You are correct about the 4 Heer jagdpanthers belonging to Pz Abt 559.For a short time they were attached to Kampfgruppe Walther and saw very limited action during the campaign.Both 9SS and 10SS Divisions recieved their long overdue Panzerjager abteilungs at this time,each comprising a newly reduced establishment of 21 jagdpanzer 1Vs and 12 towed Pak 40s.Both Battalions were held up during transport and in the end very few of these vehicles saw any action around Arnhem.
Cheers Jeff
Concerning the 4 Jagdpanthers of 559 Panzerjägerabteilung who fought against UK and US forces during Operation Market Garden, would the US forces you're talking about be be the 82nd Airborne?
No. It was the 506th Parachute Regiment of the 101st Airborne.
What books have you authored???
I've never heard of this mythological regiment. Pish-Posh!! {sm4}
Terry- was there ever a time when the 9th or 10th SS Panzer Abeitlung have organic Abrams support ?? {sm4}
Your question intrigued me so I extensively researched it and can say with confidence that General Abrams at no time supported any SS units.{sm4}{sm4}
Thanks, Terry. Those are the 'small' numbers that I read about, somewhere. -- AlThe 9th SS were at Arnhem but 9 S.S. Panzerjäger Abteilung had only 2 Jagdpanzer IV and the 10th SS were there as well but not their anti-tank battalion. There were some Jagdpanthers on the highway to Arnhem which fought against US and British troops - 4 Jagdpanthers of 559 Panzerjägerabteilung a Heer unit.
That reminds me, in BAND OF BROTHERS, there's a Jagdpanther knocking out British Shermans in the "Replacements" episode about Market Garden.
Do you have any information on Stug IIIs in combat with the 82nd Airborne during Market Garden?
Just got my Normandy jagdpanther like the way they put a wash over tank to give it a weathered look
Glad you changed your mind and bought it. TCS armors are best bang for the bucks nowaday.