New Twist for Honour Bound (2 Viewers)

My issue is not that H/B has a right to raise prices, but to do so without any notice or grace period for us who are late to the game to buy for a limited time period those sets we want at old prices. Even a 2 week window would have generated a buying frenzy that would have infused cash immediately and drying up old stock so that the new releases coming out could at least be justified at newer ,higher prices. I was waitng for the winter food line set, and was going to buy the horse drawn set and the kitchen and line set. That will not happen now with this immediate increase. This is a point of honor now and to buy at these higher prices for newly released and newly promised pieces would go against my principals. This was not done in an honorable manner and time will tell if this tactic will have a chilling and longterm effect on H/B future sales. K/C has paid their dues and thus we know the comparative worth of their past ,present and future releases. Andy will not raise prices. He can sit back and watch this competitor take itself out, without lifting a finger.........since Treefrog is the exclusive rep for H/B ,I would like to hear their take on this and whether they will take care of their customers and forum members in a fair manner.....Michael
This situation sort of reminds me of a bookstore we have in the next town from which I live, Mendham. It's a small independent bookshop that we don't have a lot of anymore in this country. They get all the latest bestsellers but have a great selection of everything else and a very nice selection of World War II. It sometimes is easier to buy books from an Amazon and a Borders, especially when you get a price break or a discount from the large retailers and the price at Mendham Books is list price but I try to buy my books there and have them order titles because it's important that the local bookshop survive, even it costs me a little more.

Similarly, I think it's important that a company like Honour Bound survive even if it costs me a little more because their innovations and their fresh ideas (the field kitchens, e.g.) keep the competition thinking about what they need to do maintain customer loyalty. As Carlos said, this is a business, but competition breeds innovation and we wouldn't want to lose that. HB and Figarti keep Andy on his toes and although it may keep Andy thinking about what they're doing, he's also benefiting.
I went to Florida for a week of R&R, got back yesterday.... My family picked me up at the airport, and after the usual hello's, good to have you home, missed you, the conversation turned to my birthday this week and what my daughter's were going to get me. Before I left, I had mentioned 2 tanks from HB, gave them the price at the time and where to order them on the internet... They said the prices I gave them were no where near the prices on the internet(one day they were and when they went to order the next day, they werent. What should have been $270, was now close to $400).When we got home, I checked and sure enough they were right. Needless to say, I gave them a list of K&C to buy instead. However, I DO BELIEVE THAT THE PANTHER SERIES IS WORTH WHAT THEY ARE ASKING NOW FOR THEM, BUT HB SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THE PRICE INCREASE AT LEAST A MONTH AGO, TO LET ALL THEIR CUSTOMERS CATCH UP ON THE MODEL's THAT THEY WANTED AT THE ORIGIONAL PRICE.... VERY BAD CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP... just my opinion... andy
I went to Florida for a week of R&R, got back yesterday.... My family picked me up at the airport, and after the usual hello's, good to have you home, missed you, the conversation turned to my birthday this week and what my daughter's were going to get me. Before I left, I had mentioned 2 tanks from HB, gave them the price at the time and where to order them on the internet... They said the prices I gave them were no where near the prices on the internet(one day they were and when they went to order the next day, they werent. What should have been $270, was now close to $400).When we got home, I checked and sure enough they were right. Needless to say, I gave them a list of K&C to buy instead. However, I DO BELIEVE THAT THE PANTHER SERIES IS WORTH WHAT THEY ARE ASKING NOW FOR THEM, BUT HB SHOULD HAVE MENTIONED THE PRICE INCREASE AT LEAST A MONTH AGO, TO LET ALL THEIR CUSTOMERS CATCH UP ON THE MODEL's THAT THEY WANTED AT THE ORIGIONAL PRICE.... VERY BAD CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP... just my opinion... andy

Do we have to understand that the dealer(s) is (are) selling old stuff at new prices?

I don't collect Honour Bound but from what I have seen at the London show last December and from the photos on various websites, I can see that this company produces a high quality product. Price wise the increase over night is still worth the money imo. But I agree the way it was done could be very bad for customer relations in the short term at least...existing stock should at least be honoured (bad phrase) at the old price.

Do we have to understand that the dealer(s) is (are) selling old stuff at new prices?



Seems to be a mix at the moment. Some of the dealers have put their prices up, whilst some still have the products listed at the old price. Trawl around and get in quick!


Seems to be a mix at the moment. Some of the dealers have put their prices up, whilst some still have the products listed at the old price. Trawl around and get in quick!


We should not have to get in quick. We should have been given a courtesy period in order to buy at the old list before raising prices. .....Michael
A grace period ,could have beem in Sydney the shipping costs alone come to 50-60 U.S. on top of the price rise ,a sad day indeed..ern
Guys - You'll have a 2 weeks courtesy period to buy at the old prices, new Winter Field Kitchen food line included. Dealers can offer the old price for what they have in stock, and take orders for the stock of winter food line and kitchen that we have already made (about 50).

The new jeeps have already been signed and numbered, and will be released only as a strictly limited edition.

Our intention was never to make you feel betrayed or deceived. I hope this makes you feel better.

We should not have to get in quick. We should have been given a courtesy period in order to buy at the old list before raising prices. .....Michael

I do agree with you, but a grace period doesn't appear to be forthcoming. I for one, was in the market for one of the early Panthers, so have picked up one at a very reasonable price. A little sooner than I had intended, but...:(
Some suggestions on the limited edition concept:

1) the higher price means it should be limited in a meaningful manner (i.e. no more than 500). Also no false limits like making 500 in winter, 500 summer, and 500 autumn versions. That's just repainting the same sculpt which is what HB mostly does already for a normal run.

2) the vehicles should be numbered individually on the bottom - like KC and St. Pete. limited runs.

3) the vehicles produced should be "niche" or unique vehicles that KC will not consider -not only support vehicles like the field kitchen and bergepanther but some more unique fighting vehicles (hint, hint JS2).

4) I would concentrate on vehicles rather figure sets because KC makes great figures at reasonable prices and I don't see HB competing well there at the higher prices.
Guys - You'll have a 2 weeks courtesy period to buy at the old prices, new Winter Field Kitchen food line included. Dealers can offer the old price for what they have in stock, and take orders for the stock of winter food line and kitchen that we have already made (about 50).

The new jeeps have already been signed and numbered, and will be released only as a strictly limited edition.

Our intention was never to make you feel betrayed or deceived. I hope this makes you feel better.


Thank you Ana,


I think this is extremely generous of you. I don't believe most companies in any line of business would do that. They would just raise the prices and heck with the customer.

To better times.

Recuerdos y un abrazo,

Thank you for the generous, fair, and thoughtful response to collector concerns regarding the necessary price increases. I have just placed my order for the German Field Kitchen and Food Line (Winter Camo). I am thrilled that I am allowed to purchase it at the original price! :)

Thank you again for your warm and kind response!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Hello all,

I have just finished a conversation with Ana and wanted to reiterate what the deal is here on the grace period.

I believe most of the dealers are going to offer what they currently have in stock at the original price for the next 2 weeks ending on the 25th of ferbruary. You will be able to order the winter field kitchen at the original price also for this time period. I think Ana stated she would have 50 available. After the 25th everything will be at the new pricing level. Also when the dealer runs out of stock what he reorders will be at the new pricing level.

I am not speaking for all of the dealers on this grace period because it is up to each dealer to decide if they are going to participate. I myself will sell off my current stock and honor the original pricing. You will have to contact me through the forum or through my website to place the order.

I am happy that Honour Bound is giving everyone the opportunity to get what they want at the original price and then moving onward with their future business plans. I for one am excited because I really like the product and like the idea of the limited availability of the sets.

Thanks everyone!

Bill Sager
First let me state flatly that I am a loyal Honour Bound (HB) collector and I enjoy their vehicles and figures very much. I am not saying anything now or in previous posts that should be taken as anything but constructive observations from a loyal customer. If I did not have such passion for their products, would my comments be otherwise? I believe that often the most vocal criticisms come from the most loyal of followers.

As stated by Shannon, if, HB is attempting to brand itself as the “St. Petersburg” of 1/30 WWII vehicles and figures, I would expect “St. Petersburg” detailing and painting from HB products as a collector. If HB is going to brand themselves as “better sculpting, better detailing, etc. than the other guy”, then I believe it is reasonable to expect certain quality features. Especially when I compare the Forces of Valor Amphibian Jeep, approximately $25 new, to the new HB Amphibian Jeep. Yea I know it’s not 1/30, but it is 1/32 and that is pretty close for most comparisons we have discussed on this forum. The FOV model is mostly metal diecast, except the wheels, the seats, the driver and a few other smaller items. The windshield can be in the up or down position and the front water deflector moves to the front or under the windscreen position. The spare wheel is detachable and it comes with a few other separate accessory pieces (gas can, etc.).

The Amphibian Jeep, priced at $170 would have, at a minimum, the following features that would conveince me of its value as a “St. Petersburg” style collectable:
1. The boat hook on the starboard side should not be a sculpted portion of the vehicle body. It should be separate and detachable.
2. The two rope fenders on both sides should be of a material similar to the real rope it is portraying. Yes, I know the rope wraps around a metal bar but it is still a rope fender.
3. The windscreen should able to be in the up, down, or anything in between position.
4. The driver should be detachable.
5. The accessories (the boat hook, helmet, jerry can, tarps, etc.) should not be a sculpted portion of the vehicle body, they should be separate individual pieces that can be positioned anywhere the owner wishes to place them, on the seats, on the front or rear panels, or off the vehicle all together.
6. The wheels should rotate freely and perhaps the front wheels could even be steered (although not necessarily by the steering wheel, but if they were, that would be another sign of excellent detailing.
7. The water propulsion system should be detailed (the propeller and the propeller guard, etc.) and accurate.
8. The instrument panel should be very detailed and accurate.
9. Foot petals for gas, brakes, and clutch and the gear and the motive shifter (land/water propulsion) should be present.

If the released Amphibian Jeep does not, at a minimum, have most of the aforementioned features, then is it really worth $170 or perhaps something less. Remember, this is not the same size as any tank and it only has one figure. It’s a jeep.

I do hope that HB is capable of surviving. Something tells me that for a company to have this kind of price increase and the way it was implemented, there may be some financing problems (cost of production greater than anticipated, etc.). I wish HB much success and like I said in a previous post, Yeah, I will keep buying HB.
Gracias, Brad.

About the limited editions:

We will keep on planning the new models and versions as we have been doing until now. We release a new model and decide how many versions we'll be releasing of it. The more versions to be released, the less pieces per version will be available. If some versions are more popular than others (as winter camo, for example), we'll probably release a larger edition for winter, and a smaller for field gray. But we don't intend to make more than 500 for a general model, no matter how many versions we'll decide to make. Anyway, we will decide before producing and releasing the sets. I'll post the information here, and will send a newsletters to dealers so they can let their customers know. Then you'll be able to place your orders.

We also have dealers asking for a limited edition of a version made only for them exclusively. Every announcement will be made through the forum with enough time.


Honour Bound makes a superior armored vehicle, second only to Figarti, and has caused K&C to step up and vastly improve its vehicles to keep pace. There is no way that I want to see Honour Bound go anywhere, so I will be buying an Army version of the Amphibious Jeep, at $170 or whatever the price will be. Just for the record, when I started collecting, a K&C wood U.S. Army Jeep sold for $180 with no figures, and a resin and metal Kubelwagon with a driver also retailed for $180, so I am not going to complain about price. Keep 'em coming Anna and the Honour Bound Team, I will keep buying the ones I like (I presently have a winter Bergepanther, a winter Field Kitchen and have ordered a winter Chow Line with stove).
Thank you, Louis. Thank you very much.

Michael: go ahead and buy the Forces of Valor Jeep. You are describing an amphibian vehicle that, with so many features and our usual detailing, should cost $500. We can't offer you that. Sorry.

Although the windshield has transparent glasses and comes up and down (mainly because it's made of brass), the wheels won't move, the ropes are made of polystone in one piece with the vehicle, the driver is not detachable, but everything is as accurate as it should be. Our jeep is not a toy, it's a model. As any plastic model with museum quality that you can (hardly) find in the market. So no tiny little rubber wheels, nor little cloth rope wraps nor ropes made of ropes. Only polystone, metal and brass, realistictly sculpted and painted.


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