New Release: LAH Lichtenfelde Barracks Berlin 1938 With LAH figure sets (3 Viewers)

It all looks great, but I think KC has done the LAH parade figures to death. Would prefer something more along the lines of the first '38 release. Or a '45 counterpart. Anyway, well done on the sculpts. They look great and continue to show improvement.
I agree that LAH has been visited by K&C but, its been many many years since they did goosestepping figures and, these are a welcome addition to the many thousands who collect this genre. They are great sculpts and as an LAH collector are spot on in pose and style.

An LAH band would be the natural progression
It all looks great, but I think KC has done the LAH parade figures to death. Would prefer something more along the lines of the first '38 release. Or a '45 counterpart. Anyway, well done on the sculpts. They look great and continue to show improvement.

What is a '45 Counterpart.. It is good that CS is doing and LAH series,, but the parade figures need to be expanded to cover ALL branches of the German army/political.. Still need more camera correspondents etc..
What is a '45 Counterpart.. It is good that CS is doing and LAH series,, but the parade figures need to be expanded to cover ALL branches of the German army/political.. Still need more camera correspondents etc..

It would be some of the same scenes only in 1945 when they were bombed out and in defeat. The bunker, RC, Hitler's birthday on April 20, 1945 etc. From the glory days to days of decline. I think the final months of the war were some of the most compelling. Also a lot of critics of these LAH figures as glorifying the Nazi regime (not me but I can see their point). btw: I hate parade figures whatever the subject.
It would IMO take the series to far away from what I would believe Brian is trying to do this is a replication of a series about pre-war germany and what happened there. It is part of history and, should be replicated. I am about as English as you could imagine to come across and love my country and all the history and pomp that goes with it but, I really do like the LAH series and think it looks particularly good in display. My grandfather who faught in the RAF all through the war from start to finish was the one who bought me lots of toy soldiers as I grew up including germans and taught me about what they stood for and what we fought for but, I still have a fascination with the whole system even though I despise what they stood for.

For me parade figures in LAH are as benign as say coldstream guards I like them for their asthetic appeal rather than looking at what they did or did not do. There IMO is no difference in collecting these figures as to buying combat LAH troops same troops same beliefs. I just don't view my collection in such strong terms though, I fully appreciate some do and the reasons why
It would IMO take the series to far away from what I would believe Brian is trying to do this is a replication of a series about pre-war germany and what happened there. It is part of history and, should be replicated. I am about as English as you could imagine to come across and love my country and all the history and pomp that goes with it but, I really do like the LAH series and think it looks particularly good in display. My grandfather who faught in the RAF all through the war from start to finish was the one who bought me lots of toy soldiers as I grew up including germans and taught me about what they stood for and what we fought for but, I still have a fascination with the whole system even though I despise what they stood for.

For me parade figures in LAH are as benign as say coldstream guards I like them for their asthetic appeal rather than looking at what they did or did not do. There IMO is no difference in collecting these figures as to buying combat LAH troops same troops same beliefs. I just don't view my collection in such strong terms though, I fully appreciate some do and the reasons why

Very interesting post Mitch.First and purely as someone who collects toy soldier figures I can appreciate well made and realistic figures when I see them, and in this respect Brian and CS have done an excellent job here. I myself would never have LAH figures in my house because of what they represented. Would have to disagree re the Coldstream guards as they represent the pomp and History such as you describe, but the LAH whilst representing the pomp also represent the regime with the purposeful aim to remove Jewish and Russian people from the world through extermination I do not believe its the same thing . So when you have a parade of these you do in fact have a parade of racism of the very worst kind imaginable.

However Its refreshing to see someone who collects these figures denounce the regime they collect. Its a fact I'm afraid that there are some(thankfully not many) who not only never denounce the regime they collect but have positive pride in it, one can only wonder why???.

The question of fighting SS Troops is a difficult and much talked about one. For me I see them as just purely the enemy we had to beat. There is of course also the element of recreating battles so fighting troops are essential. Even from someone such as I who loathes everything the Nazi's stood for, I can admire the efforts of skilled fighting men whether in Normandy or North Africa etc, I honestly believe there is a world of diff between that and fat bloated, perverted, maniacs revelling in the adulation of sycophants and deluded civilians whilst their policies murder millions of innocent civilians.

Now of course some will say, 'they are only toy soldiers' which of course in a way they are. But we have to not only be aware of those who collect these because they sympathise with the cause, but also the slippery slope. If we continue down that road how long before the ACW sees a lynching party and Black victim?.

However there is a happy and reassuring conclusion to this, because WE the good decent nations of the world beat the Germans so comprehensively and thoroughly, we live in a free world with free choice, so good luck to all those who collect them:):)


My point about the LAH and say coldstream guards was that I like parade figures and, the LAH fall into that genre but, maybe, the comaprison was not the best but, was a reply to Combat.

I don't know its hard to decipher the ranges are extremaly popular and were bound to get the collectors who have some affiliation or sympathies with the regime they represented but, I would hope that the majority just see them as asthetically appealing as I do not, for anything other.

Thing is if manufacturers did say marching russians or chinese iraqi's on various parade days I would should they look good enough buy them regardless of what their regimes did to others and their own people. I don't really have lots and lots of combat stuff but, I can remember the first sets my grandad bought me which, were RAF pilots and some japanese and german troops which, I still have.

I don't think that by representing the parade part of the german reich we would venture further down the road to some of the nastier stuff they did. However, some may want such sets as the lynching and say executions from medieval times but, they are not for me. As I said to the britfarmer I await with patience the comapny who will do the guards and HC in 1/30 matt for that will be a collection and a half

Interesting issues though for sure
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My point about the LAH and say coldstream guards was that I like parade figures and, the LAH fall into that genre but, maybe, the comaprison was not the best but, was a reply to Combat.

I don't know its hard to decipher the ranges are extremaly popular and were bound to get the collectors who have some affiliation or sympathies with the regime they represented but, I would hope that the majority just see them as asthetically appealing as I do not, for anything other.

Thing is if manufacturers did say marching russians or chinese iraqi's on various parade days I would should they look good enough buy them regardless of what their regimes did to others and their own people. I don't really have lots and lots of combat stuff but, I can remember the first sets my grandad bought me which, were RAF pilots and some japanese and german troops which, I still have.

Interesting issue for sure

Absolutely Mitch, very interesting issue. I did of course state my take on things which is no more valid than anyone elses, thats what so good about the forum, you get a whole range of views, some you agree with and some not. There are I'm sure many many people who just love the pomp and uniforms and either hate the ideals behind it or simply never think about it.

I'm sure there are folk who may think me collecting RAF bomber crew is in bad taste as they may not agree with the bombing of Germany, but again its very much each to their own. Would be pretty boring if we all collected the same thing Mitch, and the figures would be very hard to get hold of!!;):D

However Its refreshing to see someone who collects these figures denounce the regime they collect. Its a fact I'm afraid that there are some(thankfully not many) who not only never denounce the regime they collect but have positive pride in it, one can only wonder why???.


Can you give us an example here? I'm uncertain what point you are making.
I would venture from the post that there are those who buy LAH stuff that do it for more than asthetic purposes and align themselves with the stupid idealogy of the nazi party... If I was taking a stab in the dark
I would venture from the post that there are those who buy LAH stuff that do it for more than asthetic purposes and align themselves with the stupid idealogy of the nazi party... If I was taking a stab in the dark

That's it in a nutshell Mitch.

I would venture from the post that there are those who buy LAH stuff that do it for more than asthetic purposes and align themselves with the stupid idealogy of the nazi party... If I was taking a stab in the dark

I've never seen any evidence of that here, but I suppose anything is possible.
Maybe, but, I did not make the ascertion only commenting on the post as you seemed to not understand it but, I knew what Rob meant.

I've never seen any evidence of that here, but I suppose anything is possible.
Guys, I had no intention of drifting this thread, apologies.

Back to the figures and buildings. The backdrop buildings look really good, do you think a modeller could slightly alter them for damage ?.


The thread has not drifted the points were raised very early on about like and dislike. Yes, the buildings could easily be turned into ruins but, if you planned on that it would be far cheaper to recreate them with insulation board and balsa wood (sorry Brian if it sounds like I am preventing a sale)
Mitch very nice historical pics
Very nice setup from CS very colorful
very historicly represented
homerun for LAH collectors
hope CS will keep adding to it
I have over 60 figures of KC LAH
Looking into these (very colorful) i like that
Looking at KC MK050 gruesome trophy
a sarasin holding a decapitated head of a crusader
i never saw a post on that or any comments
I did not like that , i did not buy that
So those who don't like the LAH releases
don't buy it and quit *****ing about it
to me it's history and very colorful PERIOD

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