New Releases for April 2018 - The Conquest of America (1 Viewer)

I have to admit that for some of the figures the “pajama look” crossed my mind too, but I really do love them all so far, because they are so very different from any troops that most of us know and collect.

And I’m absolutely positive that after a few more months they all will serve for very stunning displays, when you see many of them fighting the Conquistadores.

A larger group will also disguise the same pose of the new additions today.
The variety of color, the very unique poses of the “one of” figures, mixed with the Conquistadores, it sure will be a treat, for a collector of them, as well as for forum members to enjoy, as I’m sure that plenty of pictures will be coming up on here.

It is the first time for me that I have a standing order with my dealer for any release in a line and I’m committed to follow through. So far, every release was a pleasure to see here, but I bet that the real kick comes in when the first Conquistadores are released :wink2:

Ordered both. I'm not really bothered about historical accuracy or not, I just like the figures I like.
I do not like repaints of the same figure, only reason I am ordering both is b/c I feel like this series will not be huge in nature and I am doing it for a small display of the Aztecs. Again, I do not like repaints and hope this is not going to be the norm.
Obviously, everyone can have subjective likes or dislikes of certain figures. But ambiguity arises when there is an implication that the basis of that dislike is historical inaccuracy. If the Aztecs wore "pajamas" and someone doesn't like those for subjective reasons that is different from being historically inaccurate. If someone is making a claim that they are not accurate, they should back it up with specifics. The fact that other manufacturers may have depicted them in other ways or colors is not very compelling in that context absent any reason to believe they are more likely to have gotten it right. I think that is only fair to other collectors and manufacturers to be clear about the criticism being made (i.e. subjective or objective). And if the latter, to be specific as to the alleged inaccuracy as that may be a factor for others in deciding to purchase them.
I do not like repaints of the same figure, only reason I am ordering both is b/c I feel like this series will not be huge in nature and I am doing it for a small display of the Aztecs. Again, I do not like repaints and hope this is not going to be the norm.

I think it already is the norm, at least in some of JJD's lines. All of the Celts except the mounted figure are done this way. Also most of the Wars of the Roses sets and the new Drums Along the Mohawk. For some reason the new Aztec offering is catching some flak for a practice that JJD has been doing for a while now.
If John ends up producing all of these figures, there will be two more of this warrior type offered, each in a different pose. Since their suits were made in the colors of red, blue, yellow and green, I would think we will be seeing more ''repaints''. - For those collectors who don't care much for repaints, it could be worse.... John could release each figure in the four different color variations, instead of just two. ^&grin


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Jeez, what's all this angst over the same figure pose being repainted in a different livery? If you don't want it, don't buy it. BFD. :rolleyes2: -- Al
Jeez, what's all this angst over the same figure pose being repainted in a different livery? If you don't want it, don't buy it. BFD. :rolleyes2: -- Al

Man, I agree, maybe it gives the appearance of different warriors , or maybe it gives you a choice of a particular color. As long as they had battle dress in those colors then I think it's a great option.
Why is it a bad thing?
To each his own, my point is I am fine with similar dress, etc, colors, etc. I just don' t like the exact same pose, it just looks stupid to me. Admittedly I do not do large dioramas or squares, but I just wish the pose would be varied, even if it is slightly.

Also, I appreciate the critiques and opinions on here and I think it is good to give honest feedback. Repaints is an honest feedback, and I appreciate Dragoon's point to.

I know that manufacturers have to fill up the "run" of figures, if you don't, you can't cost effectively make them and that is probably the case here for John. And to his defense, having the same pose is certainly not a new thing in the toy soldier market.

I am just not a fan of the same pose, different paint released on the same day.

To each his own, my point is I am fine with similar dress, etc, colors, etc. I just don' t like the exact same pose, it just looks stupid to me. Admittedly I do not do large dioramas or squares, but I just wish the pose would be varied, even if it is slightly.

Also, I appreciate the critiques and opinions on here and I think it is good to give honest feedback. Repaints is an honest feedback, and I appreciate Dragoon's point to.

I know that manufacturers have to fill up the "run" of figures, if you don't, you can't cost effectively make them and that is probably the case here for John. And to his defense, having the same pose is certainly not a new thing in the toy soldier market.

I am just not a fan of the same pose, different paint released on the same day.


a different head...
legs positioned a little different...
a different weapon...
have his arms off set...
give me something fresh...

use the torso and legs...
give me different arms and a new head...

repainting the clothes is not enough anymore...
you're not fooling anybody...
it's a clone with a different paint job...
you can spot him in a diorama in a second...

too much variety and too much other good stuff to buy...
without getting duplicates...
I used to be a completist...
not any more...
I'm getting picky with my money...
Member posts are sometimes so disappointing.

John has given the TSC community so much and when I see a post that is self centered to the extreme and rude it is an embarrassment for the community.
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Member posts are sometimes so disappointing.

John has given the TSC community so much and when I see a post that is self centered to the extreme and rude it is an embarrassment for the community.

It's a niche/ cottage industry, and we should appreciate the manufacturers we have. JJD as well as the other manufacturers take a business risk to get us the items we want with vast numbers of figures from many different time periods. We just get spoiled, like little kids.
Imagine the wringing of hands if JJD just stopped producing figures.
@Mike and two are stalwarts of our little world here, and I have absolutely no problem with either of you sharing your opinions of Jenkins’ handling of the two figures in question. :)

However, let me offer a somewhat different interpretation of what he’s done...

What if the figures are directed at a collector who ONLY wants one of the figures, and PREFERS one color over the other? How do you satisfy that guy? This isn’t WW2 Germans/Americans/Brits. There’s more than one “right” way to paint that figure, and JJ appears to have offered us an option. I personally can’t see the harm in that.:)

Thoughts or comments?

It's a niche/ cottage industry, and we should appreciate the manufacturers we have. JJD as well as the other manufacturers take a business risk to get us the items we want with vast numbers of figures from many different time periods. We just get spoiled, like little kids.
Imagine the wringing of hands if JJD just stopped producing figures.
Wringing hands? Wringing hands? Heck, I'd be opening a vein, committing Sepeku, and crying for my momma! -- Al
This thread is starting to get a bit nasty. - We are all posting here because we admire John's creativity and enjoy collecting his products.

Oh ya, I'll be getting both of these Cuextecatl warriors because I want a blue and red suited figure of this type. While John will most likely be releasing two more Cuextecatl warriors in different poses, there is no telling what of the four colors they will be. By the time those upcoming figures are released, these two fellows will probably be sold out.

- I'm not wringing my hands here, just passing some time on the forum.
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Once they are placed in a mass and sufficiently separated it will not been an issue.

The issue is for those of us collecting this series we need sufficient numbers before the conquistadores arrive as the demand to produce more of these will most likely mean that no more Aztecs are released

Member posts are sometimes so disappointing.

John has given the TSC community so much and when I see a post that is self centered to the extreme and rude it is an embarrassment for the community.

Not sure who's post you are talking about, I don't see where it is rude to give an opinion, critique or what you like or dislike about something, after all, the people on here are the consumers who buy the product and collect it. So, the day that people stop having an opinion is a sad day.

Also, John is a personal friend and I have known him since he started the Company. I believe he understands that not everything he does is perfect for everyone.

I find this sort of incredulous that on a toy soldier forum which the sole purpose is to discuss the products. I also don't think that the critiques we are seeing or for example I have given are an embarrassment in any way. Knowing a lot of the manufacturers personally, they like to hear what is liked and what is not. John, in particular has always welcomed feedback and has made a lot of adjustments, changes, updates, produced more of items due to this candid feedback. When I see him in April, I am sure he will rib me for my comment and I am also positive there is a sound reason for why he is doing it the way he does. I do not have any issue with it and I will still buy the figures I like repaint or not.

Final point - self centered is the definition of one's collecting habits and preferences, everyone I would daresay is quite selfish when it comes to what they buy for their collection. Isnt that the point to buy what you like, not what someone else does?

@Mike and two are stalwarts of our little world here, and I have absolutely no problem with either of you sharing your opinions of Jenkins’ handling of the two figures in question. :)

However, let me offer a somewhat different interpretation of what he’s done...

What if the figures are directed at a collector who ONLY wants one of the figures, and PREFERS one color over the other? How do you satisfy that guy? This isn’t WW2 Germans/Americans/Brits. There’s more than one “right” way to paint that figure, and JJ appears to have offered us an option. I personally can’t see the harm in that.:)

Thoughts or comments?


The name is Tom (Mike always gets that wrong!). My original point is that I like the figures/colors, theme. I just dislike the exact same pose. I would be happy to buy 10 different colors. Again, since this will probably not be a 300 figure series, having one of the same in different colors is fine and I will be buying it. My comments were a preference and a critique, doesn't mean its right for everyone, just what it means to me. And as I said before, it doesn't mean that I am not buying the figures!!

One final note and I appreciate your viewpoint, I do see it and that very well is a plausible way of looking at it.


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