I have acquired, there has been some cost added to what it was originally. So the cost of the past few months into the future. Does not concern me as much. I buy What I can afford to like (plain and simple).
But what has got me a little bit uncomfortable is some limited edition that another manufacturer, has made (I HAVE TO SAY THIS AT THE START THAT KING AND COUNTRY, DOES NOT DO THIS), Where some of the pieces that are in this set, I am finding in a single package or double packaged. That was sold a year or two ago ( For me when something mentions " Limited Edition", I expect all the pieces in that set. To be limited to The 500 or 750, that they are claiming it to be). which in turn has stopped me in my tracks, in buying more from this Manufacturer, just because they are misleading.
Again, as I have stated in some other thread, That for Me. King and Country is the Best, Manufacturer out there. I have never had a problem with anything that I got From them. And That if they say " Limited edition" I know they mean it. They might have a second firing of a certain piece. But it is limited to that.
Hi Guys,

Believe it or not I wish prices were not what they are today as well BUT there are plenty of reasons to explain… why they are what they are…

So, here goes…

1. Labour & Raw Materials Costs
As China has grown and developed (by leaps and bounds) over the last ten years both of the above have seen corresponding spikes and hikes.
Now, if “PANZERACES” has already checked this out perhaps he might like to share all of those names, addresses and contact numbers with all of us manufacturers so everyone might benefit from these great new (and cheaper) factories!!!

2. More detail… more variety… better quality… higher prices
As the market has grown so also has the number of companies producing… As competition to be one better than the next company has increased so have collectors’ expectations and desires to see more and better of what is being produced.
That my friends means more complex work which takes longer to design and manufacture and costs a lot more to actually produce… and, therefore, to buy.

3. Import Duties and various other taxes
Perhaps it has escaped “PANZERACES” notice but the U.K. and the entire European Community are among the highest taxed countries in the world.
Companies that sell K&C (and other imported brands) are “gouged” by the various tax authorities throughout the E.E.C. when they import… sell… and attempt to run a small business against almost insurmountable odds.
Critics like “PANZERACES” only see what they want to see and think what they want to think… rarely do they ever have the responsibilities… woes and worries of actually running (or trying to run) a successful business.

4. A Golden Age…?
Yes, it is! Collectable toy soldiers have never, ever been cheap… Even 30 years ago when I started collecting they were far from cheap. Of course today they are more expensive… anything hand-made… hand-painted… produced in relatively minute numbers usually is.
BUT, look at the development, growth, huge variety of choice and availability and it is… STAGGERING… So another emphatic YES! It is a “Golden Age” and I and many others certainly do not believe “we are nearing the end of a good thing”. We’ve only just begun… cue for a song!

5. Tough Times Ahead…
That’s probably true as well… And so we all make choices about what we like, need or must have…
I was talking to a collector a few days ago who said this… “I buy because it cheers me up… these little soldiers have given me more pleasure and more enjoyment, dollar for dollar, than almost anything, outside of my family, I can think of”.
So, buy what you like… when or if you can afford it… and have yourself a little fun!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.

Well said. I know its an expensive hobby but, I am definately in the point five catagory and so are most of the people I come across.

Written a few articles about cost in toy soldier mags and wish people would take a breath before 'shouting' the odds.

One question which, I can understand if you do not want to answer: Will you be producing or are thinking of producing for the MG series para's on their portable scooters??

Mitch,how about something like this?




Exactly that piece. I have just got one in 1/6th which, is great and would be a valuable addition to the MG range and one many I have spoken to are asking about.

I have seen some alleged Arnhem pics which, state they were used but, I am unsure at the moment.

While I have you on have you read the following: Battle of Britain: a day-by-day chronicle by Patrick Bishop? very good account and, I know you are interested in this battle.

Exactly that piece. I have just got one in 1/6th which, is great and would be a valuable addition to the MG range and one many I have spoken to are asking about.

I have seen some alleged Arnhem pics which, state they were used but, I am unsure at the moment.

While I have you on have you read the following: Battle of Britain: a day-by-day chronicle by Patrick Bishop? very good account and, I know you are interested in this battle.

Sounds good Mitch,I have a few 1/6 Dragon Paras but gave up when I 'went 1/30' as it were.

Funny you mention the book as I have a new edition of it on order from Play,I've heard how good it is and am looking forward to it.I've also just received James Holland's 'Battle of Britain' and so am about to dive into that.I thought I'd immerse myself in some B.O.B and Dunkirk books this year with it being the 70th Anniversary of both.


Mitch,how about something like this?




You have to be joking :eek:......................Andy,NO................:D
Well if you are requesting something so UGLY im putting my request back in for 1 of these the mighty landwasserschlepper..................:)


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Not ugly mate just good new additions and, for me, the Schlepper would be a good item I would also like to see Goliaths produced, would make some good diorama's with these added
A couple of different posed paras on a scooters would be cool.
Wha's not to like?
Yes would be a good addition to the range and one that several people on here have asked for,speaking for myself the Arnhem Paras are one of K&C's very best,superb stuff.

A couple of different posed paras on a scooters would be cool.
Wha's not to like?

James,call me 'Old Mr going out on a limb' but I think Wayne only likes German stuff!;):D.....JOKE Wayne!;)


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