New Twist for Honour Bound (3 Viewers)

Guys - You'll have a 2 weeks courtesy period to buy at the old prices, new Winter Field Kitchen food line included. Dealers can offer the old price for what they have in stock, and take orders for the stock of winter food line and kitchen that we have already made (about 50).

The new jeeps have already been signed and numbered, and will be released only as a strictly limited edition.

Our intention was never to make you feel betrayed or deceived. I hope this makes you feel better.


Thank you , Ana I am scrambling now to order the Winter Horse Kichen, and new winter field kitchen with food line......If I can them ,then I will double thank you.......Michael

Thank you for the generous, fair, and thoughtful response to collector concerns regarding the necessary price increases. I have just placed my order for the German Field Kitchen and Food Line (Winter Camo). I am thrilled that I am allowed to purchase it at the original price! :)

Thank you again for your warm and kind response!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)

Pat....who did you get yours from........? You can PM ME..thanks, Michael

I have just placed my order for the German Field Kitchen and Food Line (Winter Camo). I am thrilled that I am allowed to purchase it at the original price! :)

Pat :)

You did not hold out very long! The field kitchen is one of my favorite pieces - you will enjoy it. To anyone ordering HB for the first time - be careful removing the item from the box. They usually have a screw in the bottom that attaches the vehicle to a board and it can be difficult to remove.
You did not hold out very long! The field kitchen is one of my favorite pieces - you will enjoy it. To anyone ordering HB for the first time - be careful removing the item from the box. They usually have a screw in the bottom that attaches the vehicle to a board and it can be difficult to remove.


Thank you for the recommendation and for the tip about careful removal of the set from the box. I have admired this set for some time now and I was quietly saying to myself, "I have got to get this set!" The "grace price period" tipped the balance for me as to when to purchase it.

I also took note of the fact that you recommended this set to me in a previous posting. See...I do belong to the WW II group in some small ways! :D I just don't limit myself to WW II. One era simply becomes too boring for me after a while. ;)

Again, thanks for everything, especially the tip about removing the set from the box. I will remove it very carefully and place the set with my Battle of the Bulge figures.

Warmest personal regards,

You did not hold out very long! The field kitchen is one of my favorite pieces - you will enjoy it. To anyone ordering HB for the first time - be careful removing the item from the box. They usually have a screw in the bottom that attaches the vehicle to a board and it can be difficult to remove.

I also just ordere the entire Winter set, Horse/ cart, cart/ soup line......Michael
Wel said my friend! I too appreciate the generous & professional offer.

Best Regards & Clear Skies,
I've just placed my order for the Field Gray Kitchen with the soldiers. Would have liked to get the Winter one but as I already have the Field Gray horse drawn one, wanted them to match. As I've said before, that was the release of 2006 in my opinion and this one will be the front runner.
Further to Doug's point, the HB items now are very well packed.
I also just ordere the entire Winter set, Horse/ cart, cart/ soup line......Michael

Make sure to post your impression when you get it. I also have the KC Winter Tiger and the figures go great with the HB kitchen set. My all-time favorite though is the HB Winter Panther.
Alrighty folks, let the two-week grace period begin. As US distributor of course I had to get my prices changed as soon as they went into effect (it looks odd to tell dealers new prices and not get your own in line) but what can be changed can be reversed, so expect to see them back to the old prices speedy quick for the next two weeks. In the meantime you can still order through the website and we'll charge only the old price as some of you have already done.

If you are a Treefrog customer you received notice in this week's newsletter earlier this week that prices were going to go up although we hadn't received the actual new prices at that point. After they were officially announced we tried to think of ways to soften the blow of the new pricing and were considering issuing vouchers with current items toward future releases but I think the two week grace period works better for everybody.

To be honest we thought about a grace period, but not a single newsletter subscriber ordered a single piece of Honour Bound after receiving the warning so I got the impression that it didn't matter much to people. (Okay Ernie, you are excluded--you did inquire about the new prices but I was still waiting for them at that point;) and since you had asked I would have honored the old prices for you anyway).

It's been a crazy weekend here and I've been away for most of it so I haven't been around much to think more about the Honour Bound changes. I realize in thinking about it now though that of course you don't all receive our newsletter and that once having seen the new pricing people would be spurred to purchase items they had been windowshopping for, so I like the idea of the grace period. I especially like it if it makes you collectors happier and not upset with Ana and Honour Bound. Obviously this new company is constantly learning and growing and they limped along with their lousy profits for longer than a lot of people would before deciding they had to change something to keep the company going. Instead of thinking of it as an abrupt decision with a short grace period think of how many months ago they probably should have raised prices. And which would make you more upset--constant little price hikes until they figured out what was profitable or one "one and done" price hike like they did? I kind of think it had to be this way.

And please don't be too hard on the dealers being ready to bring on the new prices. You need to remember the current/old pricing is not at all profitable for dealers (or HB for that matter) and most dealers have stayed on for the love of the product than for profits. We hope you all know your dealers well enough to know they aren't the gas gouging types.

So thanks for all the interest in the product, I hope those of you who love it can continue to collect it, and if not buy it now and enjoy the current pieces which are fabulous.

Kind regards (and please continue to regard us kindly:) ),
Just a suggestion. As each new item came out, the new price point should have reflected what they really needed for that item....As so many collectors of HB have pointed out, the products are excellent and with the uniqueness of some of the offerings, the increased price reletive to the release of that item would not have been an issue. The grace period was a fair compromise and I am sure that it already has paid some dividends for HB in immediate orders....Just my 5 cents..Thanks,Michael
Gentle Friends,

The return of this thread to a calm, serene, and traquil atmosphere is very soothing, don't you think? ;) My compliments to all who participated on this thread!

Peace to all and Happy Collecting!

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
Ana and the Boys.

Thanks for giving us the heads-up about the price increase. I for one have been wondering how you could put out such a detailed work of art at the prices that you were asking.

As I see it you had three choices: maintain the current quality and prices and go out of business, lower the quality of your models to stay competitive, or increase your prices and maintain your high standard of detail and perfection.

I think you made the right choice and I am glad that you are moving forward to produce, in my opinion, the very best vehicles in the market and I buy many from your competitors so I have made multiple comparisons. Your keen attention to the smallest detailed parts and your superior realistic painting set you apart from your competitors.

The HB Winter Panther is still by far my favorite vehicle in my combined inventory of 80 plus vehicles and my two horse drawn field kitchens in Winter and Gray are truly works of art!

Keep doing what your doing and I will keep buying as quality and realism are the two most important factors in my decision to collect. You get what you pay for. I’m looking forward to the Sherman.

Semper Fi!
Can anyone please tell me if there are any pics of the jeeps yet and where i might find them?Thanks


Good luck to Ana and all at HB for the future.
Yep right in front of me,thanks Brad.

Ana,will HB be at the London show in March.I have just seen your jeeps and want at least one(or more!)they look very good indeed.All the best


Thanks for the good wishes. I don't know about the new jeeps in London in March, since dealers are a little tight in time to order and reaceive them. I'll have to check.



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