They are very different than those of K&C. They are rather plan on the outside, but oh boy, it's what's on the inside that really counts. HB does a really spectacular job in making sure their model survives transportation. Remember to remove all packing from the box as the tank is screwed down to the hardened base. Handle with care while you are unpacking it and you will be very pleased.
About your Honour Bound tiger...if you are patient, you can pre-order
Yes, Fred
THANK YOU, ANA! Please put me down for one, #1. that is.
THANK YOU, ANA! Please put me down for one, #1. that is.
Boys - I can't say much for the moment, it's too early. But as usual, there will be many versions, so early and late options are included.
I just showed Ana's post to my wife and she fainted.ooh quick grab her purse!
THANK YOU, ANA! Please put me down for one, #1. that is.
Aside from the upcoming berge and field kitchen can you just vision what thier Sherman or Tiger tanks will look like
Sceic2, I like the KC winter Tiger set but the tank itself is subpar in detailing a new uptaded version is more then welcome.
I like you guys, I really really do. But come on, another Tiger?