Opening a can of worms ... (1 Viewer)

Well I do hesitate to comment on what I want next from Honor Bound since I have just ordered my first piece from them the Winter Panther which should arrive Tuesday. Since everyone else though is commenting I would like to add my two cents.

I would very much like a Flakpanzer IV Wirbelwind. The advantages are the vehicle served on multiple fronts and during winter so you could have many paint schemes. Plus you would have the chassis of a Mark IV done for future projects or other specialty vehicles. I just have always loved this vehicle since I was a little boy.

Second on my list is a British desert tank like a Grant, Crusader, Valentine, or Matilda. Right now my 8th Army soldiers do not have much tank support against the Germans.

Lastly I have always had a soft spot for the KV-1 Russian tank. This tank was just such a monster I am sure it must have scared the Germans in their Panzer IIIs. There were many variations done so again there could be many different versions done.

Thanks and I look forward to getting my new tank.

Old Guard
I think old guard has made some very good suggestions there.I would love some armoured support for my Eigth Army.Grant,Crusader Matilda etc.I hope at some point either HB or K&C will make some more British artillery for the desert as well.

well I finnaly cracked and bought the Barkman panther,
I,ve got it set up now with some K and C tank riders.
superb model good luck with your future releases :)
I have just done the same thing.I took the plunge and ordered the winter panther and i'm going to have the K&C Winter tank riders on it.I'm really tempted by the Jeeps as well.Can't wait to see what else HB has in store this year.

I,m sure you will have no regrets their ,the combination looks
great together. It would be great to see another tank as good
as the panther produced.It Should be an excellent year all around
for collectors.
Thanks Rob for your kind words. I have seen many pictures of Honour Bound tanks with K&C soldiers and they look great to me. Can't wait till tomorrow to get my Panther and see how it looks with some of my soldiers. I hope Honour Bound has a great year.

Old Guard
Ana, is a damaged panther still in the plans and when can I pre-order my Honour Bound tiger (no pressure, just wondering)?;)

Thanks, Fred
Your leading me astray Fred.I've got K&C's Panther,i've just ordered HB's winter Panther and now your talking damaged you wanna see me cry mate!

Your leading me astray Fred.I've got K&C's Panther,i've just ordered HB's winter Panther and now your talking damaged you wanna see me cry mate!


Rob, Ana mentioned a damaged panther some months ago to go along with the bergepanther, I think it would make a great accent piece to any ETO display, with or without the bergepanther. Damaged vehicles is area that's been overlooked for quite a while.

You're going to love that winter panther, Rob, it'll put that other brand X panther to shame and may very well become your all time fave!:) You'll just have to get another set of brand X winter tank riders to put on the back of it until HB gets around to making their own riders!:cool:

Hey Fred,yeah i can't wait to get it.I'd held off getting it because i was worried about the difference in white shade with my other tanks.But Oz reassured me on this so i'm very happy about it.And as you suggested i'm picking up some KC riders in March so it should look cool.Thanks Fred

Ana, is a damaged panther still in the plans and when can I pre-order my Honour Bound tiger (no pressure, just wondering)?;)

Thanks, Fred


The damaged panther is still in the plans and on the works. About your Honour Bound tiger...if you are patient, you can pre-order ;)

How about that tunisian Tiger from all the tank programmes.The one in which a shell hit the underside of the gun travelled along it and lodged in the turret ring.The crew panicked and baled out.I believe it was the first Tiger captured and there is a pic of Churchill inspecting it.It has been restored and lives in the Bovington Tank Museum.

If Hitler had as much choice in Tigers as we do the outcome could have been very different!

If Hitler had standardised to Panthers then the outcome might have been very different too!

The damaged panther is still in the plans and on the works. About your Honour Bound tiger...if you are patient, you can pre-order ;)


Thank you for your prompt reply, Ana. Patient I am not, but I'm sure an Honour Bound tiger will be well worth the wait. It doesn't matter to me which version you make as long as there's enough for all those who want one....... and it has at least a four man crew and hopefully all five.:) Please put me down for one ....... (of each version;) ).

I am eagerly awaiting the delivery of my first HB vehicle(winter panther)and was wondering what HB boxes are like,are they plain or interesting like K&C's.?

I am eagerly awaiting the delivery of my first HB vehicle(winter panther)and was wondering what HB boxes are like,are they plain or interesting like K&C's.? Rob

They are very different than those of K&C. They are rather plan on the outside, but oh boy, it's what's on the inside that really counts. HB does a really spectacular job in making sure their model survives transportation. Remember to remove all packing from the box as the tank is screwed down to the hardened base. Handle with care while you are unpacking it and you will be very pleased.

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