New Sherman M4A1 75 mm Gold Edition (3 Viewers)


They are already available to order with the same method than the Tiger and Sturmtiger. Dealers already have the information. Treefrog Treasures already featured the Honour Bound Gold Edition Sherman M4A1 75 mm

If you have any questions, comments, or special requirements you know that you can contact me any time :)


Que lindo!

Can you paint the Sherman in desert tan? I will put the British markings myself

Que lindo!

Can you paint the Sherman in desert tan? I will put the British markings myself


If you look at Gary's post, these were later war Shermans, and were not employed in the Desert War.
Hi Ana,

Finally a tank with all the stuff we drag around to live! I really liked the version with the camo too. Only question I have will you customize the markings to a specific unit?

Otherwise a very very nice looking vehicle!

All the best

Thanks, N-P. Sure, we can paint the sherman in any color that you want. Remember that you are in command :)

Yes, Dave, you'll be able to choose any specific unit. The ones that we don't have the marking done we'll charge the special marking add-on as we have been doing with the Tiger.

I have several customers in Argentina. I guess incoming and outgoing mail rates are a lot different. I just shipped a four pound order via USPS Priority Mail down there for 29.21. I have one of their original Sherman's and I know it didn't weigh that much :D

We ship in 2 ways. One way is to ship to Treefrog Treasures in bulk, and then they ship domestic within the US. This costs $70, and it can take a few weeks to have enough tanks to ship together. If you want your tank shipped directly to any address in the US, the cost is $125. Both shipments go through Fedex insured first priority mail. And the reason for the cost is that the packing of the tank specially packed to get safe to its owner exceeds in volume its own weight, and FedEx charges us by volume and not weight, which represents 16 pounds.
We don't ship other way, because we get responsible for breakages and this has been the only way in which tanks arrive safely.

So yes, they travel in first class :)

As one of the resident "Shermanoholics" I feel compelled to make comments.

The model is a BEAUTY! Nice Job Ana, my compliments to the boys in the shop.

In technical terms what we have here is an M4A1 75mm middle-late production. This tank with its applique armor (the "patches" on the sides) would be correct from early 1944 on to the end of the war. This type of tank was very common in the combat in Normandy, especiallly in the 2nd and 3rd Armored Divisions. They also appeared in other armored divisions (4th, 5th, 6th, 7th) and separate tank battalions.

I really like the foliage camouflage! The US Army used this commonly in Normandy and at other times in Europe in Italy. The British used some of these in Europe and some M4A1s like this appeared in the Pacific with Army units - so there are a lot of possibilities.

Nice bunch of junk for the tank and for the back deck. I'm curious about the price for one of these with crew, some stowage and the foliage camouflage?

As to the question about a "desert Sherman" - unfortunately that's one area that this tank doesn't belong in. The features on this tank mark it as being after North Africa or Sicily or even the early Italian campaign. The K&C M4A1 is still closer to a desert vehicle. This one is perfect for later campaigns.

Thanks Honour Bound for this nice model.

Gary B.


Looking at the HB Sherman, it's like night and day. HB are definitely superior than KC. Before selling my KC Sherman at e-bay, I was just thinking if the KC Sherman can be repainted with desert tan (convert it to a British EA). Will that be historically accurate?

Thanks foe your input.


Gary has said that the most recent Sherman would be perfect for 8th Army.
it would be interesting to see the previous sherman and the gold sherman side by side..:)
Huhh? I'd buy that for a $100. Unlikely though. Are you ue it is the gold series?

I must say the winter ones are really nice.

it is the black/green camo series..

i want a sherman as an accessory for my ambushing normandy germans, so am contemplating the ebay one. :D
Gary:Looking at the HB Sherman, it's like night and day. HB are definitely superior than KC. Before selling my KC Sherman at e-bay, I was just thinking if the KC Sherman can be repainted with desert tan (convert it to a British EA). Will that be historically accurate?Thanks foe your input.N-P

The K&C "Classic Sherman" has MOST of the features needed: early turret and gun mount, early hull (but lacking the direct vision ports) and early (Grant-type) suspension bogies. The only big quibble is the cast transmission cover versus the early three-piece one. Otherwise you are good to go. Biggest structural change would be to add the Eighth Army's dust shields (fenders).Put on British stowage and markings and you are good to go. Not hard at all!

Gary B.
The K&C "Classic Sherman" has MOST of the features needed: early turret and gun mount, early hull (but lacking the direct vision ports) and early (Grant-type) suspension bogies. The only big quibble is the cast transmission cover versus the early three-piece one. Otherwise you are good to go. Biggest structural change would be to add the Eighth Army's dust shields (fenders).Put on British stowage and markings and you are good to go. Not hard at all!

Gary B.

Thanks, Gary. The KC Sherman looks pathetic compared to the early release HB Sherman and the latest one. Re-painting it to a British EA would be a "saving grace." Or. maybe just e-bay it.

I have to say that the HB sherman's are the best on the market. Having said that, I own the HB Ardennes M4A1 76mm sherman, and to be honest, I do not see a major difference in appearence or quality when comparing it to the new gold edition winter sherman. I purchased the add on accessories and the total package came out to $220.00. Free shipping as well. If I had to purchase this tank as a Gold edition, with shipping, accessories, and crew, you are looking at well over $500.00. Yes, they certainly are better looking than the K&C issues of the Sherman, but for $149.00, the K&C classic sherman is a pretty good looking tank, complete with crew and stowage accessories, and is a great deal for those who cannot afford the upscale Gold HB tanks.

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