Papa Zulu...RIP... (1 Viewer)


Lieutenant General
Aug 3, 2008
Joe Quintini...aka...Papa Zulu...aka...The Lt....

passed away tonight...

Joe had a lot of friends on here...

and was an asset to this forum...

he will be sadly missed...

he was a good friend of mine...
I never met him, but he was a great contributor here, and I know through you and Nichols how good of a man he was. He will be missed. Condolences to his family, and may he rest in peace.
-Sandor Farkas
This is terrible news. His passing is a great loss to the forum. My deepest sympathies and condolences to his family.

Joe "The Lt." was the catalyst to my joining this forum exactly 5 years ago this day. His thread "Trophy of Wales" was my "bible" reference for the AZW.

I am so sorry to hear it. Joe was such a gentleman. I met him a couple of times at shows, but mostly knew him through his artistic, knowledgeable, and always polite posts on this forum. I am saddened by his passing. He will be missed.
That really is sad news.

I like many others appreciated his many great threads and images over the years. He was a great asset to the forum and will be missed.

RIP Joe and condolences to his family.

It is very sad to read these terrible news.
The Lt. was sure among the finest members, and will be missed.
My heartfelt condolences to his family.
Rest in Peace, Joe.
I too never knew him but he was a huge part of this forum.It won't be the same here without him.My deepest sympathy to his family.
I'm very sorry to hear this. He was a gentleman in every way, always encouraging my delve into Trophy. His continuing Zulu story was the archtype of all diorama efforts here and undoubtedly inspired many. I'm sad to say that I only met him once, at the Hackensack Show, about five years ago.

A true Lion. Rest in Peace Joe.

Joe's sister Terry...called me tonight to tell me...I would have done it anyway...but she asked me to inform the Treefrog members of his passing...I will certainly send her a link to this thread so she can read all the endearing comments about her brother...he had so many friends and admirers on here...I'm sure it will make her happy and help her understand Joe's long term commitment to his passion for collecting...
That was not expected, really sad, always a larger than life figure. This will take time to come to grips with. Joe will be missed. Robin.
Tragic news for he was indeed a true gentleman and one of the very first "froggers" to make me really welcome when I enlisted on the forum.

I never met Joe but had dozens of phone call chats with him to discuss TS and his other favourite pastime Line Dancing. Every time I was Stateside I would ring him and always left him laughing.

A real sad loss to the hobby.

My sincere condolences to his family and the Little Captain.

Rest in peace Joe

What very sad news to start the day, not another one of our members gone! But Joe will never be forgotten. My deepest sympathy and sincere condolences to his family.

Very sad news for the TS community, a kind and giving man always willing to share his vast knowledge of the AZW and toy soldiers in general and a good friend to all who knew him. He will be greatly missed, sincere condolences to family and friends and, of course, the Little Captain.

Rest in Peace Joe, you were the best.

I am not familiar with Joe but he sounds like a wonderful bloke and he will be greatly missed on this forum.

R.I.P. Joe.

Very sad news to awaken to. My condolences to Joe's family. He will be missed by all. RIP, Joe. -- Al
Very sorry to hear of this, Joe was a great guy. Spoke to him numerous times at the Dedham/Woburn shows, he was always the first person in line. My Dad had a chance to meet him at the Hackensack show, they had a lot in common, specifically the dancing and they bonded right away, my Dad always asked about Joe, Joe likewise always asked about my Dad, I'll let my Dad know today.

He as a true asset to the hobby, probably the most enthusiastic collector I've ever met, it was sad to see he couldn't make the Woburn show the past couple of years.

Had the chance to speak with him on the phone a short time ago, very glad I had that chance.

R.I.P. papa Zulu, the forum and the hobby won't be the same without you.
RIP Joe, you were a great contributor to the forum and will be very much missed. My condolences to his family.


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