Niena Studio (1 Viewer)

Igor...your Robert E. Lee is beautiful...


  • ExplorePAHistory-a0h4m9-a_349.jpg
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4th Hussars regiment Scale 120 mm
These are some beautiful figures Igor, particularly the Robert E. Lee. I wish I could afford them. Have you have ever done a General Grant or President Lincoln?
Thanks Igor. Some beautifully made figures on your site.
This range of figures was made in 1995-1997
We keep all the master model and can always re-release any figure


This is the last picture in this year
We're going on vacation until January 10

Happy New Year


This is the last picture in this year
We're going on vacation until January 10

Happy New Year

I Was on your site yesterday and stumbled on to this one , a very beautiful figure . Have a Great Vacation :) Happy New Year Gebhard
Hi Igor,

Wow! What a beautifully detailed and painted figure! I am very, very impressed!

Enjoy your vacation.

Warmest personal regards,

Pat :)
"Новое-это хорошо забытое старое"
"New is well forgotten past"

We are ready to make any kind of figures from our catalog
Let me introduce my partner

Nicholas Cameron, PhD (Scarlet Pimpernel )

Distributor to Europe and North America
Niena Studio

Phone: (603) 552-5069 (USA)
FAX: (603) 685-3212 (USA)
I'll be at the West Coaster and the next London show with a wide range of Niena figures and paint qualities, if anyone would like to seem them up close. If you have any particular requests, please let me know, and I will try to bring samples.

I Was on your site yesterday and stumbled on to this one , a very beautiful figure . Have a Great Vacation :) Happy New Year Gebhard

Almost missed this one, Igor, give to your painting people my appreciation, i do love the painting pattern on the clothing, very good and most impressive if this fig is a 54 mm.

Hi everybody
we are faced with the problem
We can not send a parcel from Russia to the United States more than 1 pound weight (U.S. law) from a private person to private person (cheap-mail)
In this regard,
1) we are reducing our sales through E-Bay
2) the incoming orders we will accumulate and send one big package from our company to address of SHOWROOM HOURS Treefrog Treasures , Peter Reuss
or to Nicholas Cameron, PhD (Scarlet Pimpernel) Distributor to Europe and North America
Niena Studio


90 mm medieval knight Weight 450 g Cost $175 is available
Painting according the order KIT Pegaso 75-048
Painter T. Michailova



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