New Twist for Honour Bound (1 Viewer)

We have the prices changed back on our web site. They will revert to the new ones on Feb. 25.
I have now ordered my HB stuff and I want to thank HB and the dealers for giving us a grace period for us to finally get that piece we wanted ,but would constantly put the decision off...till now. Quality does matter and because K/C has done it longer, they can offer consistent quality at fair prices..Hopefully, HB can build up those sales volume # so that they can at some point hold the line on price increases as the other guys costs catch up, then they would have a more fair playing field. It is not often that a new company comes into being with industry setting high standards from the get go ,but HB has done that and I am looking forward to their continiung to do so........Michael
Can someone advise please?.The Jeep is $170 and the winter panther is $145 is this right then?.Thanks from a would be first time HB purchaser

Right, Rob. The jeep keeps the new price because it's a new set, and will be released signed and numbered, in editions of 100 for each of the 4 versions.

The Winter Panther will be $145 for the next 2 weeks, or as long as the stock lasts.

Thank you Ana,will now place my order.I really hope your new direction works well for you and i look forward to seeing your products over the coming months.

Thank you for the grace period, Ana. It was very generous of HB to do so and a smart business relations move also.;) I ordered the Infantry Set and Winter Camo Food Line yesterday and Im looking forward to the new Sherman with an open mind. Best of luck and I wish you and HB a long and prosperous future.:)

Hi Ana,

Do you know if UK rep Tom Elliot will be at the London show in March?


Rob - Tom has booked a table at the London show. He'll probably be there.

Take care,


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