NMA News: Watch out for Monday 14th August!! (1 Viewer)

Sorry for the delay guys - it just went out to you all after some computer problems. I honestly did not enjoy making you all wait - but it sure was fun reading all the comments on the forum and all your emails!
Regards Blake

And I just got promoted to Corporal on the forum! It was a lot quicker than with the British Army! Congrats to all of you who guessed correctly.
Who said schwimwagon..




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Thanks Blake, I got your email and some approval to advise that the vehicle is in fact a schimmwagen. I guess I'm the only guy surprised about that :)

It looks like Rommel beat me to the good news :)
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Please forgive me for saying this but the “King has no clothes”…. These figures look more like KC-WS 20’s vintage. I’m not sure how long ago that was but in my opinion NMA mortar team (NMASS1) was light years ahead of this set. I should know, because I have two of them.

It probably unfair to say this without physically inspecting them but I find it interesting that no other person has commented on the quality of this release and it’s been almost eight hours since these pictures have been posted. I’m probably being too harsh and I’m willing to be proved wrong.

Sincerely, I wish the best for NMA and look forward to adding the new Strumtiger to both of my 232’s and my mortar teams.

I didn't want to be the first but these figures, as far as I can tell, do not look as good as the pictures of the Sturmtiger figure that I've seen nor they do they look as good as the King and Country FJ series. The vehicle I can't really say without probably making a good comparison. However, it doesn't look bad. On the other hand, I understand that people want FJs (especially those that don't have the K & C version) and so these may be popular. However, since I already have the K & Cs, I'm not sure I'll be getting these (for the usual reasons: money, space, etc.). The caveat is that I would like to see them in person.
Looks like they used a different photographer for this release to me from the Sturmtiger, however until you see them in person you cannot judge. For my money the vehicle looks excellent and the figures far better than K&C Paratroops from a few years ago. (Brad in your whole life you have never admitted anything looks better than K&C as a package so your comments come as no surprise) I think it will be a different story from people once these go in front of dealers. I'll let you know once I go down to see Mike and Blake next week at their HQ. If I'm wrong I have no problems with admitting it but to me the set looks like a winner and I have been after a Schwimwagon for years.
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Looks like they used a different photographer for this release to me from the Sturmtiger, however until you see them in person you cannot judge. For my money the vehicle looks excellent and the figures far better than K&C Paratroops from a few years ago. (Brad in your whole life you have never admitted anything looks better than K&C as a package so your comments come as no surprise) I think it will be a different story from people once these go in front of dealers. I'll let you know once I go down to see Mike and Blake next week at their HQ. If I'm wrong I have no problems with admitting it but to me the set looks like a winner and I have been after a Schwimwagon for years.

If you'll note I said that I want to see them in person. I have no doubt that they'll be popular because not everyone has the K & C version. I hope NMA does well with these. My whole life spans a bit more time than I've been a collector, by the way :rolleyes:
Just a thought....is it possible the issue is with the photography? The lighting almost seems to over expose the pictures.

Hi Guys,

I have to tell you guys that I dont collect WWII as a general rule but I have been picking some of these sets and I really like them. Now you know me well enough to know that I like Glossy 54mm so I guess it says a lot when someone like me is going ahead and picking up some of these sets too.

I will reserve my opinion until I see them in person (in Chicago?). I have found that photographs often do not do a figure justice, or sometimes look better than the figure does in person. I can say that the Figarti tanks look better in person than they did in the photographs, so the Schiwmwagon might also be better than depicted here.
That is why the internet as good as it is isn't a substitute for actually holding and looking at these figures in person. Only then can you make the final judgment. I think the Schwimmegen looks good. It's the figures I want to see up close. Unfortunately, I'll need to wait until I see George in Hackensack for that.
Please forgive me for saying this but the “King has no clothes”…. Carlos

That's what I often think about King and Country's tank tracks etc, or maybe it should be Messiah rather than King in that case :)

True, King and Country figures are hard to beat for detail, however, a number of their vehicles are substandard. It's not because of some tall poppy syndrome that I more frequently attack King and Country. It's just that K & C have been established long enough to develop both a loyal customer base and decent detailed models and figures across their range. Therefore my well intentioned but critical comments are unlikely to affect their sales.

With relatively new company's such as NMA and Honour Bound I tend to be less critical. Which is NOT hard to do, as their vehicles have often been improvements on the K & C versions - and better figures and vehicles is what I want for collectors - including myself.

I agree with you that while K&C figures are far and away the best, K&C tracked vehicles just aren't up to the new standards set by Figarti and Honour Bound. I think that we need to express our opinions on the subject to Andy, because, as the saying goes, the squeeky wheel gets the grease.

Andy is an amazing innovator. Further, his (admittedly extremely expensive) wood, resin and metal (pre-polystone) vehicles from the mid-1990's blow anything produced today away.

I know Andy has the capability to match or exceed the quality of his competition, and I hope if enough of us vote with both our voices and our wallets (by buying the competition), K&C will be forced to exercise the same level of quality improvement on its vehicles as it long has on its soldiers. So keep at him. I am his friend, and will do so a little less brutally, but I will keep at him as well.
Just for the record, I was responding to Ozdigger's comments, but, upon reflection, I don't think this was the appropriate place on the forum to discuss K&C. NMA is one of the new producers who are doing an excellent job providing better quality tracked vehicles, as well as other excellent figures and vehicles, so from now on I will reserve my comments on this thread to their products. I am looking forward to having a look at the new NMA figures & vehicles at the Chicago show.
Well i really like the look of the Schwimwagons,think i'll want one for Normandy and one for the Bulge.

:) Hello Blake! Ilike your Schwimmawagen,'s, also, I'm waiting for the Para's having a, 3/4-MAN KETTENKRAD-Towing Small Suppply Trailer, ALSO, Riding in a HANOMAG? And, PARA'S PAK 40-TEAM?
Well i really like the look of the Schwimwagons,think I'll want one for Normandy and one for the Bulge.



Where are you finding this Schwimwagons? Are you talking about NMA site?
Please point me in the right direction. I didn't find it on Blake's web site
Hi chuck,pics on page seven of this thread

Rob.(also Blake will email you them if you ask him)

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