Nfl 2014 (1 Viewer)

I have no doubt, as in zero percent, that both of them are lying.

Belichick saying he knows nothing about the balls, the legal PSI limits, etc, etc, is full of crap, as is Brady saying he knows nothing.

They both know plenty.

They are both lying about what they know.

It's bad enough to cheat, it's worse to lie about it.

NONE of the Colts balls were underinflated; ELEVEN of the twelve Patriots balls were. That is not a conincedence, that is plain and simple cheating, end of story, end of discussion (sorry Mitch).

If the NFL does a thorough investigation on this, goes over emails, phone records, inter office memos, calls in the current and former equipment managers and ball boys and grills them all and the truth comes out, Belichick and Brady are going to look like fools and their legacies will be tarnished forever.

IMO, they already are.

They both will be suspended next year and probably kept out of the Hall of Fame; hope it was worth it fellas.

Without this latest controversy, if they win the Super Bowl next Sunday, finally Spygate would be in their rear view mirror; now, Delfategate will be the new shadow that will follow them everywhere.

Not sure why they have to cheat, why they have to push the limit on things.

The ultimate irony is in 2007, they went 16-0 AFTER Spygate, so whatever advantage they were getting from filming the other teams signs was gone, just like in the game last Sunday in that they outscored the Colts 28-0 AFTER the balls were found to be underinflated and reinflated to the proper levels.

SO, what real advantage did filming do in 2007 or deflated balls do on Sunday?

It makes zero sense to me.

As a life long fan of the team, someone who has spent a small fortune on team gear; jackets, hats, sweatshirts, tee shirts, plus having seasons tickets for a number of years and beyond that, going to playoff games, championship games, etc, etc, I am extremely disappointed with all of this.

The enjoyment I'd get from them winning the Super Bowl is tainted.

If they win, they won because they cheat and if they lose, they'll lose because they couldn't cheat in the eyes of many.

The damage has been done.

As a fan, I feel "cheated."
The NFL has put out a statement that is worthy of CREEP (Nixon's Committee to Re Elect the President). It's a basic stonewall.

The NFL is between a rock and a hard place. If they suspend Belichick or Brady or both, the Super Bowl won't be much of a game and advertisers will howl and money is what motivates these guys. If they do nothing, they further erode any confidence in Goodell (if any is left) or the NFL. Since the dollar rules, they will risk damaging the game.

Their solution is to push this past the Super Bowl and hand out sanctions then, if any. Of course, if the Patriots win the Super Bowl and then sanctions are handed out, the victory will be sullied. I'm sure the NFL is hoping like heck that Seattle wins so that there is no possibility of the game having an asterisk next to it.

This will just continue to be a zoo through the actual game.
I have no doubt, as in zero percent, that both of them are lying.

Belichick saying he knows nothing about the balls, the legal PSI limits, etc, etc, is full of crap, as is Brady saying he knows nothing.

They both know plenty.

They are both lying about what they know.

It's bad enough to cheat, it's worse to lie about it.

NONE of the Colts balls were underinflated; ELEVEN of the twelve Patriots balls were. That is not a conincedence, that is plain and simple cheating, end of story, end of discussion (sorry Mitch).

If the NFL does a thorough investigation on this, goes over emails, phone records, inter office memos, calls in the current and former equipment managers and ball boys and grills them all and the truth comes out, Belichick and Brady are going to look like fools and their legacies will be tarnished forever.

IMO, they already are.

They both will be suspended next year and probably kept out of the Hall of Fame; hope it was worth it fellas.

Without this latest controversy, if they win the Super Bowl next Sunday, finally Spygate would be in their rear view mirror; now, Delfategate will be the new shadow that will follow them everywhere.

Not sure why they have to cheat, why they have to push the limit on things.

The ultimate irony is in 2007, they went 16-0 AFTER Spygate, so whatever advantage they were getting from filming the other teams signs was gone, just like in the game last Sunday in that they outscored the Colts 28-0 AFTER the balls were found to be underinflated and reinflated to the proper levels.

SO, what real advantage did filming do in 2007 or deflated balls do on Sunday?

It makes zero sense to me.

As a life long fan of the team, someone who has spent a small fortune on team gear; jackets, hats, sweatshirts, tee shirts, plus having seasons tickets for a number of years and beyond that, going to playoff games, championship games, etc, etc, I am extremely disappointed with all of this.

The enjoyment I'd get from them winning the Super Bowl is tainted.

If they win, they won because they cheat and if they lose, they'll lose because they couldn't cheat in the eyes of many.

The damage has been done.

As a fan, I feel "cheated."

I admire your integrity and principle...
I really do...
that must be a very difficult thing for a life long fan to say...
but the whole story is not out or may never come out...
still...NE could still be exonerated somehow...
The NFL has put out a statement that is worthy of CREEP (Nixon's Committee to Re Elect the President). It's a basic stonewall.

The NFL is between a rock and a hard place. If they suspend Belichick or Brady or both, the Super Bowl won't be much of a game and advertisers will howl and money is what motivates these guys. If they do nothing, they further erode any confidence in Goodell (if any is left) or the NFL. Since the dollar rules, they will risk damaging the game.

Their solution is to push this past the Super Bowl and hand out sanctions then, if any. Of course, if the Patriots win the Super Bowl and then sanctions are handed out, the victory will be sullied. I'm sure the NFL is hoping like heck that Seattle wins so that there is no possibility of the game having an asterisk next to it.

This will just continue to be a zoo through the actual game.

I couldn't agree more. The NFL won't do anything to take away from the competitiveness of their premier event. For two weeks we'll get word that the investigation is 'ongoing.' Any evidence that is found will be put in the 'Ray Rice Video' vault for safekeeping until the game is over.

I suspect some low level grunt is going to take the fall so the NFL can try to pretend none of this happened.

And why, exactly, do we allow each team to bring their own balls to a game??? Let the league provide them, have them all exactly the same, and end this nonsense. Do basketball players get to stop after a rebound to be handed a ball they prefer? Do baseball players get to request special balls from the umpire? It's a game! Take the ball you're given and go play.
I couldn't agree more. The NFL won't do anything to take away from the competitiveness of their premier event. For two weeks we'll get word that the investigation is 'ongoing.' Any evidence that is found will be put in the 'Ray Rice Video' vault for safekeeping until the game is over.

I suspect some low level grunt is going to take the fall so the NFL can try to pretend none of this happened.

And why, exactly, do we allow each team to bring their own balls to a game??? Let the league provide them, have them all exactly the same, and end this nonsense. Do basketball players get to stop after a rebound to be handed a ball they prefer? Do baseball players get to request special balls from the umpire? It's a game! Take the ball you're given and go play.

The rule was changed in 2006 after Tom Brady and Peyton Manning petitioned the League to let each team use their own footballs. Hopefully they'll go back to the way it was before that now.
I have no doubt, as in zero percent, that both of them are lying.

Belichick saying he knows nothing about the balls, the legal PSI limits, etc, etc, is full of crap, as is Brady saying he knows nothing.

They both know plenty.

They are both lying about what they know.

It's bad enough to cheat, it's worse to lie about it.

NONE of the Colts balls were underinflated; ELEVEN of the twelve Patriots balls were. That is not a conincedence, that is plain and simple cheating, end of story, end of discussion (sorry Mitch).

If the NFL does a thorough investigation on this, goes over emails, phone records, inter office memos, calls in the current and former equipment managers and ball boys and grills them all and the truth comes out, Belichick and Brady are going to look like fools and their legacies will be tarnished forever.

IMO, they already are.

They both will be suspended next year and probably kept out of the Hall of Fame; hope it was worth it fellas.

Without this latest controversy, if they win the Super Bowl next Sunday, finally Spygate would be in their rear view mirror; now, Delfategate will be the new shadow that will follow them everywhere.

Not sure why they have to cheat, why they have to push the limit on things.

The ultimate irony is in 2007, they went 16-0 AFTER Spygate, so whatever advantage they were getting from filming the other teams signs was gone, just like in the game last Sunday in that they outscored the Colts 28-0 AFTER the balls were found to be underinflated and reinflated to the proper levels.

SO, what real advantage did filming do in 2007 or deflated balls do on Sunday?

It makes zero sense to me.

As a life long fan of the team, someone who has spent a small fortune on team gear; jackets, hats, sweatshirts, tee shirts, plus having seasons tickets for a number of years and beyond that, going to playoff games, championship games, etc, etc, I am extremely disappointed with all of this.

The enjoyment I'd get from them winning the Super Bowl is tainted.

If they win, they won because they cheat and if they lose, they'll lose because they couldn't cheat in the eyes of many.

The damage has been done.

As a fan, I feel "cheated."


George stood with me when the Giants made their recent World Series run and I stand with him now.

On one hand this was gut-wrenching to read. On the other hand it is one of the best takes on the whole situation from a dedicated, life long Patriots supporter.

In the end I don't really care what happens to the individuals that are involved, I care about the fans of this team and this game.

More and more, the NFL reminds me of professional wrestling...without the latter's PR operation...or it's believability.:eek: Rather than carefully cultivating it's public image as in the past, I see the NFL as a herd of loose-cannons who undermine both the spirit and the substance of their game on a weekly basis. There's always been occasional "bad-news" to deal with in professional sports, but the flood of scandal and unflattering revelations about key participants seem to be more or less endless. Tom Brady says, "its not Isis." Well does anyone really want to pipe the world's second worst collection of bad-actors into their home? As for me, I'll have to pass on the offer.

More and more, the NFL reminds me of professional wrestling...without the latter's PR operation...or it's believability.:eek: Rather than carefully cultivating it's public image as in the past, I see the NFL as a herd of loose-cannons who undermine both the spirit and the substance of their game on a weekly basis. There's always been occasional "bad-news" to deal with in professional sports, but the flood of scandal and unflattering revelations about key participants seem to be more or less endless. Tom Brady says, "its not Isis." Well does anyone really want to pipe the world's second worst collection of bad-actors into their home? As for me, I'll have to pass on the offer.


What an awesome post, well done Moe; the NFL really is a joke and Goodell is the biggest joke of all, this clown makes 42 million dollars a year, he could screw up a one car funeral.

Great job summing up how this is a broken toilet of a league.

George stood with me when the Giants made their recent World Series run and I stand with him now.

On one hand this was gut-wrenching to read. On the other hand it is one of the best takes on the whole situation from a dedicated, life long Patriots supporter.

In the end I don't really care what happens to the individuals that are involved, I care about the fans of this team and this game.


Thanks a lot Jason, I appreciate it. The last sentence really nails it; we the fans, the ones who pay the freight, suffer with this crap.

Been reading on a Patriots website today about this nonsense, some guy comes on there and tells a story about how his 11 year old daughter was ridiculed and laughed at with her Patriots gear on at school, her teacher asked her "How can you be a fan of a team full of cheaters?"; can you fathom that, a grown *** adult saying that to a 11 year old kid?

To me, the most comical part about this is the Seahawks, coached by a clown who single handedly destroyed the USC program before bailing for the NFL, a guy who has had several players suspended for PED's and who's team has already started the trash talking (their nickel corner said Gronk is "Ok, not very good, doesn't like to be touched") are the "good guys" in this match up.


"I can neither confirm or deny?" "I'm shocked"? Man this issue sounds like a rawl at the United Nations. YO, the SUPER BOWL IS COMING AND LETS GET IT ON!!!

A couple of thoughts though:

-If the balls were deflated wouldn't Brady have noticed...He's been throwing footballs since birth and I know he would know the difference. Wouldn't the Center have noticed? He too has been snapping from birth. The running backs, the wide receivers, the tight get the picture. Somebody else would have noticed, but who has time to stop and check the pressure. Why does Brady have to answer for the "deflate gate"?

-On the other hand, it was raining, cold and miserable that day and his throwing hand was probably numb and you know as well as I do that he was gripping the hell out of that ball to maintain control. So would have the center and anyone else who touched that ball that day. All of those guys hands were already frozen meat, so if the ball was depressed they may have not even of known it.

-The Ball Boys...Two things: #1 they could have been following orders to deflate the balls slightly via Brady's request. What ball boy would say NO to Brady and maybe this kind of thing is business as usual. OR, #2 The ball boy(s) are on the take. The latter being highly unlikely, but you neva, neva know!!! As they say in Mass-a-chew-sets.

-Billichick lost cool points for me by not defending his player. A coach who comes out and says "y'know I don't touch the balls...go ask Brady...I'm shocked" to me is weak. If this happened in Soccer the coaches would never let their players answer for something that is the leagues responsibility. There would be an investigation launched, people fired and basically an international incident. But, it does not happen in soccer because there are extremely STRITC rules when it comes to the balls. That is why you always see the refs handling the balls before, during and after the games. If Billichick came out swinging and said he was "Outraged by the thought of impropriety on his footballs and I DEMAND an investigation by the league", then you would have never seen Brady or any player have to answer on TV for something out of their control.

-This is SMOKE for something else. I don't know what, but this could all be a bunch of whooey. Maybe somebody has an axe to grind with the Coach, Brady or the Patriots.

Who knows, maybe Jimmy Hoffa is involved.

John from Texas

PS: Go Seahawks...yeah I said it.
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More and more, the NFL reminds me of professional wrestling...without the latter's PR operation...or it's believability.:eek: Rather than carefully cultivating it's public image as in the past, I see the NFL as a herd of loose-cannons who undermine both the spirit and the substance of their game on a weekly basis. There's always been occasional "bad-news" to deal with in professional sports, but the flood of scandal and unflattering revelations about key participants seem to be more or less endless. Tom Brady says, "its not Isis." Well does anyone really want to pipe the world's second worst collection of bad-actors into their home? As for me, I'll have to pass on the offer.

-Moe might enjoy this...scroll through this list of after another...the league has had it's tarnished moments...

and this barely scratches the surface...
I'm fortunate that Mike is the afternoon sports guy on the station I listen to, WFAN, and he's been out on front on this. Based on what he's brought out this week, who can say that the Patriots haven't been doing this for years, doing what Francesa calls "pushing the envelope."

It frankly calls into question all of the success they've had over the years and sullied the reputation of the franchise. As Francesa said, you're going to hear every story this week about the Rams SB, the Carolina SB and the spying on the Jets. (By the way, if you think Francesa is out to get the Patriots because he's in NY and the Jets are in the same division as the Pats, guess again. He hates the Jets and has killed them over the years. The Jets wouldn't allow anyone to go on his show)

Let's not forget that the Patriots (or the League) existed long before the present administration and will continue long after they've left the scene. They will move on but the fans will still be there. Let's hope they haven't done untold damage to the franchise or the NFL.
One of the most interesting things about people who cheat is that they would have succeeded without it:

In 1972 Nixon was going to beat McGovern without the Watergate break in.

Barry Bonds was undoubtedly going to the HOF without steroids.

On and on.

In my opinion, people do it because they can, because they have the power to get away with it. As simple as that.
Based on what he's brought out this week, who can say that the Patriots haven't been doing this for years, doing what Francesa calls "pushing the envelope."

It frankly calls into question all of the success they've had over the years and sullied the reputation of the franchise. As Francesa said, you're going to hear every story this week about the Rams SB, the Carolina SB and the spying on the Jets.


And who can say that they have.

This is going to be great; so instead of actually talking about the game, we're going to hear about filming the Rams walk through prior to the Super Bowl (a BS story that was later refuted, but it's out there, so let's run with it, why not), Spygate and the Carolina Super Bowl.

So I must have missed this one; what happened at the Carolina Super Bowl that is considered cheating?

Let's throw the Eagles one out there too, might as well.

Did any of you see the NFL Network production of A Football Life regarding Bill Walsh; you know, squeaking clean Bill? This is the same guy who Parcells claims messed with the communication system during the NFC Championship game in San Francisco; rumor has it this is why the 49ers scripted their first 15 plays in games, while the Giants never did.

Parcells is rumored to have told Walsh; "Try that again and I'll report you to the league."

Was in intentional? Who knows, I'm a 49ers fan, so I could care less what Parcells says, this is the same guy that when he was supposed to be preparing the Patriots for the Super Bowl vs the Packers, he was negotiating his contract with the Jets, the team he jumped ship for after the game.

He didn't even bother to fly back with the team after the game, he was too busy making his arrangements with the Jets.

NFL coaches get paid to win, period; any of you who think they are choir boys who are as pure as the driven snow are maroons..................... Deflategate here...^&grin

I got some real Super Bowl news...

Marshawn Lynch and his crotch grabs proposed penalty...

bet he will tone it down now...

and on that note...

I think they should start monitoring and penalizing/expelling/barring fans that cross the line...

Dwayne Wade was complaining the other day that a fan was talking nasty about his wife a few games ago...he shot the the finger at the guy and got fines 15K for it... Deflategate here...^&grin

I got some real Super Bowl news...

Marshawn Lynch and his crotch grabs proposed penalty...

bet he will tone it down now...

and on that note...

I think they should start monitoring and penalizing/expelling/barring fans that cross the line...

Dwayne Wade was complaining the other day that a fan was talking nasty about his wife a few games ago...he shot the the finger at the guy and got fines 15K for it...

Lynch is number 1 on my can't stand list, just barely beating out Arian Foster.
Lynch is a player you love to hate but you'd love to have him on your team. He reminds me of Jimmy Brown (most of you guys probably never saw him play) or Larry Brown on the Redskins in that he will take on tacklers and won't head for the sideline. However, the ways he plays makes for a short career and in 20 years his body will start to show the effects of the pounding he takes. I think Aikman said the other day that he already has bad back trouble.

He's the one guy the Patriots must stop for all four quarters in order to win. He always seems to find a way in the 4th Quarter.
Lynch is a player you love to hate but you'd love to have him on your team. He reminds me of Jimmy Brown (most of you guys probably never saw him play) or Larry Brown on the Redskins in that he will take on tacklers and won't head for the sideline. However, the ways he plays makes for a short career and in 20 years his body will start to show the effects of the pounding he takes. I think Aikman said the other day that he already has bad back trouble.

He's the one guy the Patriots must stop for all four quarters in order to win. He always seems to find a way in the 4th Quarter.

I respect what Lynch does on the field I just can't stand his off the field antics.

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