Opening a can of worms ... (2 Viewers)

I think if you back thru OTHER HB threads you'll find that'll be me.:D


I sense a Anna Nicole situation. We will be in court for years. How about we cut it in half like a Figarti?

If KC did a AK tiger I don't think they would use thier previous molds, theres a fair bit to change. The commanders copula has to be changed trom a swivel to a lift hatch, hull and tracks need updating. More then likely they'll redo from scratch. Most of the AK sets are now being released, if KC does release a AK Tiger I don't think we'll see it 'till later this year, maybe.

I'm still leaning toward HB not only for the quality of thier product but I'll be able to choose from the various versions released that I don't have.

If KC did a AK tiger I don't think they would use thier previous molds, theres a fair bit to change. The commanders copula has to be changed trom a swivel to a lift hatch, hull and tracks need updating. More then likely they'll redo from scratch. Most of the AK sets are now being released, if KC does release a AK Tiger I don't think we'll see it 'till later this year, maybe.

I'm still leaning toward HB not only for the quality of thier product but I'll be able to choose from the various versions released that I don't have.

KC has been known to cut a few historical accuracy corners in churning out product. I think that is almost a necessity given how much product they produce. HB will do a great job and I will definitely buy one when it comes out. Just concerned that any of us will live that long given that there are a number of pending HB items that we have been waiting on for some time. Shermans, infrared Panther set, damaged Panther etc. If the HB Tiger is just in the planning stages, we could be talking a very long time.
I'd like to see something from North Africa, preferably 8th Army, such as a Crusader.

Also, how about a scene like the Snipe position. That would be interesting although not necessarily economically feasible. However, if you just do the troops that may be sufficient as there may be enough tanks to fill out the scene.

Appears you didn't even want a Tiger, Brad, so you're not even in the running!:p Maybe Ana will do it the fair way and have a lottery.:), but only for those who truly wanted (heaven forbid) ANOTHER TIGER!:)

Not just another tiger, but the best one ever made and in real 1:30 scale. If you don't want one you can always go over the Brand X cheerleading thread and fill yourself to the brim with girlish glee!:D :pFred


Darn right, Michael, and she'd be more than happy to kick your butt with them while you're bent over oooohing and aaaaahing over those $900 warbirds!:D Sorry, Ana:eek:

Darn right, Michael, and she'd be more than happy to kick your butt with them while you're bent over oooohing and aaaaahing over those $900 warbirds!:D Sorry, Ana:eek: Fred

Sorry Fred, at that price I won't even be looking at their pictures anymore. I only have one plane and it's a 21st century Stuka to go with my K&C AK diorama. To begin collecting aircraft is to begin again and I am too far into WWII, Napoleon and John Jenkins to begin anew. So I guess I want a Tiger too. Just make it as good as the Panthers and the Tunisian version sounds good to me.
So I guess I want a Tiger too. Just make it as good as the Panthers and the Tunisian version sounds good to me.

Welcome abroad, mate. And not just as good.....better! ;)

By the way, Michael, my mom's 94 so even with her combat (sorry Doug) boots on it wouldn't have hurt to bad.:p

Ya see, Ana, there's another one sold!:D

Recently watched an episode of 'Tanks' entitiled 'Tigers in the desert' and now i really want a Tunisian Tiger.I can't help it ,underneath this alien looking body i'm only human!.I heard Ana say (actually i meant read of course)that there will be several different versions,so come on chaps what are your prefered versions.Heres mine;

Late war.

But, if it's a Wittman version, you guys miss out :D

Oz, I think it's going go down like this, Ana will make all three of the versions you, Doug and I have suggested, therefore:

Oz gets #1 Wittman
Doug gets the # O. Carius
And the #1 Tunisian goes to:D , thank you, thank you very much.:p
All the non believers can have the rest.

Oz, I think it's going go down like this, Ana will make all three of the versions you, Doug and I have suggested, therefore:

Oz gets #1 Wittman
Doug gets the # O. Carius
And the #1 Tunisian goes to:D , thank you, thank you very much.:p
All the non believers can have the rest.


I get number zero? How much would the folks on the other forum pay for that baby?
Guys,i'm waiting for my Winter Panther to be delivered.So while i am waiting tell me again,just how good it is?!!

So how does it compare with K&C's Panther?.

So how does it compare with K&C's Panther?.


Not got the K&C Panther, but have seen it in the flesh at shows etc.

Not as 'colourful' as K&C, i think someone already said as much, the camo scheme is more subdued, the zimmerit is very well done, the detail is better (IMO) things like crisper sculpted tools, seperate wire tow cables etc.

It looks more realistic (again, IMO) than K&Cs, but the figures aren't up to K&C standard. Good, but not K&C good. They're also thinner than the K&C figures, but do combine well enough.

Very happy with it. Should go nicely with the HB Tiger you promised me. :p


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