Nfl 2014 (1 Viewer)

unless they are cleared of this with some amazing forthcoming new evidence...I think the fine is going to be substantial...the game is most probably not going to be replayed...which is an option for Godell if he deems under Rule 17...and they will be in the Superbowl this year...but I think the penalty will be severe...

I don't think anyone can make an argument that NE would not have won the game with any football used...including a nerf ball...but that's not the issue...that's a moot point...

NE has garnered a reputation from other incidents...and I think the pressure from other owners and clubs...will force Godell to come down hard and sock it to them...Godell has a reputation for wielding his power with authority...and I think he will this time...

the most logical rationale I can come up with is...whether or not they can prove Brady...Bilicheck...or the ball boy doctored the doesn't really matter...the balls were given to the Patriot's staff for safe keeping with an approved seal of acceptable to use...

when they were returned...they were not acceptable...

they were put in NE's care...and NE floundered...

if I borrowed your brand new car...and brought it back with scratches and dents all over's my ifs...ands or butts...

by the same token...I can't see this as excusable...NE was in charge of keeping these balls within the guidelines of acceptable...they did not...

if it was just a couple of balls...I would say it was a small fine and maybe just a second round pick...but 11 of 12...that's hard to swallow...

an analyst on Fox said the reason only 11 were that the non deflated 12th used for extra points and field goals...

I really think they are going to get a huge fine...which won't hurt them...but they will lose a 1st round pick...which will hurt them...

but either way...the fine...big or small...

unless they can prove no wrong doing...the organization will have a stink on them forever...that will not wash off...

somebody is gonna have to take a turn in the barrel...somebody has to be the scapegoat...
I hate to give Richard Sherman any credit other than the fact that he is a Stanford guy but when asked about the whole thing he said it was all irrelevant to the Super Bowl.

I wish everyone felt the same way.
I agree with Mike. Provided the charges are substantiated, the penalty will be severe and if there is Belichick involvement, I doubt he will coach at the SB.

The one saving grace is the score. Had this been a close game, who knows what remedies the League may have had to consider. A replay would not have been something impossible to fathom. However, that brings up another question. What if the Pats were using deflated balls against the Ravens. Then what does the League do? A Gordian knot to be sure.

George may not like to hear this but Belichick has a history of thumbing his nose at the League. The last thing the NFL wants is to have the latest issues discussed next week nor the issues surrounding the first SB win against the Rams re-opened, which you know it will be if punishment is not handed out before the teams leave for Arizona.

I'm guessing that the latest saga has turned a lot of people into pro Seattle fans or anti Patriot fans. As the game is going to be on NBC, I guess this will be "must see" TV.
Apparently there is a press conference around 930. I assume most will carry it but will be airing it, in case you don't get it in your area.
That performance won't call off the dogs; it will only increase the baying.

As is typical with everything since Watergate, first there is always the denial.
That performance won't call off the dogs; it will only increase the baying.

As is typical with everything since Watergate, first there is always the denial.

I didn't see the press conference but it's possible BB was not directly involved. I'm sure he knows who was though. It's not the sort of thing some low level ball boy is going to do without instructions from someone higher up.
I hate to give Richard Sherman any credit other than the fact that he is a Stanford guy but when asked about the whole thing he said it was all irrelevant to the Super Bowl.

I wish everyone felt the same way.


it is irrelevant to Sherman's personal Superbowl...

and a lot of people feel that included...

but it's very relevant to the integrity of the game...
Watched the BB interview today...he denied any knowledge of this...

A tremendous amount of time goes into selecting the 12 balls that each team brings to the game…it is a huge concern and tedious process…all the balls are “treated” to suit the quarterback…the balls are taken to the steam rooms…scuffed up…played with…rubbed with dirt…water…etc…all the balls are weathered until the quarterback likes them…

All the balls are finally selected personally and hand picked by the quarterback himself…Tom Brady personally selected all 12 of theses balls…

If BB did not authorize deflating the balls…as he claims…then taking him at his word…the only other person that would authorize it…would be Tom Brady himself…nobody would dare authorize changing Tom Brady‘s footballs without his consent…

would he do this without BB’s knowledge…maybe…but I doubt it…

I have read several articles by analyst and quarterbacks that said for anybody to mess with these balls without the quarterback’s knowledge would be a cardinal sin…it just wouldn’t happen…nobody alters these balls without the quarterback’s knowledge…it just does not happen…

Here’s a link to a Troy Aikman interview…the interview asks Aikman if he think Brady knew about this...

Nobody on NE’s team or staff is gonna fess up…nobody is gonna claim responsibility…nobody is gonna step up and say “I did it”…everybody is gonna say…”I know nothing”…but still…

The balls were in your care…they were given to you correctly inflated…you returned them altered…end of story…

That’s the case right there…when they were given to the NE staff to care for…they were certified acceptable…when they were returned and tested afterwards…they had been tampered with…there’s not much else to say…the balls were altered…

It’s not a question about how many points they beat Indy by…the game won’t be reversed…I don’t think…it’s a question about an illegal unfair advantage that someone on the NE staff created…it’s about the integrity of the game for each team not to take an unfair advantage…

I think some heads are gonna roll…I think it’s gonna be stiff…

And regardless of what happens…the public’s opinion of NE is tainted big time…tainted forever big time…
On and on this things goes.

I've got a number of questions;

1.) Do they measure/calibrate the balls before every game/at the half/at the end of each game? IF SO, and this is something the Patriots AND ONLY THE PATRIOTS are doing, why haven't they gotten busted prior to this?
2.) Do they use a calibrator or is it by feel like the majority of the articles I've read; the refs give them the squeeze test and toss them in the bag?
3.) Do we know 1000% that they used a calibrator before the game; I'd bet my life that they did not, but are saying they did to cover their *****.
4.) Did they calibrate them at the half as it's SOP, OR because the Colts whined and complained? I'd bet it's the latter.

The Colts should have been focusing on how we come back from down 17-7 vs underinflated balls.

ALSO, the balls that were underinflated were reinflated and used in the second half, a half in which the Patriots outscored the Colts 28-0, SO, what actual effect did underinflated balls have on the outcome of the game; how about nothing, zip, nada, zero EFFING percent.

I've done a 180 on this since yesterday; from what I've read, 99% of the teams do it, they mess with the balls to get them to the QB's liking, overinflate, underinflate, whatever the QB likes.

Is it legal; no, is it done, yes, are the Patriots THE ONLY team that does it; no, they are not, but they are being killed over this as a result.

Why; because they are the Patriots.

Embrace the hate, haters gonna hate; I'd love, love, LOVE to be a fly on the wall the night before the Super Bowl to hear Belichicks pregame speech.

Oh and Mike, the gambler you are; bet your MORTGAGE on the Patriots next year when they play the Colts, I'm guessing somewhere in the neighborhood of 105-0 should about do it.
At today's press conference, Belichick punted the issue to Brady. I'm not going to say he threw his QB under the bus, but close. Brady is holding a press conference at 345pm today so we will have to see what he has to say.

There are some stories, according to Mike Francesa of WFAN, that the NFL knew about the issue before the game was played last Sunday. If they did, why nothing was done is hard to fathom.

I also think it's important that the issue be dealt with by the NFL before the teams arrive in Phoenix. If they don't, next week will be a complete and utter zoo. It's actually in the Pats interest to put this behind them before next week because it could distract them from game preparation.

With respect to George's post, it's not that the balls had any effect on the game one way or the other, it's that the Pats violated the rules.
Before we get too carried away here, let's remember there are more important issues in the world although I understand when you're a fan of a team, this is important to you.
It's actually in the Pats interest to put this behind them before next week because it could distract them from game preparation.

Yeah, well that ship has sailed; this has turned into a three ring circus, a massive distraction.

Brady will address it today, then on Media day at the Super Bowl, so will Belichick, this thing is going to follow the two of them around next week like grim death.

Yesterday the 6-10, 10-2 and 2-6 sports talk radio beat this thing to a bloodly pulp, they've continued today after the BB press conference and will today after the Brady press conference.

It is not going away.

If they don't get blown out in the super bowl, I'd be stunned.

Wonderful, what an enjoyable experience.
As a fan, I feel for you. This is not a good situation. However, I do think that if this gets dealt with this week, it will make next week far easier because at some point, you just say the NFL has ruled and there's nothing more to say, next question.

Also, sometimes an us vs. the world situation, bleep the world, can be an advantage.

Keep your chin up buddy :)
The tendency in these situations is always to lie. That only makes it much worse. If Brady was involved, he should just admit it and claim it is a dumb rule or one that is routinely ignored and apologize. Take his medicine. Likely a fine. Getting caught lying about this takes it to another level. Not just about this game or the Super Bowl but his character. If someone else was responsible, the Pats organization should just name that person and take it off Brady. There can't be more than a handful of people who could have done it. They have to know who it is by now.
This has a lot of merit; just come out and say "Yeah, I told our equipment manager to take a couple of PSI out of the football as I prefer a softer football."

It would be awesome; the blame goes from Belichick, who everyone assumes is behind this, to Brady.

It will never happen in a million years, they will continue to deflect blame and lie.

Which as Doug said, makes it ten times worse.
Before we get too carried away here, let's remember there are more important issues in the world although I understand when you're a fan of a team, this is important to you.

Could not agree more. With everything else going on in the world this whole thing is a joke. Belichick has a pattern of this behavior. He thinks he's clever trying to get over, he is a snake. Your in charge take the blame be a man. Don't make your player the patsy. The only thing I care about is how this effects the line, what numbers I pull in my football pools, and that those numbers come up as many times as possible.
As a fan, I feel for you. This is not a good situation. However, I do think that if this gets dealt with this week, it will make next week far easier because at some point, you just say the NFL has ruled and there's nothing more to say, next question.

Also, sometimes an us vs. the world situation, bleep the world, can be an advantage.

Keep your chin up buddy :)

Sports is the toy box of life, the sole purpose of it is to take your mind off your troubles and to get behind your favorite team.

Playing in the Super Bowl should be an enjoyable experience; Sunday night and early Monday, I was over the moon and excited about two weeks of football talk.

This week has been awful, haven't watched any of the ESPN/NFL Network coverage, doubt if I will watch any of it next week either; if the local yahoo's continue talking about this next week, I'll shut it off and just wait for Sunday.

At this point, I could give a **** less about the game.

you gotta understand...

you're a fan of a team that has dominated the league the last decade...
there are a lot of haters because they have lost to New England...

believe me...I understand how you feel...

I'm a Cowboy fan...probably the most hated team in the league...

after the Detroit game...
I was elated...
the controversy of the reversed call on pass interference kind of ruined the win for me...
all I saw on the Internet was the Cowboys didn't deserve the win...
"Jerry paid off the refs"...
"Cowboys got a break"...
"didn't deserve to win"...
not much of a celebration for me...

followed by the reversal on the catch the next week by Dez on the 1 yard line to potentially win...
I had to listen to a new fresh batch of lip service...

"they deserved that"...
"Instant Karma"...
"turnaround is fair play"...
"guess Jerry didn't bribe them enough"...

I would probably still be hearing it if not for this deflated ball crapola...

I wish I could assure you that it will blow over...but it's not gonna...

if NE wins...haters will wear "Deflategate" like a protest banner...

if NE loses...haters will say they deserved to lose...

as a NE can't win in this case...

the league can't prove how it happened...
and nobody is gonna step up and point a finger at Brady or the organization...

it won't blow over...ever...haters love to hate...that's what winning teams have to deal with...

you got it easy...
had it been the Cowboys accused of this...
there would be 1 million Jerry Jones captioned pictures on the Internet...

Brady's interview went well enough...again...nobody will ever know what happened...but the league still has to blame somebody as the balls were altered while in NE's care..
I have no dog in this fight and personally I don,t care who wins. But in reality what is the difference if an offensive lineman "holds" on a play, the referees missed it, no penalty, isn,t he cheating? Should he confess after the game and be subject to discipline? Isn't this the same as deflating the football except they got caught.

you gotta understand...

you're a fan of a team that has dominated the league the last decade...
there are a lot of haters because they have lost to New England...

believe me...I understand how you feel...

I'm a Cowboy fan...probably the most hated team in the league...

after the Detroit game...
I was elated...
the controversy of the reversed call on pass interference kind of ruined the win for me...
all I saw on the Internet was the Cowboys didn't deserve the win...
"Jerry paid off the refs"...
"Cowboys got a break"...
"didn't deserve to win"...
not much of a celebration for me...

followed by the reversal on the catch the next week by Dez on the 1 yard line to potentially win...
I had to listen to a new fresh batch of lip service...

"they deserved that"...
"Instant Karma"...
"turnaround is fair play"...
"guess Jerry didn't bribe them enough"...

I would probably still be hearing it if not for this deflated ball crapola...

I wish I could assure you that it will blow over...but it's not gonna...

if NE wins...haters will wear "Deflategate" like a protest banner...

if NE loses...haters will say they deserved to lose...

as a NE can't win in this case...

the league can't prove how it happened...
and nobody is gonna step up and point a finger at Brady or the organization...

it won't blow over...ever...haters love to hate...that's what winning teams have to deal with...

you got it easy...
had it been the Cowboys accused of this...
there would be 1 million Jerry Jones captioned pictures on the Internet...

Brady's interview went well enough...again...nobody will ever know what happened...but the league still has to blame somebody as the balls were altered while in NE's care..

Understood and like I told you, I don't care about the hate, I know why they hate, because they want what I have.

The part that annoys me is this has and is going to be a huge distraction for the team; instead of prepping for Seattle, they are having press conferences and answering questions about whether they did or did not deflate footballs.

Both Brady and Belichick deny any wrongdoing or knowledge of what happened.

I will say this; any Lawyer worth his salt will tell you to never have a press conference during an ongoing investigation and deny involvement IF in fact the investigation will prove that you did have some sort of involvement, ie, if the equipment manager or ballboy flips under questioning and says "Yes, Belichick/Brady told me to take air out of the balls", or if there are emails/texts/phone records where you are discussing this.

If the league launches a full investigation on this once the season is over (and I am 1000% sure they will) and either are implicated in this as a result of the evidence, their gooses will be cooked, fines, loss of draft picks, suspensions, termination all likely.

At the end of the day, I'd be beyond pissed if it came up that the ref did not do his job fully and instead of a pressure gauge, he went by feel only before the game, the NFL would have egg on their face.

AND, the comical part is fans around the country would still blame the Patriots.


We're on to Seattle.

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