New Releases: Horch & Tiger (8 Viewers)

Wow! As the competition gets stiffer the K & C cheerleaders get more critical of the competing companies. K & C makes great products and now, unless my eyes deceive me, Collectors Showcase makes some great products (my humble opinion of course.)

I consider myself a K&C flag waver and they are my favourite producer by a mile.But from what i saw yesterday the two CS vehicles were very good indeed.I'd happily have the 222 or the Marder in my collection.:)

:cool: The HORCH is GREAT, and the SS/LAH aren't as (Dark Uniformed ), as K & C LAH Sets! They look more like WERHMACHT than LAH; which is Cool because , I'm Not into the LAH Scene! If Andy doesn't make the NEW 'HORCH'-SDKFZ-15, that he mentioned in DAK ; than I will ORDER 2-from CS and Paint the other HORCH for my DAK Collection!
Wow! As the competition gets stiffer the K & C cheerleaders get more critical of the competing companies. K & C makes great products and now, unless my eyes deceive me, Collectors Showcase makes some great products (my humble opinion of course.)

As I've said before I think CS makes great vehicles. I think they really are superb and do pose serious competition for the other companies. However, although improved, I just don't like the figures. Just my opinion from this K & C flag waver:) On the other hand, "Rome wasn't built in a day" and they have made great strides.
Re the Totenkopf, let's not forget their participation in the death camps.
I have to say that these releases are very nice looking and I do give respect to Brian for improving the line and listening to feedback.

That said, my initial dealings with this company were really bad - Brian and I ended on a very sour note.
I now have the entire 14th Brooklyn Firing line, and just received the Confederate Artillery set. I have to say I think they make great looking figures. I plan on adding many more sets to my collection. I can't wait to see that Tiger.

Frank, i think you misunderstood my point.

what i meant the totenkopf was the vehicle emblem. (pic 1)

The main SS unit logos are listed here (pic 2)

Though all SS units have the skull logo on their caps, Totenkopf has exclusive rights to the logo for their collar, and sleeve emblem. (pic 3 example of totenkopf panzer uniform)

contrast this with pic 4 LAH panzer uniform.

all SS vehicles have their unit logo, and again the skull logo was reserved for SS Toenkopf division. (pic 5)

So since the CS Horch has the totenkopf emblem on its vehicle, that is not correct. it should have the LAH logo.

I hope its clear this time...


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Frank, i think you misunderstood my point.

what i meant the totenkopf was the vehicle emblem. (pic 1)

The main SS unit logos are listed here (pic 2)

Though all SS units have the skull logo on their caps, Totenkopf has exclusive rights to the logo for their collar, and sleeve emblem. (pic 3 example of totenkopf panzer uniform)

contrast this with pic 4 LAH panzer uniform.

all SS vehicles have their unit logo, and again the skull logo was reserved for SS Toenkopf division. (pic 5)

So since the CS Horch has the totenkopf emblem on its vehicle, that is not correct. it should have the LAH logo.

I hope its clear this time...

Hi Nasir,

Thanks for the infos, your demonstration is quite clear. Many thanks.

Re the Totenkopf, let's not forget their participation in the death camps.

I agree, we must never forget.

There is no disputing the SS (Schtuzstaffel) is a criminal organization. As a whole this organization was responsible for the Holocaust. There is also no disputing the 3rd Panzer Grenadier/Panzer division was initially made up of up of SS-Totenkopfverbande (concentration camp guards), although this didn't apply later in the war with a high casaulty rate and replacements.

The amount of foreign collaboration and participation as well as post war genocides continue to point to flaw with humanity rather than any specific nationality.

If you want a good read on this subject I recommend:
"The War of the World" by Niall Ferguson
ISBN 1-59420-100-5

I've been a critic of CS but these look great. Well done. Now we know why KC "leaked" the info on their upcoming releases. They must be feeling a lot of pressure these days given their tactics.
I agree, we must never forget.

There is no disputing the SS (Schtuzstaffel) is a criminal organization. As a whole this organization was responsible for the Holocaust. There is also no disputing the 3rd Panzer Grenadier/Panzer division was initially made up of up of SS-Totenkopfverbande (concentration camp guards), although this didn't apply later in the war with a high casaulty rate and replacements.

The amount of foreign collaboration and participation as well as post war genocides continue to point to flaw with humanity rather than any specific nationality.

If you want a good read on this subject I recommend:
"The War of the World" by Niall Ferguson
ISBN 1-59420-100-5



That is a fantastic book, one of the better books I've ever read, particularly some of the parts about the geographical closeness of various ethnic groups in the pale of settlement and what a tinderbox it was. I would have preferred if he had let the book end after the Korean War. A highly recommended book.

No one nation has clean hands that is for sure.

Frank, i think you misunderstood my point.

what i meant the totenkopf was the vehicle emblem. (pic 1)

The main SS unit logos are listed here (pic 2)

Though all SS units have the skull logo on their caps, Totenkopf has exclusive rights to the logo for their collar, and sleeve emblem. (pic 3 example of totenkopf panzer uniform)

contrast this with pic 4 LAH panzer uniform.

all SS vehicles have their unit logo, and again the skull logo was reserved for SS Toenkopf division. (pic 5)

So since the CS Horch has the totenkopf emblem on its vehicle, that is not correct. it should have the LAH logo.

I hope its clear this time...

Hi Nasir,

I understand what you are saying.

If the emblem were stenciled in isolation onto the vehicle I would have to agree with you but it's inclusion along with the SS rune on the board lead me to believe it's fine (IMO). :)

I've been a critic of CS but these look great. Well done. Now we know why KC "leaked" the info on their upcoming releases. They must be feeling a lot of pressure these days given their tactics.

And what would those tactics be Doug? Didn't realize you had such a great insight into their thinking :rolleyes:
I like the Horch way better than the Tiger. I'm sure the 100% accuracy people will not like the Tiger.
And what would those tactics be Doug? Didn't realize you had such a great insight into their thinking :rolleyes:

False advertising, leaking information to undermine their competitors. BTW Brad I think you are close to violating your own rules with personal attacks.
How did I attack you Doug. If you saw that as an attack, you have my apologies.

What information was leaked? What is wrong with a company saying they're going to produce something if they know the competition is going to do so? That's just competing. Is someone announces they're going to make a Tiger, what is to prevent another company from getting something onto the market sooner. That's just called the free enterprise system.

As for false advertising, you may see it as false but then again you never have anything good to say about K & C, do you?
Brad, I agree with Combat on some of his points...K/C is the Walmart of the toy soldier world...It is the behemoth, that without competition, would be allowed by most of their collectors to fudge it on any vehicle they wish....I applaud CS latest offerings ( I bought their armored car and was looking at the Marder, till I saw their Tiger...Might wait and see now. Andy does have a habit of raining on his competitors parade..K/C is assumed to be able to mfg. anything that is put out by others, better, and so he paraylizes that collector with a limited budget ,into waiting to buy from someone else..And then ,what does he offer...fantasy jets and an outright lie of a WW1 armored car..and exact same poses of figures, no matter the WW2 line..At least CS offers more dynamic action poses and their vehicles have not been fake. Michael
How did I attack you Doug. If you saw that as an attack, you have my apologies.

What information was leaked? What is wrong with a company saying they're going to produce something if they know the competition is going to do so? That's just competing. Is someone announces they're going to make a Tiger, what is to prevent another company from getting something onto the market sooner. That's just called the free enterprise system.

As for false advertising, you may see it as false but then again you never have anything good to say about K & C, do you?

Brad - If you do not believe KC engaged in false advertising of the RJ and armored car how about stating why for once? You never made or even attempted to make any substantive argument on that thread but just tried to discourage us from discussing it. KC is notoriously tight lipped about what they are producing, but then out of the blue we get word of the Horch and another Tiger. HMMM. Golly what a coincidence. I've said numerous times that I buy lots of KC products and many of them are very good. Just look at all my posts if you have any doubt. So your statement is absolutely false and another personal attack for reasons that allude me except to bully any dissent or give the impression that I am biased. That is real irony given the gifts that others here receive from KC and then belittle their competitors as unbiased collectors.

We're talking about two models out of the many they've made that were never made and if you want to throw the plumes in there that's fine.

They are a behemoth but if you want to compete with them, guard your secrets zealously until you're ready to go to market. That is what they do. HB didn't and Andy beat them to the punch. That is just good business. Apparently, CS let it slip and K and C responded.

It is competitive and he's trying to stay on top. His strategy would seem to be make a lot of product and thus make it harder for us to spread our cash around. I've groused about that too. However, his view is he's giving us choices and that's true also.

In many ways, being on top is a no win situation (whatever business you're in) because somebody is always gunning for you. That's why guarding your intellectual property and trade secrets is so so important.
The Arnhem releases are fantastic but I said to many folks that CS needs to do some WW2 Armor to be taken as a credible WW2 first rate company- and I'm not talking a Marder or Paner 1. Looks like they've given that in spades and the "zombies" are dead.

This is going to be very interesting. Someone going toe to toe with KC at what KC does best- hold on fellas, it's gonna be a wild ride.

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