New Twist for Honour Bound (1 Viewer)

Ana Donzino

First Sergeant
Apr 25, 2005
Dear all,

It's been a year now since we got into business. Honour Bound began producing its first tanks in February 2006, with the release of the first 3 Barkmann's Panthers. And the time has come to review everything that we have done.

We have realized that many things must change in order to continue going forward with Honour Bound. After lots of talking, analyzing pros and cons, we have decided that we need to give a strong twist to our production policy and marketing strategy if we want to keep our quality standards and unique artisan dedication that we give to each single vehicle that we make.

Since so many things about Honour Bound were new for us we had to learn by trial and error what worked and what didn’t. Many things didn’t work out as planned. We underestimated the time we needed to make the superb quality that we were looking for, and overestimated the production that our artisans would be able to make with our quality standards. We had to hire and train more and more staff to keep up with production, and pay them the salary that they deserve for their delicate and dedicated work. Prices of materials have been changing until we got the quality that we were aiming for.

We had to re-define what we are doing here. We offer museum quality miniatures, and we need to position ourselves in the correct business brand if we want to keep on going with our line. Most of you already know and recognize our quality, so we have decided to be what we should have been since the beginning: a cottage connoisseur industry making unique pieces with high quality. From now on, each piece will be signed by the sculptors and numbered, assuring a guaranteed quality and a value that will only go up. We plan to release the vehicles as limited editions, from 50, 100 to 250 pieces for each edition depending on the versions to be released, and the popularity of the set. We will begin with the GPA jeeps of which we will make 100 of each version. The figure sets won't be limited, yet keep the good quality.

As a result, there's the need of a raise the prices. I know that this is the worst part to accept, but it is honestly the only way we can keep on doing what we do. You already know the quality you will be paying for, and you'll have to decide if it's worth it for you or not. It is your own sincere analysis that will let you decide if you want to keep on buying our line.

I want to fully thank you for your support during this first year, you all know that we appreciate your feedback very much. No hard feelings if you think that we are asking more than we should for our quality standards. No hard feelings if you don't (or can't) keep on collecting our line. This is a matter of business survival. We can't expect understanding from everyone. But this direction twist is the only way we can go from now on.

Thank you all,

While I fully appreciate your comments regarding production and pricing, and I have purchased almost all of your products, I can not see myself paying $170 for the amphib jeep. This price is far too excessive for the model regardless of the quality you believe you have invested in it. $170 for a smaller vehicle, what are you going to charge for larger tanks $400 or more. If that be the case, I am sorry but I can not see myself purchasing any. $95 for the amphib jeep was high, $170 is outrageously overvalued.

I do like your models, I don't like your pricing.
I am not quite certain how to react to this announcement as of yet. However, I do have one immediate questions as it pertains to one of your upcoming releases I was going to purchase. In regards to the Winter Field Kitchen & food line set which is slated for release at the sane time as the G.P.A. Jeep, I assume this will be a signed piece now as it is not just a set of "figures" which is also reflected in its recent price increase. Thanks for your time.
Thank you, Michael, and I understand what you say.

If you could already see our new price list, you can see that our most expensive tank right now is the Bergepanther, and its new price is $235. So no intention of $400 tanks for the moment, nor even if signed and numbered.

The thing about the difference between the small and large vehicles is, at least in our way of manufacture, very little. Just a little more or less resin, but that's it. The small vehicles have almost as many metal and brass parts as the large vehicles, same dedication in painting (only slightly smaller surfaces), same assembly time. The sculpture is more complicated on the large vehicles but, if you split that in the amount of tanks that you will produce, the sculpture percentage doesn't bring many differences either.

So I guess that it will be more convenient to buy the large ones than the small ones. No problem. That will also depend on how much you like the small ones. Your choice.

Beaufighter - The Winter Field Kitchen will be signed, but not numbered. As the other 2 versions of the kitchen have already been released, it's too late to number this set.

The First 3 Barkmann's Panthers will be retired soon. As will the following sets, in due time, until we only have limited editions.


I just did some quick basic calculations based on the models I have purchased from Honour Bound (which I really like and don’t wish to cause harm by my comments; but I have to say something) and how those prices compare to the new pricing schedule. I am not a happy camper.


HB01A - Panther #424 $105 $180 $75 41.7%
HB01B - Panther #422 at Rest $105 $180 $75 41.7%
HB01C - Panther #421 $105 $180 $75 41.7%
HB02 - Winter Panther $145 $190 $45 31%
HB04 - Soviet Panther $155 $190 $35 25.8%
HB05B - Bergepanther $210 $235 $25 11.9%
HB06C - Field Kitchen $145 $190 $45 31%
HB08C - Field Kitchen & Food Line $155 $180 $35 13.8%
Average Old Price $1,125
Average New Price $1,525
$ Change in Price $400
% Change in Price 35.5%

If we collectors are willing to accommodate one company’ price increase of this scale and depth, then we should be aware that other manufacturers will more than likely follow suit (scale and depth?) and we will have even more money spent on fewer and fewer models; and, as a result, fewer collectors will be in the hobby. Fewer collectors and higher prices equates to fewer manufacturers and fewer choices leading to fewer collectors and even higher prices. Economies of scale do have significant impact on pricing and availability.

While Honour Bound’s price increases are not the end of the world, they do portend possible changes that I don’t want to see happen. A much more reasonable price increase, or a cutback in the production of similar models; or, if sales revenue is not able to support the cost of production, then a bit of patience and time to let sales grow will be of more benefit than a significant and harmfully (yes I said harmful as I think future Honour Bound sales will suffer greatly) large price increases.

But, I haven’t taken the financial and personal risk that Honour Bound has taken in starting this venture. There may be more reasons than I know of that cause this price increase and I would not want to be in a position to have to make this kind of decision in the first place. It is always easy to give advice. It is more difficult to act.
Hi Ana:

MAny thanks for taking the time to respond. Best of luck to you & your company as I do enjoy the historical miniatures you have produced!

Best Regards,
Given that KC charges $200 or close to it for limited editions this adjustment is fine with me. HB has been superior in every way to KC in my opinion except quantity of product. So bring it on Ana. I need to spend lots of money. Shermans, Tunisian Tigers, a Russian JS2. Just keep making them is all I ask.
Just wondering, is the reason for the increase the difference in the cost of labor from where you are and from China?
Ana, do what is necessary. As a collector if I like the product enough I will buy it.
No one likes a price increase, but I would rather have the increase than no product at all.
If the increase is to excessive for the quality you won,t be in business to long anyway.
As someone mentioned we are paying $200 for a K&C Limited Edition set so it really is not out of line.
Just got your German mess line, outstanding set.

You have to do what you need to do to stay in business. No one likes it but there it is.


Is it completely necessary to go out of your way to try to knock King and Country. I happen to like both companies as well as Figarti. All the companies have their adherents, many of whom buy from all three. I thought most of us had gone beyond that phase. Can't we emphasize the positive instead of the negative?
If we collectors are willing to accommodate one company’ price increase of this scale and depth, then we should be aware that other manufacturers will more than likely follow suit (scale and depth?) and we will have even more money spent on fewer and fewer models; and, as a result, fewer collectors will be in the hobby. Fewer collectors and higher prices equates to fewer manufacturers and fewer choices leading to fewer collectors and even higher prices. Economies of scale do have significant impact on pricing and availability.

While Honour Bound’s price increases are not the end of the world, they do portend possible changes that I don’t want to see happen. A much more reasonable price increase, or a cutback in the production of similar models; or, if sales revenue is not able to support the cost of production, then a bit of patience and time to let sales grow will be of more benefit than a significant and harmfully (yes I said harmful as I think future Honour Bound sales will suffer greatly) large price increases.

Keep in mind Honour Bound is one of the few military miniature producers that isn't mass-produced in China and is connoisseur quality on top of that. Most of the other companies operate under completely different situations than this Argentine producer so across the board price hikes would be unwarranted from Chinese-manufactured products unless Chinese labor should suddenly become expensive.
Think of what you pay for a single St. Petersburg figure. As far as I'm concerned Honour Bound is the St. Petersburg of vehicles and if that's what it takes for them to stay in business then the prices should reflect the museum quality.
Yeah, I'm an Honour Bound dealer I know, but it's still my two cents. Trust me, manufacturers and dealers alike have been really squeezed on the figures and vehicles up until now. It will be great to see what Honour Bound can do if they aren't scraping by financially.


Is it completely necessary to go out of your way to try to knock King and Country. I happen to like both companies as well as Figarti. All the companies have their adherents, many of whom buy from all three. I thought most of us had gone beyond that phase. Can't we emphasize the positive instead of the negative?

There are more than enough KC cheerleaders on the forum to keep Andy happy. He's a big boy and certainly dishes out. Its just my opinion as one collector that HB makes a better product. KC is a great company as I have said many times.
Shannon you are absolutely correct.

Anna please don't take my previous comments as "anti-HB"; in point of fact, I am an avid supporter of HB and I hope that you continue to produce the quality of vehicles and figures that you do. I must go back to my thought that if one manufacturer can raise prices to this depth, in one felled-swoop, what is to stop the others from following suit? If each manufacturer raises their prices by an average of even 25%, I foresee a series of big hits to this passion of ours.

While some of us spend what ever it takes to get a model (I am one of those who spends far more than what you would think of as reasonable for a hobby like this), some of us cannot. Especially the younger or newer collectors (on average) can not afford to invest in this hobby as well as someone like me who is able to spend as much money as it takes on what is, let’s face it, toy models. Really, we would all survive quite nicely without them.

I just hope that the industry pricing average does not take such a large increase in such a short time as a result of the action HB has taken. And yeah I know, I complained about the price on the Amphib Jeep; but I am such a hypocrite that I will more than likely purchase one.
There are more than enough KC cheerleaders on the forum to keep Andy happy. He's a big boy and certainly dishes out. Its just my opinion as one collector that HB makes a better product. KC is a great company as I have said many times.


There's nothing wrong with your liking HB more than K & C. I just don't think the comment was necessary. I hope HB weathers the storm because competition always makes everybody strive better. A company like K & C has a big advantage because of the labor rate, as well as economies of scale.

There's nothing wrong with your liking HB more than K & C. I just don't think the comment was necessary. I hope HB weathers the storm because competition always makes everybody strive better. A company like K & C has a big advantage because of the labor rate, as well as economies of scale.

Which comment? That KC charges $200 for limited editions or my opinion that HB makes a better product. Its just my opinion & probably won't impact the resale value of KC products on ebay.
Are the price increases in effect immediately including products already in stock at Dealers? Is it like gas prices that kick in that day even though dealers paid a lower price for the supply ordered? Leadmen

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