Official News: KnC Sherman!! (2 Viewers)

Awesome, go ahead and order one from Amazon.

Then they can update you once a month telling you the ship date keeps getting pushed back, then six months from now they'll email you telling you "Sorry, we are not able to get this item for you, so your order is cancelled, sorry for any problems this may have created for you" like they used to do to me everytime I tried to buy a book from them, which is why I stopped doing business with them.

yes I plan to order one for my 8 years old nephew. I'm sure he'll have lot of fun with this tank more than the name brand plastic static display tank :)
AMAZON best etailer on the internet after me of course :). I order from them at least once a week. Books to tools I even buy coffee from them. One touch ordering is the best. Goods arrive in one to two days, and I have never had to wait for a back order. And yes I pay NJ sales tax. Even with that their prices still make them cheaper. The Feds should have had them build, it would have worked !
They already charges sales tax for half of their U.S. population customer base [Some sixteen states]. Amazon already has the software in place
ready to go. Who is going to be hurt are the small business Internet Sellers. They have to buy the software, put it
in place, administer it and make payment to every tax commission [State and a thousand municipalities]. I expect
many of those to join Amazon Fulfillment for their Internet Sales. They will pay Amazon a fee and Amazon will care take
of collecting and paying the Sales Tax.

For me the cost of Amazon purchases runs 25% less, so the low Sales Tax I have to pay won't matter. I expect Amazon's
Net Sales will increase as a result. Amazon seems to know that as they supported the Internet tax bill.

Only will apply to etailers with gross sales of a million dollars or more. I should have that problem.
If you knew that most customers did not know the blue suit coat was really a brown blazer, you would not at least advise your contacts that the tailor had made a rather egregious mistake? The sad thing is knowing that the tailor could have PREVENTED the error with a couple emails or a phone call to a person who has studied fabrics. What if you were not a rabble-rouser but a fan of that tailor and knew that the shop could do much better work?

Sorry Brad but the analogy continues......

Here is what I would do:

Of course I would point out the mistake to my contacts. However, I would not revisit it with them by returning with diagrams and color charts to prove my point and make myself seem important. I am not a tailor, therefore I would not pretend that I was one simply because I know how to search on Google. I would advise my tailor of the mistake and move on.
Tailor, shmailor. Is this the haberdashery forum or what. Gott im himmel. You guys want a good suit? Call Moe at Macy's. 36 Short, 48 Extra Long? No problem!
Sorry Brad but the analogy continues......

Here is what I would do:

Of course I would point out the mistake to my contacts. However, I would not revisit it with them by returning with diagrams and color charts to prove my point and make myself seem important. I am not a tailor, therefore I would not pretend that I was one simply because I know how to search on Google. I would advise my tailor of the mistake and move on.

For those few of us who love the history behind a tank, getting it correct is important and pointing it out requires a lot more effort than a quick search on Google which often has it wrong. To me, an historically inaccurate model is not a military miniature - it's just a toy. No collector would buy an obviously wrong Afrika Korps King Tiger but would buy models with less obvious errors that they weren't aware of. Tank models are not only an historical item but are also a consumer item and subject to review like any consumer product.

Getting a Sherman right can be difficult. The Sherman has the most variations of any tank in WWII by far with about 20 versions. Even the often upgraded Panzer III and Panzer IV had less than 10 Ausf each. I still have trouble identifying Shermans and placing them in the correct location/time/army and often need to check a reference. I have to wonder if any of the Shermans made by HB, CS, K&C, KnC or Figarti are actually correct.

And now to put an end to this stupid suit analogy.
Agree with Terry here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with appreciating and desiring historical accuracy in a model you are going to spend good money on. I believe there are many folk who love the history behind a product and its laughably easy to tell the diff between those guys and those who obviously and repeatedly work to an agnda of insults and jibes.

From my personal view I'd no more buy a King Tiger in AK camo than I would go to a Celine Dion concert, but perhaps if the exhaust was wrong I may overlook that if I like the overall look of the model. If I decided I would not buy it I would state why without the need to hurl insults or jibes.

Just my view of course :smile2:

My Tanks sell well on Amazon ......

£10k's worth in the last 30 days:)

If you don't like something then keep your peace ....same old mouths on here spouting the same old **** .....

laters > goes back to selling Tanks

Agree with Terry here. There is absolutely nothing wrong with appreciating and desiring historical accuracy in a model you are going to spend good money on. I believe there are many folk who love the history behind a product and its laughably easy to tell the diff between those guys and those who obviously and repeatedly work to an agnda of insults and jibes.

From my personal view I'd no more buy a King Tiger in AK camo than I would go to a Celine Dion concert, but perhaps if the exhaust was wrong I may overlook that if I like the overall look of the model. If I decided I would not buy it I would state why without the need to hurl insults or jibes.

Just my view of course :smile2:


Yes - it's the size of the inaccuracies that matter to me. Small errors are common as are missing small features. But the major components should be correct. When the Hull, turret, hatches gun or wheels are wrong that's a big one.

Yes - it's the size of the inaccuracies that matter to me. Small errors are common as are missing small features. But the major components should be correct. When the Hull, turret, hatches gun or wheels are wrong that's a big one.


Yes its at points such as those we then all make to buy or not to buy decisions. Whether you buy because you know evry inch of the tank or just because you think it looks good , both are perfectly valid as its our cash.

don't see any agendas myself??? just collectors who buy a boat load of product and want a manufacturer to get it right and, to stop thinking because they make the stuff or, in reality get some factory to make them, they know better than all. Surprised to hear this self important thing being raised as its what a toy soldier forum is for to talk good and bad about the releases. If people don't like to hear that get in touch with the manufacturer and get them to do better research. its not like this is a one time issue continued errors big and small have occurred for years. As one poster noted its easy to get assistance from people who know or, to address a plethora of detailed existing information that is readily available.
don't see any agendas myself??? just collectors who buy a boat load of product and want a manufacturer to get it right and, to stop thinking because they make the stuff or, in reality get some factory to make them, they know better than all. Surprised to hear this self important thing being raised as its what a toy soldier forum is for to talk good and bad about the releases. If people don't like to hear that get in touch with the manufacturer and get them to do better research. its not like this is a one time issue continued errors big and small have occurred for years. As one poster noted its easy to get assistance from people who know or, to address a plethora of detailed existing information that is readily available.

Not to make excuses for the manufacturers, but often the reason they don't ask is to keep their upcoming models secret from the competition. As for doing their own research, there is a lot of conflicting and erroneous information in books, on the internet and in the 1:35 plastic model kits designs are sometimes copied from. So unless the manufacturer really knows the AFV it is easy to get things wrong. BUT - when models were cheap and I didn't have many and there was little choice, I wasn't as picky. Now that I have many models, prices are high and there is lots of choice, I am very picky.

I do not think that it is a matter of critique that is the main question raised in these threads. Many, or at least a fair proportion of the posters are of a view (in my understanding of what has been written) that if a manufacturer repeatedly lets you down, repeatedly comes up short in your estimation or perhaps for whatever reason you just do not like them, maybe its time to direct your money to the competition. At some point, like a bad marriage, the differences are irreconcilable and both parties should go their separate ways. To repeatedly criticise, as opposed to making a point and moving on, serves what purpose? The evil manufacturers are apparently not seeking the advice of people who have no financial stake in the eventual decision so the only other purpose in repetitive criticism is a self appointed crusade for one view of the truth. In a moment of silliness, I set myself the task of posting as many positive comments about this new decision as I could for no reason other than ... well, no reason really. I'm not buying the tank but that does not seem to curtail others, but I lost interest after one post because what more could I say? I barely know Andy so if it gets criticised it means little to me, I'm not buying the tank because I have no WW2 US figures in my collection, so it has little bearing on me, so for those who think its too dear, wrong, silly, whatever ... how do you stay interested in a discussion of the vehicle? Its 3.30 am in Brisbane and I am at my desk looking for a distraction, but what is in it for you guys? Are you really that invested in the decision?

I think everyone who researches knows the rubbish books and sites from the good. If you base your research on Wiki and Osprey then your on a loser IMO as most of the stuff is wrong or, is sloppily researched and published. Not saying the manufacturers use this but, in a number of projects I have seen some of these books and Tamiya stuff knocking around.

I can accept small errors and as you mention a lot of stuff gets left out because of the transport and delivery issue but, we are not talking unknown AFV's and regiments here obscure paper panzers etc but, well known AFV's Sherman, Tiger, Panzer IV, etc.


Why does it bother you what people say? This happens to be a toy soldier forum where by its nature you have to write what you think and feel. It is also the case that as a subject is drawn out in time and complexity etc that more people will contribute and, others who have already posted will see parts of a response and feel they wish to add or further clarify their previously posted points. That is a natural thing to happen and, if a person loves or hates something they will continue with that discussion point. It seems that its alright to have people say they repeatedly like an item yet, not right for someone to continue with the contrary.

Maybe I am happy to hear all opinions and don't get bored or angered with what is said on toy soldier forum I find everything interesting even comments I don't necessarily agree with.

Not to make excuses for the manufacturers, but often the reason they don't ask is to keep their upcoming models secret from the competition. As for doing their own research, there is a lot of conflicting and erroneous information in books, on the internet and in the 1:35 plastic model kits designs are sometimes copied from. So unless the manufacturer really knows the AFV it is easy to get things wrong. BUT - when models were cheap and I didn't have many and there was little choice, I wasn't as picky. Now that I have many models, prices are high and there is lots of choice, I am very picky.

Just to clarify my point, I am not calling anyone out or directing any criticism towards any member of this forum. A question was posed to me, as in "what would you do if?" My response was exactly that, what I would do in the proposed/hypothetical instance.
Very interesting to read the differing opinions on this. I look forward to seeing this tank before making a decision. For me if I purchased it I think I would use it in a backdrop situation as opposed to next to my polystone afv's. I do like the Idea of adding weathering damage here and there if so desired, at the price it is being sold at this is more realistic than buying a full price version to do likewise with. I also thought Gordon's dio featuring the Sherman showcased it's scene potential very nicely indeed^&cool

Very interesting to read the differing opinions on this. I look forward to seeing this tank before making a decision. For me if I purchased it I think I would use it in a backdrop situation as opposed to next to my polystone afv's. I do like the Idea of adding weathering damage here and there if so desired, at the price it is being sold at this is more realistic than buying a full price version to do likewise with. I also thought Gordon's dio featuring the Sherman showcased it's scene potential very nicely indeed^&cool


Think your right there look good in the background of a dio .the one in Gordon dio look to me to of had la complete repaint ?
Think your right there look good in the background of a dio .the one in Gordon dio look to me to of had la complete repaint ?

Yes Neil it does look like it's had a good old weathering and battering doesn't it. I'm no painter but I'd like to have a go at that myself.

OK, I got good news and bad news! The good news - the tank has a decent overall impression. The BAD news - it IS NOT a US Sherman from D-Day!!!!! I was getting all excited when I saw the wading stacks were removable - then I saw the back end. Boys and girls - that tank is an M4A2 (British Sherman III) or an M4A3 (early model). Guess what - the M4A2 wasn't in US service in the ETO (with a few RARE exceptions). The M4A3 (early model) didn't go overseas until 1945 - they had been held back in the US as training vehicles, then they went through a remanufacturing program. By the time the M4A3s were ready to go to Europe the demand was high for 76mm tanks and newer tanks with the "Wet" ammo stowage. The large tank losses in the Battle of the Bulge caused several shipments of late M4A3s to go to Europe in 1945. So the tank modeled only applies to the drive into Germany in 1945 and to the fighting on Okinawa. Sorry, but those are the only two battles where that particular model was photographed in a combat zone. That's why there are quite a few of them in parks and museums in the USA - they didn't ever leave the country and were available in depots when parks and VFW posts wanted a "WW2 tank" for display. FoV's Sherman is wrong that way and now so is the upcoming KnC model.

For heavens sake! There are a number of us who know this stuff, why can't the manufacturers get off their high horses and ask a few questions instead of charging ahead because "it looks right"? What KnC have done is the WW2 equivalent of placing a Union cavalryman from 1865 in the middle of the Alamo! I cannot understand why collectors support such crummy homework. It's just not that hard to ask someone and get it right.

One of my alltime favorite lines in a movie comes from A Princess Bride "You have a dizzying intellect"; probably fits the bill here {sm4}{sm4}

Your knowledge of WW2 era US Army is beyond reproach and I give you a hearty STANDS ALONE for it. Glad I never had an in ranks inspection with you in a round brown as Im quite sure you'd pimp slap the AR 670-1 infractions out of my uniform irregularities till it was time to fallout from final formation at 1630.

Again, superb analysis. It's refreshing to read such detailed analysis on an institution I love and cherish

I'm surprised it took this long for this product to come out.

It's brilliant, a long time coming and I wish KnC well. Tho I am surprised this wasnt released with several others simultaneously. But whatever.

Good on them for tackling it.

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