Price Increases (2 Viewers)

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Guys, if this drifts into politics it will be shut down.

I agree its been an interesting and informative thread and one wants to keep bringing in politics and non related comments. I would not like to see another important thread spoilt
Well the problem is that the economy is at the centre of the thread and that is sort of a political issue. Looking around I don't see any country or area that is not affected and the blame belongs to many people and many different countries and politicians. If one cannot say that without some-one getting their knickers in a knot well. then we all need to grow up a bit.
There is no reason for politics here. This is a thread about the costs involved in collecting, not a statement on anyones beliefs other than how the price increases have altered or not altered their buying habits. Now, everyone lighten up and let us get back to,, discussing the topic.:D -- Al
Well are still be buying what I like but to help pay for it & to free up space will be selling all my FOV , Masterwork armour :)
Gentle Friends,

The time has arrived for the political discussions to either end or be continued via PMs. Continued posting of political viewpoints on this thread threaten the continuation of the discussion related to the original topic. Please allow your calm natures to prevail.

Thanks for your understanding.

Warmest personal regards,

That sounds like a common sense reply but if enough people have to cut back because they just can't afford it anymore it's going to hurt the manufacturers and us in the long run as they won't have enough money for R&D to be able to expand and create new ranges and keep older ones going.JMO
I have to say buy what you like move on if you don't or can't on the face sounds clever advice. but, IMO, it does miss the whole crux of the issue and Marco55 hits it on the head. Its not about just buying what you like or can afford the price rises from some companies and, I don't just mean K&C means, a niche hobby and, a small one to boot as we are told always when prices rise, is beginning to strangle its life blood of core collectors who spend a substantial and regular amount.

We also told, contrary in some way with the above mantra that the hobby is increasing in new collectors. so, some may well think that if this is so, then do manufacturers only really have interest in those with the where-with-all to purchase their products and have little interest in those leaving or restricting their purchases?? I would like to hope they are not but, are there other explanations?? It seems soewhat contradictory to me and people I speak with.

Either way, can this really be healthy for the hobby, to have the loss of income that could be lost per annum from those who have said they will restrict purchases on here alone it must be many many thousands of pounds or dollars. Who can afford to lose that income??
Most people have said they will cut back on the number of models but it sounds like they will still spend their usual dollar amount per year. That means getting fewer figures for the same dollar volume. I wonder how that will affect manufacturers and dealers?

At least for me. There is always something out there. that I would love to have. Like right now, I can have Three 8th army pieces ( the camoulflage LRDG, The Crusader tank, and the Universal carrier) Which is around $400, (But for the same amount I can Have The Figarti "Karl). Which one do I choose?
Simple fact is we have to choose every time, when we buy something, And sacrifice something else in return to have it. There is always the Want in our hobby and the decision to make which one.
Pretty much every Manufacturer (except for CS, still astounded by the price of their products), has the same price or higher than KC. ( I have a figarti Grant, that cost me $289., Bought the KC Grant For $199), FL charges $75 for a Civil War Standard Bearer, And the rest runs Between $49 and Upwards.
And I have not seen any complaints about their prices, some may say it is better quality ( I may not totally agree with that statement), But for the prices that they ask for, should that not be expected?
We scream about, how much a 3 figure set, that KC makes, But have you checked, How much those 3 figure sets cost with Other Manufacturers?
Or is it because Kc has been here for so long, That we excuse the prices of these newer Manufacturers. And think that KC should cost less.
So please get off King And Country's Back.
I have to say buy what you like move on if you don't or can't on the face sounds clever advice. but, IMO, it does miss the whole crux of the issue and Marco55 hits it on the head. Its not about just buying what you like or can afford the price rises from some companies and, I don't just mean K&C means, a niche hobby and, a small one to boot as we are told always when prices rise, is beginning to strangle its life blood of core collectors who spend a substantial and regular amount.

We also told, contrary in some way with the above mantra that the hobby is increasing in new collectors. so, some may well think that if this is so, then do manufacturers only really have interest in those with the where-with-all to purchase their products and have little interest in those leaving or restricting their purchases?? I would like to hope they are not but, are there other explanations?? It seems soewhat contradictory to me and people I speak with.

Either way, can this really be healthy for the hobby, to have the loss of income that could be lost per annum from those who have said they will restrict purchases on here alone it must be many many thousands of pounds or dollars. Who can afford to lose that income??

Mitch you said it much better than I ever could.Terry you are right that some will still spend the same, but a lot will not.I heard many here say that they just won't pay $200-$300 for a vehicle.Again some will but a lot won't.As far as figures a lot are balking at the $35 and up for figures.It's been pointed out that nobody is complaining about FL prices but if you look the FL collectors are not posting on this thread.I just figured up what I've spent with the dealer I've dealt most with.I would say 99% of the time.From the end of September 2007 until end of 07 $1446,2008,$2456,2009,$813 and 2010,$1013.As you can see it's went down considerbly.My income has remained about the same but with everything else going up I just cant see spending on these ever increasing items.3 years ago I could get a 3 figure set for $69.Now that same set would be over $100.I just can't see forking out that much for a set.Again I am only one guy but I'm not alone.
I really dont get these "price" threads. It seems some here think the manufacturers choose to raise prices willy nilly, or do it out of greed, or maybe "to be mean".

It just isnt so. The companies that provide products to this hobby are not hobbies themselves. They are BUSINESSES, in which people make their livings creating and selling us their products. If they cant make a reasonable return on their capital (aka profit), they either cant or wont bother continuing with it.

What do folks expect? That Andy and co will take pay cuts, to sacrifice their own well being, so that each of us can afford a few more purchases? Boy, that seems a highly unreasonable request.

In these tough times companies raise prices only as a last resort. Either they have the market power to do so (unlikely) or they are forced to do so because of rising costs. As Andy has said many times, if anyone thinks they can do what K&C does better or more efficiently, by all means, step right up and go for it.

Truly, this public outburst, sort of a buyers/collectors' "collective bargaining" effort with the manufacturer, is quite unusual. Ive never heard of it happening in any other industry.
It's obvious that prices have been rising "very rapidly" in this hobby ....for "whatever" the reason and likely more then is justified.....There is only so much that can be absorbed by the customer....I think that most of us are expressing concerns about where this hobby is going??? and if we will be able to remain in it....It is a legitimate concern for most guys who have other serious fiscal responsibilities. TS are not essential purchases...I think:rolleyes:
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