Official News: KnC Sherman!! (2 Viewers)

One thing that we shouldn't forget is that these KnC models are not targeted at us but newer and younger collectors, where accuracy may not be as key a concern. Not saying this as a justification but more as an explanation.

If it is intended that these are to be sold through stores like Walmart and Target, I don't think the people buying these -- parents at this time of the year -- are worrying about accuracy. Speaking of which, if it is intended to be sold through Walmart, they better hurry and get these on the shelves.

I would not be surprised one day if the KnC division becomes the biggest seller and the traditional toy soldier market is left behind.

Just because the collectors are younger or less experienced should we sell them some figures of Custer's 7th Cavalry to be used for the Charge of the Light Brigade? Same basic principle involved - peddling inaccurate material to someone isn't going to get them to be passionate about the hobby.

Gary B.
For those wondering what the UK price will be it is £69.50

We will also have it with us at the London Toy soldier show on the 7th of December. Andy will also be there if there are any questions about the new KnC range


Tony neville


It will be great to have a look at this new range next week.
Perhaps Neil you need to create another thread on this subject!!!{sm2}{sm4}


Sum people are never happy mate ^&grin:salute::
Love my airfix Cromwell tank when I was a kid:)
where is it stated that these are intended for a younger market? I have seen nothing so far that suggests K&C KnC or whatever they are going by is actually targeting ''kids'' The plastic range was stated by them as appealing to collectors who wanted to pad out dio's and buy multiples and, the tanks are commented upon in the same manner

Do parents buy children FOV?? I am not so sure if ''kids'' want toys parents buy toys the little plastic tanks like airfix and green plastic stuff that is £6.50 and a little more in the UK. They don't buy £70 AFV's for them to play with so, I think a few seem to be getting carried away with the range as being aimed at the wrong audience. I am sure, if ''KnKiddies'' gets some younger people buying they will be happy but, I would think this is still an attempt to get the collectors now who have dropped out because of the price hikes to keep buying K&C.

I have to agree with the comments on accuracy if your wanting to influence ''kids'' way to go if you are introducing them to History based on innacuracies. Not the way I would want new collectors of any age introduced to a hobby based on historically accurate miniatures.

Thanks for the information Terry.

One thing that we shouldn't forget is that these KnC models are not targeted at us but newer and younger collectors, where accuracy may not be as key a concern. Not saying this as a justification but more as an explanation.

If it is intended that these are to be sold through stores like Walmart and Target, I don't think the people buying these -- parents at this time of the year -- are worrying about accuracy. Speaking of which, if it is intended to be sold through Walmart, they better hurry and get these on the shelves.

I would not be surprised one day if the KnC division becomes the biggest seller and the traditional toy soldier market is left behind.
No surprise to me that on this section of the forum we're mostly slamming KnC light! {eek3}This release really isn't meant for us discerning collectors who value the more detailed and expensive pieces so ofcourse it will fall well short of our increasingly high expectations.

Interestingly if you look at the Treefrog FOV thread there is almost no action. Seems to me most members on this forum aren't into the "toy" type releases and that's fine. Me however I started with FOV pieces and amassed a good number until I discovered K&C. In fact it was FOV that got me back into the hobby. They produced decent pieces at reasonable price points however more recently the releases are far and fewer in between, often lower quality, less variety and at much higher prices (which has plagued the whole hobby). From what I see the KnC piece doesn't quite match the FOV in quality however it is a larger scale 1/30.

I applaud K&C for going down this rout. Maybe they will pick up where FOV has fallen short. I believe it very likely that many people (probably in greater numbers than traditional K&C collectors) will scoup these pieces up and enjoy them for what they are.....fairly expensive and modestly detailed...TOYS. I hope KnC sells lots and makes a pile of money so that they can not only stay vital and in business but hopefully this venture can help slow down the ever increasing cost of the more expensive mainstream pieces I've come to appreciate.
The release says they hope that this will encourage younger collectors to join the hobby. Younger can mean anyone from kids to someone who is a day younger than me :tongue:

Yes, it would have been good to have it be a Sherman used on D Day but I remember when I bought my son his first FOV tanks neither of us worried whether it was spot on accurate. He was just happy to get something he could play with. If these are sold in the big chains, the younger collectors probably won't care either.
..... If these are sold in the big chains, the younger collectors probably won't care either.

If these are sold in big chains KC is going to have to change the way they do business. Big chains like to have
closeout sales to move old stocks off the shelves. Even then at $69 a pop younger collectors will care.
Radio controlled might have more of a chance at that price. They want action.

Don't sell younger collectors short. Mine at least know quality backwards and forwards. Also, Peer pressure is
highly motivative in choices they make. Does anyone here have any kids that will even wear generic white fronts,
and those don't even show. Hopefully anyway.
Why in the word would anyone of any age want an also ran plastic tank that sits on a shelf
when they could have one of these. Notice the prices. Video game generation expect more.

Somebody needs to spend a few coins on a Marketing panel or focus group instead of relying on Kool-aid groupies at show venues.
That is if they really want to set new grounds in products. Ask about the importance of accuracy.
Well, that's what toy makers have been doing for years, trying to figure out what kids want. If it was that simple, everybody would make the same thing.
We'll I hope the range does we'll and think they just need to improve the track /wheel detail and there be on to a winner
Well, that's what toy makers have been doing for years, trying to figure out what kids want. If it was that simple, everybody would make the same thing.

The successful ones go outside their comfort zone and do a bit of research in design and demographic.
We'll I hope the range does we'll and think they just need to improve the track /wheel detail and there be on to a winner


Only four comments so far on the tracks detail. As you said earlier some people are never happy.
Incidentally how many of those $9.99 plastic tanks do you own ?
Same old same old. There are people who will want to buy it and those that won't. Chances are no one is going to post something that convinces someone with the opposite view to change their minds.
I assumed the conversation was about generic toy makers. And you assumed....?

Since we're in the K&C section talking about a KnC tank, I guess I kinda assumed that they were the ones being referred to!
My 2 pennys worth:

1. Companies, like KC, need to make money! They explore every possible avenue to do so; and make business decisions that hopefully are sound in the long run.

2. Sometimes in an effort to draw in "new" customers, "old or existing" ones are less than impressed. As production increases in order to ramp up sales; quality may decrease as a result, unless a substantial increase in investment is injected into it; but then the overall increase in revenue may not be seen as worthwhile from business point of view. Thus usually as production increases, quality decreases.

If a Savile Row bespoke tailor suddenly makes mass-produce suits, the bespoke clients will be unhappy (reasons 1. bespoke may now take longer to complete; 2. quality may not be same as less time spent on it in order to clear orders and keep waiting time low etc etc) but the less discerning ones are happy as suits are more affordable. Or shall he stay making a few bespoke and risk not making enough to make ends meet given the inflation etc etc? Existing customers were originally drawn to a company for a reason; and when the company changes with time, sometimes that reason is no longer valid.

A fine balance has to be found somewhere. If the number of new customers coming in are more than number of exisitng customers leaving, then they are winning!

3. UK customers are usually more unhappy because a 69 USD item will cost them 69 quid; 169 usd will be 169 quid!

This isnt just about toy soldier, its about other stuff too; cars, watches, food etc etc. We expect more and more, as price increases. Yet, the QC of a company may not increase in line with our expectations.

I am not targeting KC; this is just in general what I observe, thus personal opinion only, nothing more.

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