Pricing Announcement (1 Viewer)


First Sergeant
Apr 23, 2007
So what does everyone think about the pricing announcement where starting next month sellers must charge MSRP?

It looks like buying will have to stop for me sadly. I was buying Britain at more than slightly lower than MSRP, a lot lower and so collected ZULU, ACW, NAP, ARW and Sudan.

The store seemed quite happy upon receiving large orders.

In any case glad I was able to build such a great WB collection.
I read the new TF Rivet newsletter this afternoon which had this announcement in it. I also have noticed just recently that the eBay stores I have dealt with in the past suddenly raised their prices. Also the brick and mortar store I regularly buy from used to give a nice "pre-order" discount which they have suddenly changed due to this new pricing policy. Seems to be a common announcement with several manufacturers that pricing is going up. I suppose this is to be expected with the new labor laws being regulated in China along with the changing world economy. Like you Donnie, I am very glad that I have developed my WB ACW collection as much as I have. Looks like going into next year I will have to be more selective in my purchases and learn to live with less. With the recent price increase announcements from K&C, I have also decided to stop adding to my K&C collections and going forward will only be concentrating on my WB ACW figures sets and H&A accessories. I have seriously given some thought to divesting myself of all of my K&C items going in to the first of the year and spending the proceeds on my WB ACW habit . . . er I mean hobby :rolleyes: ;)

:) Mike
According to the email I received from TreeFrog today, this pricing increase is due to the recent MAP (Minimum Advertised Pricing) guidelines Wm Britian has asked all their retailers to abide by . . .
It's a sign of the times. In these economic times we have to be more selective. I now have to make my collections pay for themselves.
I would like to politly request that Richard make a statement on this thread, clarifying the changes, as well as explaining the causes, and consequences of this. My dealer regularly gives me small discounts/ sells thinks at slightly below list price, and on larger items, has given me significant discounts. Are dealers really legally bound to follow this policy?
It may depends on the terms of the dealer agreement, which I presume is in writing. If you don't follow the rules or provisions laid out by the manufacturer, you could be in breach of contract and subject to temination if you don't correct the breach.
Just means for me I won't preorder items (as I received a preorder discount also) so won't feel the pressure to get everything as soon as it is released. Time will tell I suppose.
Nyrocks, Whining is part of the military way. Price increasing is just the end of this industry. I have numerous friends that will just not buy any more K& C products any more, now this. Collectors Showcase better take note as they will now be the leader if they hold price. Larry.
Posting on the Britains thread, but my thoughts probably apply to all.

Regardless of my ability to pay the increases, I in talking with a lot of fellow collectors are slowing down due to the constant pricing shifts. I don't have to have anything and will continue to become more selective and go after older valuable pieces I really want across manufacturers.

Choice is great, but I feel like over saturation of the market is occuring big time and the prices keep going up. I am not quite sure the market can bear this. I think the days of people buying 1 or more of each across the board is long gone. I also don't think the "new blood" flowing into this market is enough to sustain these volumes.

YhooHa. Well stated. These price increases are rediculous considering the econony. End of a great era. I have now dedided to never buy another product over 32 bucks, and that will be very carefully thought out - if ever. Larry.
hi Guys,

Price increases are a normal part of life these days so no sense being too upset. I have always said be selective and get what you really want or what fits in the direction you want to take your collection. I've always been amazed by the range some folks have in their collections, which can varry from nearly everything on the market shelf to one range. I think its smart to focus on a few specific eras and "cherry pick" You dont really need to have all of the figures from the range to have a great collection but I certainly understand the completist mentality because I do have the entire Glossy Durbar from Britians but i havent gotten all of the matte figures yet and will keep picking away at them as I can. Since I only collect a couple of ranges a little price increase will be no big deal and I am sure there will be plenty of things to find on ebay or in flea markets or where ever. That said it doesnt mean I like increases in price but I certainly do understand why this occurs.

As with most things once one has come over the parapet and announced price increases then all will follow so expect a few more to do so in the near future.

I do agree with those who say this hobby is not big enough for the releases and the increases and, I said it a while back that manufacturers will have to address these issues before they destroy the hobby completely or, at least beyond repair.
Can be quantified the price increase?Now i'm happy with the 25 $ price of AZW (i'm really in love with this era and range at this time), i can bear a 27 $ price...not more due to the custom fees...
Britains and other companies have to get real. Increasing prices in this economy and/or enforcing MSRP is not a way increase sales. For me the $25/26 benchmark is realistic, however, more than $30 per figure excessive. I have started purchasing and painting Armies in Plastic Fuzzy wuzzys to mix in with my Britains.

Britains and other companies have to get real. Increasing prices in this economy and/or enforcing MSRP is not a way increase sales. For me the $25/26 benchmark is realistic, however, more than $30 per figure excessive. I have started purchasing and painting Armies in Plastic Fuzzy wuzzys to mix in with my Britains.


I be with you, higher prices = lower sales
A rich man's hobby?

Customers will be more selective and manufacturers will have to be more creative.

Some makers may dissapear in the near future.

I suspect a lot more limited editions.
Whining, whose whining!!!

MAN, I sure wish they would not increase the price, though!!! I hate it when that happens. Everything has to change and prices have to continue to rise. Gas, food, electricity, water, waste, dogs, cats. lol!!!!!
A rich man's hobby?

Customers will be more selective and manufacturers will have to be more creative.

Some makers may dissapear in the near future.

I suspect a lot more limited editions.

Insert nail, hit on head, Great post!


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