New Sherman M4A1 75 mm Gold Edition (2 Viewers)

These pictures are great and now I'm getting was too anxious along with Louis to see my Snorkel Sherman. I still can't believe only three of us order this Sherman version.

BTW fmethorst, excellent review on Figarti's V2 vehicle and I agree with your assessment.


I tried to order some vehicles but went on holiday at the wrong time and was told I was too late.....:eek:
Anna said we should see photographs of our Snorkel Shermans in about two weeks more than two weeks ago, so hopefully we should be seeing some photos any day now!:D
Honour Bound has informed me that all the tanks have been completed, are in the process of being packed up and will ship out next week.
Looking forward to seeing these beauties!
Honour Bound has informed me that all the tanks have been completed, are in the process of being packed up and will ship out next week.
Looking forward to seeing these beauties!

Awesome news Shannon!!:cool::cool: This was my last big toy soldier purchase for a while, so I am very excited to see it. I hope Ana sends some photos out soon to take the edge off!!!:p
I received pictures of my Sherman. The color and markings are AWESOME and exactly what I wanted.

The Sherman isn't complete and it still needs some weathering so I'll hold off posting the photos until I get the finished product.

Okay, I can't hold out anymore. Here are some pictures. It's a bit premature and prior to them finishing the weathering.

What do you think?





Fabulous! Looks like I really missed the boat on this one.
Oh Louis, I forgot to tell you. Ana emailed me and said that since I had been such a good boy this year, your sherman is now MINE!!!!! So, no pictures for you.:rolleyes:
Louis - I only emailed pictures to those tanks with very specific instructions that needed confirmation before shipping. You will be receiving you Sherman very soon. We are shipping everything between last monday and next.

Please, let me know your thoughts when you get it.


I look forward to receiving the Sherman, Ana, and will certainly let you know what I think of it (I'm sure the report will be glowing, to say the least). I just felt left out that I hadn't been sent photos of my tank. I was operating under the misconception every one got photos, and felt bummed I hadn't seen mine.:eek:

By the way, is it possible to order one of the figures that you had made for the gold edition vehicles? If so, I would love to order the half-figure of the winter Tiger Tank commander, wearing what looks like a sheepskin coat.:)
Hey Guys:

Here's my new Sherman from HB. It's a real beauty. Thanks Ana and HB.





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