Project AH (2 Viewers)

I painted the Fr officer. Spottd the 2nd Dragoons horse tail?...:)

Another stock take pic to show some more WIP. I altered the poses, esp of the two Br soldiers to the right side of the gate. I really beefed up the front figure and changed the hand positions of both figures.

Now focusing on the kneeling figure. I detailed him more on the unseen side as he is in the foreground and centrally placed. I use melted plastic sprue to 'weld' parts together. It works well even for sticking plastic to putty, resin and metal surfaces.

Now focusing on the beefed up sergeant. Notice his left hand which was a Scalelink spare. Changed his leg positions and I repositioned the head. So far, most of the gaitered legs are taken from Historex French figures. Then I carved down the back and added the Trotter bag and roll at the angle according to the painting.

I gave all the semi-completed Br figures and took a couple of pics. I'll be changing the Officer's sword blade to resemble a 1796 pattern.

Another round of stock take pic. I still have to add another 13 figures more!!!

I selected a Historex sword grip (officer's dress sword) and used a Nimix etch-brass blade. I had bought a set of these curved sword sabre blades from this extinct Spanish company. Using a pair of pliers, I carefully straightened the curve to make a straight blade. Also scavenged a suitable scabbard.

The next pic shows this sword substituted into the Br officer's hand. Also added an oval sword guard from the number '0" in a Historex sprue (only plastic modellers and glue sniffers understand what I am talking about-hahaha). Also added putty and resculpted two other Br figures.

next two pics show almost completed three more figures which were then primed.

Hi Louis,

As usual, your kind comments are overly generous. But I appreciate them as it keeps my morale high. hahaha.

Note that as regards sculpting, I am hardly using conventional armatures or even for the conversions, correct anatomy and proportions. Whatever works to closely follow a 2D painting works for me.

And as for my painting, the undercoats are just awful. I use cheap flayed brushes. My humbrols are all semi-dried, dry shiny but I am too cheap to throw them away. I just add more turps and or thinner to redissolve the paint. I am only saved by the use of expensive oil paints, which I thoroughly enjoy with my fancy Winsor and Newton brushes.

Rgds Victor
I've undercoated the first batches of figures to be ready for oil paints.

I've painted the Br officer with oils. This is more or less done.

This is an awesome thread, extremely creative and talented scenario unfolding here, am very much looking forward to the finished diorama, it's a treat to see a project come to life and watch it develop, thank you for sharing this with us.
Hello Warrior,

Glad you are enjoying the project. I know that this scene has been recreated many times - its a great painting. I haven't seen this done as a shadowbox diorama with visual perspectives. Hence my attempt here using sculpting and conversions to vary some of the figures and elements to mimic the scene.

The immutable item was the Historex cart which I use as a reference size for the rest.

I've done more with the Fr figures, covering them with oils but not yet shaded. Notice the mixture of coloured flashes and plumes which is taken from the painting. I didnt bother to figure out the exact French regt and shako details etc. They seem to represent some elite troops forcing the entry through the gate. The mtd officer will hopefully be improved later if any of the imperfections can be seen.

I've also nearly completed another Br colour sergeant. I've noticed that there are several with the red coloured sash but no stripes. Notice one wing epaulette is Airfix, the hidden one being sculpted. The Belgic shako appears too tall from this angle. I may pare it down to emulate the painting. He is now armed with one of my precious Brown Bess.

Rgds Victor

The kneeling figure. Although it doesn't show clearly in the picture, I've altered his pose to be more aligned with the painting. This is made easier because I use wire armatures for the limbs. Hence altering a pose is just bending the wire and creating the new pose.

The larger figure is the armature for the dying Fr soldier in the foreground. Note the use of a woman torso and even the legs from a Fujimi racing queen!

The last figure is the Br soldier in the foreground. I have given him the larger Historex Belgic shako. Contrast that with the Airfix shako side by side.

Reworking the kneeling figure and Fr officer.Ive determined that perhaps his shako is a usual one and not the rouleau type. Some smaller figures to create a crowd scene. Added Sous-lt Legros to the cast.
Finished another burly sergeant just behind the Br officer.

Painted 3 Fr figures so far. The last pic shows their intended positioning within the group.

I've painted the Fr officer and a soldier in the bkgd. This grouping is more or less done. I'll be adding two more smaller infantry figures and the mtd officer into the diorama later and do final touchups then.

Hi Victor,

I know you have been very busy of late, but how's this one coming along? :wink2:

Hi Jeff,

yep. I've been quite busy...

This was a pretty ambitious piece. Actually, the reason why I halted on this piece was the size and depth of the proposed box. I intend to make my own as usual. I have already selected a suitable size frame. However, the supplies of basswood were not coming in for almost for a year. I use these pieces because of their width. I've just managed to secure some pieces a few weeks back.

In the meantime, I practised on a smaller piece like the Stradivari. So I'll be getting back to this after my Stradivari piece.

Now moving back to this piece. This was where I left off.

I started to improve on a couple of figures and continued to craft more Guardsmen.



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Experiencing some computer glitch so am posting slower than usual...

Here's the running guardsman primed.

Another figure completed is the dead Fr soldier at the gate.

The box has been completed. I have just cut up the cardboard and created a background for this piece.

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