I'd love to see some photos of the Shermans once you've decorated them.
At the OTSN, I picked up a Jagdpanther I purchased from Andy Moffet, and ordered a Winter Panther from Tim Tyler of Troops of Time. Once the Winter Panther arrives, I will post some photos of both.
Sadly, at the OTSN, the Gold Edition Tiger Nasir was kind enough to sell me arrived in about 30 pieces. The Donzino's indicated it was beyond repair. I carried it back home with me, in case Nasir needed it to make a claim against the shipping company. I e-mailed him digital photos Tom Dubel was kind enough to take for me, and he used them to file his claim. Being a very good friend, and a generous person, Nasir told me to salvage what I could from the destroyed Tiger, including the crew and the diorama base, and discard the rest.
It just didn't sit right with me to just throw away this work of art, even though it was badly damaged, so I got out a magnifying glass, tweazers, and a tube of glue, and set to work repairing it to the best of my ability. I will also take some photos of the end result of my repair efforts, and let you be the judge of the results (remember, I haven't built a model or performed any extensive repairs to one since I was a teenager, so judge mercifully).
Regardless of the outcome of Nasir's claim, I intend to send him a nice gift certificate from Treefrog as a thankyou for his kindness, generosity and friendship.