November dispatches are up (2 Viewers)

Certainly I am torn for a new one. However, this can now be used as a multi occasion one:

Alibaba and the forty shills

Alibaba and the forty overpriced junk AFV's

Alibaba and the forty inbred married to the same cousin figures

Alibaba and the forty plagues upon your house because you don't collect ''obviously'' better figures on sale

Its a cracker of a tag so, help yourself

Brilliant, can I use that as my signature?

Alibaba, what a name for a company, what a riot.

Am I missing something here guys, 'Alibaba'?!^&confuse

Back to topic. A lot of new releases for my collecting preference....WWII. Another very good month for WWII IMO. Again happy our ACW friends have got some new stuff as well :salute::
You're not alone Rob.....but I really wouldn't go there mate, it's simply not worth it.

Right, I'll take your advice on that one then mate!:salute::

I thought this a fine Dispatch myself. Last month it was Grey Jerries this month it was the legendary Red Devils, it's all good^&cool


I am sure contrary to the advice from the antipodeans and knowing that you peruse CF you probably do know what it refers to. It is a current price discussion elsewhere regarding what figures and AFV's are made for in the hobby at a base level. It is actually worth it to a lot of people who find the hobby very expensive and would like to stay in it but, find themselves being priced out of it. Its also very worth it in relation to how manufacturers assert what the prices are for and why they have to keep rising.

It was also just a little bit of humour added by myself which, some have found amusing but, as I have told you before you can't please everyone especially some.

PS... I particularly like the wounded para being carried best of the whole MG range for me


Am I missing something here guys, 'Alibaba'?!^&confuse

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I am sure contrary to the advice from the antipodeans and knowing that you peruse CF you probably do know what it refers to. It is a current price discussion elsewhere regarding what figures and AFV's are made for in the hobby at a base level. It is actually worth it to a lot of people who find the hobby very expensive and would like to stay in it but, find themselves being priced out of it. Its also very worth it in relation to how manufacturers assert what the prices are for and why they have to keep rising.

It was also just a little bit of humour added by myself which, some have found amusing but, as I have told you before you can't please everyone especially some.

PS... I particularly like the wounded para being carried best of the whole MG range for me


I did indeed and for a long time take part/look in on the ' other' forum but had to stop as it was making me very angry^&grin:wink2: So in truth I have not seen this thread you mention, however over the last few hours and following my post I have been filled in as it were and now have a rough idea of what you're talking about. I would indeed agree that any discussion of price and or being priced out of the hobby is a very valid thread indeed, this is not a cheap hobby by any means. I don't know what is being said in the thread but I'm guessing the rising price of K&C is the main topic , it's been discussed here many times too.

No problem with humour Mitch, these days you switch on the tv and the news is often grim grim grim grim. Today for instance; Two girls run down and killed by car ,little girl savaged to death by own dog and five hundred years of ship building and 800 jobs ending in Portsmouth. Humour always welcome!:smile2:

As for my Australian friends , yes they do advise me not to look in over there and I really appreciate it but I already had made the decision sometime back. I count myself lucky to have made friends all over the world , never thought that would happen through Toy Soldiers!

That is indeed a superb Arnhem set Mitch, would go nicely with a previous set of guy carrying his wounded mate over shoulder. Did I read you prefer these to the last batch of Arnhem figs?


I am sure contrary to the advice from the antipodeans and knowing that you peruse CF you probably do know what it refers to. It is a current price discussion elsewhere regarding what figures and AFV's are made for in the hobby at a base level. It is actually worth it to a lot of people who find the hobby very expensive and would like to stay in it but, find themselves being priced out of it. Its also very worth it in relation to how manufacturers assert what the prices are for and why they have to keep rising.

It was also just a little bit of humour added by myself which, some have found amusing but, as I have told you before you can't please everyone especially some.

PS... I particularly like the wounded para being carried best of the whole MG range for me

Nice post Mitch, you really crack me up sometimes......'Antipodeans' that's a good one. For the record mate, up until an hour ago I had no idea of what was happening on the CF site and to be honest I've got zero interest in the place. I have drifted over there on a couple of occasions this year, but felt the overall tone of CF to be fairly negative, especially when it comes to anything to do with K&C. Admittedly there are a few members over their who put up a solid front, but by in large the place is full of haters and life's too short for that kind of rubbish.

As for my response to Rob's post, that was simply a friendly suggestion to him not to bother seeking an answer, to what was clearly going to end up in yet ding dong of sorts and ruin a good thread......and on that note, it's 'not worth it'.

If members want to discuss prices etc, hey that's perfectly fine with me, I have no problems with that what-so-ever and never have.

Good to see you back Kiwi and mending . You have to take the other forum and this one just how it is and like or dislike what is said with a grain of salt. I have sum fun on both and have been at times most times taken seriously on both but in the end it is just a bunch of blokes who haven't quite grown up me included who still hangs on to the dream of toy soldiers and child hood dreams. Nothing wrong with this at all but it is what it is. Chris.:salute::
Good to see you back Kiwi and mending . You have to take the other forum and this one just how it is and like or dislike what is said with a grain of salt. I have sum fun on both and have been at times most times taken seriously on both but in the end it is just a bunch of blokes who haven't quite grown up me included who still hangs on to the dream of toy soldiers and child hood dreams. Nothing wrong with this at all but it is what it is. Chris.:salute::

Thanks Chris, yeah well and truly on the mend mate and should be back on the horse sometime next week. I hear what your saying about CF, but it's just not my cup of tea I'm afraid. I'm sure if I joined up I could have loads of fun over there, if you know what I mean, but right now I have little enough time as it is to spend on the hobby, so I'm all TF at this stage........Plus I know Mitch would miss me too much....:wink2:^&grin
I like the new Civil War figures, however on what planet does this figure resemble Joshua Chamberlain ? K&C is usually spot on with their personality figures, but this one isn't even close. It's not like it is hard to find a picture of him.

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I noticed that this figure is wearing the badge of the 6th Corps. Joshua Chamberlain and the 20th Maine were apart of the 5th Corps. Their badge was a Maltese cross. His should be red because the 20th was assigned to the 3rd brigade. Sorry to nitpick.

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