From everything I've read about this (and I haven't watched two seconds of any coverage on ESPN or the NFL Network as I really don't care what any ex players who've lost Super Bowls to the Patriots have to say about this; no agenda there, right?), the people who were screaming for Belichick's and Brady's heads are for the most part backing off.
Adam Schefter, who to me is about the most credible NFL reporter out there, has said a couple of times over the past day or two that at this point, the NFL has nothing and it's looking more and more likely that they won't find anything.
One report has already come out that the initial report of 11 of the 12 balls being underinflated by 2 PSI was wrong; in fact, 10 were under by ABOUT 1 PSI, the only one under by 2 PSI is the one the Colts turned in that was intercepted by a Colts player in the first half.
Gee, isn't that strange?
And it's been reported all the Colts balls were at the "proper" level; well what exactly is that, 12.5 on the nose, or 12, or 12.6, or 11.9, nobody knows. Lastly, the refs reinflated the underinflated balls and put them back in the game, so there is no record anywhere of what the readings were.
If ANYTHING had been found at this point, it would have leaked out just like the 11 of 12 2 PSI under was reported first thing Monday morning.
So basically, we wasted an entire week on this and everybody is now convinced the Patriots cheated, even without evidence, it has nothing to do with this event but everything to do with something that happened back in 2007.
I'd hate to be on trial for my life and have any of those clowns on my jury, I'd be tried and convicted in their minds before the trial even started.
Right now, the storm of the century is barreling down on the East Coast, so I've got bigger fish to fry at the moment than worry about what fans around the country think of the Patriots.
At this point, let them think whatever they want to think, their minds are made up, so it is what it is.