New Sherman M4A1 75 mm Gold Edition (2 Viewers)

Well, thanks to the incredible kindness and generosity of our good friend Nasir, by the end of the Chicago show I should have a Gold Edition Tiger and a HB Jagdpanther in my collection!:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
Honour Bound is not going out of business ... they have just decided to stop making vehicles.:)
I am glad i bought most of the issues:

3 Panthers
2 Tigers Golden Edition
5 Shermans
2 Shermans Golden Edition
1 Amphibian Jeep
1 Horse Drawn Kitchen Stove
1 Stove Kitchen with food line set
1 Medic Set w/ Dog
1 Radiomen set
1 German Tank Riders? (at rest)
1 GI BoB Tank Riders
1 Bergepanther

Wow N-P!!! You are a hardcore Honour Bound afficionado!!:cool:

What versions of the Gold Edition Sherman did you choose?
Wow N-P!!! You are a hardcore Honour Bound afficionado!!:cool:

What versions of the Gold Edition Sherman did you choose?

...the plain vanilla with full compliment crew and mega accessories, unglued and pack separetely. I like customizing the looks of my tanks. I skipped the snowed version. There is a a snow powder I can buy at a local Hallmark store that carry Dept 56 accessories. I can sprinkle this on the tank should I decide to do a "snowy" BoB diorama (it has a nice consitency and won't stick like talcum powder..easily brushed-off)
I'd love to see some photos of the Shermans once you've decorated them.

At the OTSN, I picked up a Jagdpanther I purchased from Andy Moffet, and ordered a Winter Panther from Tim Tyler of Troops of Time. Once the Winter Panther arrives, I will post some photos of both.

Sadly, at the OTSN, the Gold Edition Tiger Nasir was kind enough to sell me arrived in about 30 pieces. The Donzino's indicated it was beyond repair. I carried it back home with me, in case Nasir needed it to make a claim against the shipping company. I e-mailed him digital photos Tom Dubel was kind enough to take for me, and he used them to file his claim. Being a very good friend, and a generous person, Nasir told me to salvage what I could from the destroyed Tiger, including the crew and the diorama base, and discard the rest.

It just didn't sit right with me to just throw away this work of art, even though it was badly damaged, so I got out a magnifying glass, tweazers, and a tube of glue, and set to work repairing it to the best of my ability. I will also take some photos of the end result of my repair efforts, and let you be the judge of the results (remember, I haven't built a model or performed any extensive repairs to one since I was a teenager, so judge mercifully).

Regardless of the outcome of Nasir's claim, I intend to send him a nice gift certificate from Treefrog as a thankyou for his kindness, generosity and friendship.
i share Louis's pain, as we both appreciate the tank equally and i was really looking forward for it to be in Louis' wonderful museum.

i really felt i had secured it to the best of my ability. and to top it up, this time i didn't insure it, for a variety of reasons, among which is that the winter Jagdpanther that i previously shipped to the US arrived perfectly.

i am trying to make a claim, but Singpost's Claim section seems to be really dragging their feet. when you come from a well oiled country like singapore, where a 1 day reply is about tolerable, this is outside the normal processing speed.

i will wait for a while longer, but may need Louis to send them a 'hello' email.
I think Louis' skills as a lawyer will come in very much handy to persuade them.
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I sent an e-mail to the shipper on Nasir's behalf today.

Last night I ordered the HB Sherman accessories from our hosts here at Treefrog, some of which I intend to use to cover up some areas on the Gold Edition Tiger where the repairs are visible, with the remainder being used to better decorate my regular production 'Al Capone' Normandy Sherman.
Here are some pics of my Sherman:


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Looking very nice. Part of me still wishes that I had signed up for one, but then I look at the pile of M4A1s that I have yet to build in 1/35th and 1/72nd scales.

It's a VERY NICE tank.

Gary B.
That's one of the best looking tanks I've ever seen, bar none. What a shame they're not making these anymore.
My GE Shermans (Bravo Company) are on the way. Ana sent me these photos and they look great. "Plain Vanilla" for now. I had the mega accessories packed separately as I like to personally "accessorize" my tanks. They would look great with my other 3 HB Shermans (marked with Able and Echo Company)



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Very cool! Please post some photos once they are accessorized, especially if you apply the foliage camouflage. By the way, if you have extra foliage camouflage, I would love to buy some from you to apply to my HB Sherman!
Thanks for the positive feedback guys. I agree the demise of this line is a loss for collectors. I do see Figarti possibly filling this niche (see my review of the V2 Command Vehicle)
These pictures are great and now I'm getting was too anxious along with Louis to see my Snorkel Sherman. I still can't believe only three of us order this Sherman version.

BTW fmethorst, excellent review on Figarti's V2 vehicle and I agree with your assessment.


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