Poilus...battered and bruised... (1 Viewer)

got 4 new JJD Poilus for my collection...


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Very nice Mike, still saving my pennies for these 2. Next year mine will come stumbling in I hope. Robin.
I've picked up these two new sets as well Mike. With JJD's continued release of WWI French walking wounded, poignant diorama possibilities are endless. I really do like non-combative poses more so that combat action poses, and I am especially fond of John's exceptionally done wounded French. My village street scene is getting very crowded and there is still another set of wounded that will soon be available. Neat stuff . . . .
:smile2: Mike

In my opinion, the wounded Poilu's are some of the (if not THE) best toy soldier sets that have been made. I think calling them 'toy soldiers' is an injustice, as they are works of art.

Just my opinion of course!

I've picked up these two new sets as well Mike. With JJD's continued release of WWI French walking wounded, poignant diorama possibilities are endless. I really do like non-combative poses more so that combat action poses, and I am especially fond of John's exceptionally done wounded French. My village street scene is getting very crowded and there is still another set of wounded that will soon be available. Neat stuff . . . .
:smile2: Mike


your street scene display looks great...

not too crowded yet...

I have already outgrown the diorama table I made for this series...
just received this set last week....

I think one more set is forthcoming...

and then John is gonna back off the Poilus for a while...



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I hope that when you have the complete range of wounded you will be able to post an image of them all, so we can see that blue line of broken men seeking refuge from the conflict.


I hope that when you have the complete range of wounded you will be able to post an image of them all, so we can see that blue line of broken men seeking refuge from the conflict.



"that blue line of broken men seeking refuge from the conflict."

pretty accurate description of this series...:)
I know John has made these Poilu with a late 1918 theme in mind, the war-weary French troops coming back from the trenches, and the fresh US troops coming in to relieve them, but I like to envision the French in an April/May 1917 setting. They are coming back from the horrors of the disastrous Chemin-des-Dames assaults, aka, the Nivelle offensive, having suffered massive casualties, shocked, disillusioned, and demoralized to the point of possible collective indiscipline. These figures couldn't be more perfect for this scenario and that is what I think of every time I see these fantastic dios that are posted on these threads. Excellent job. -- Al
I know John has made these Poilu with a late 1918 theme in mind, the war-weary French troops coming back from the trenches, and the fresh US troops coming in to relieve them, but I like to envision the French in an April/May 1917 setting. They are coming back from the horrors of the disastrous Chemin-des-Dames assaults, aka, the Nivelle offensive, having suffered massive casualties, shocked, disillusioned, and demoralized to the point of possible collective indiscipline. These figures couldn't be more perfect for this scenario and that is what I think of every time I see these fantastic dios that are posted on these threads. Excellent job. -- Al

I really appreciate Jenkins' willingness to delve so deeply into a subject, to address it so completely. I don't think that I've ever seen all of his hairy ones and vehicles in a single column. Boy, wouldn't that be something! It would appear that the overwhelming majority of the sets depict troops coming out of the line, but think of all the internal tales to be told by subsets of the Poilus. The possibilities are mind boggling. I'd add, also, that no other manufacturer affords collectors so remarkable a display opportunity. No one else is as comprehensive in it's approach to a subject-range as JJD.:cool:

don't know if you saw this pic...
I did a large grouping photo...
but have received at least a dozen or more figures since then...
I will take a new picture with everybody included in it...
and post it on here soon...

"The Class of 1918" group photo...^&grin


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don't know if you saw this pic...
I did a large grouping photo...
but have received at least a dozen or more figures since then...
I will take a new picture with everybody included in it...
and post it on here soon...

"The Class of 1918" group photo...^&grin

Nice one Mike,

looks like after a long battle and they are about to head home on R&R :)

Well done,

got this today...
the last of the Poilus...

at least for a while according to John...


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This is one of John's best sculpts. A very dramatic piece, nice pickup Mike. Robin.
What a great series this has been. John way outdid himself with these Poilus figures.

Your scenes Mike, really bring John's figures to life. Great job.


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