Prussian Standard Bearer (1 Viewer) I mentioned. Its more of wanting to.. Hopefully if there will be more Prussians made there would be a variation of the Bearer.
I personally have been more selective in what I buy from FL. I wanted Normandy Armour which is coming out now..I can afford it. But I keep asking what for.. Loyalty goes both ways for me.. The last 4 that I have bought that are FL are the winged lancers. That maybe it.. There will always be new collectors that will replace ones that have moved on I know... But again that will be loyalty to FL if I keep buying. Just choosing not to. There are other manufacturers..

I don’t really understand what your point is. You say loyalty works both ways. Why do you owe loyalty to First Legion and why does First Legion owe loyalty to you?

If they make a product that you like, you will buy it and they will receive your money and presumably both of you will have made a good bargain.

It’s a commercial transaction, not much different than buying a car, albeit on a different scale.

You are equating feelings with dollars and cents but they are completely different things. I mentioned. Its more of wanting to.. Hopefully if there will be more Prussians made there would be a variation of the Bearer.
I personally have been more selective in what I buy from FL. I wanted Normandy Armour which is coming out now..I can afford it. But I keep asking what for.. Loyalty goes both ways for me.. The last 4 that I have bought that are FL are the winged lancers. That maybe it.. There will always be new collectors that will replace ones that have moved on I know... But again that will be loyalty to FL if I keep buying. Just choosing not to. There are other manufacturers..

Spartan I must say that you are taking this too personally :wink2: ^&grin {sm4}
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... Following what you say Brad... There should not be any loyalty to buyer or seller... Loyalty is a feeling, and money and feeling should never be together on anything that is bought like a car...
And that its just a non feeling transaction, And loyalty should not be expected.. Got it.. At least your mind set. I got..
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... Following what you say Brad... There should not be any loyalty to buyer or seller... Loyalty is a feeling, and money and feeling should never be together on anything that is bought like a car...
And that its just a non feeling transaction, And loyalty should not be expected.. Got it.. At least your mind set. I got..

An interesting semantic discussion but it's not a matter of what should or should not be; it's just about the mechanics of a market. Emotion? Loyalty? These are subjective things of use in leveraging negotiation. If the seller was emotionally attached to the product, why would they sell? But they rely on such subjectivity from the buyer to promote the highest price. The marketing program stimulates desire and drives the need to own the product. But sold is sold.
Matt has been categorically honest to would be consumers. He will not make any more. And he has been helpful by defining the option remaining for would be owners of this figure. One can only applaud such integrity as the basis for planning your collecting habits. Well done Matt.
An interesting semantic discussion but it's not a matter of what should or should not be; it's just about the mechanics of a market. Emotion? Loyalty? These are subjective things of use in leveraging negotiation. If the seller was emotionally attached to the product, why would they sell? But they rely on such subjectivity from the buyer to promote the highest price. The marketing program stimulates desire and drives the need to own the product. But sold is sold.
Matt has been categorically honest to would be consumers. He will not make any more. And he has been helpful by defining the option remaining for would be owners of this figure. One can only applaud such integrity as the basis for planning your collecting habits. Well done Matt.

And it's not somehow wrong to feel loyalty towards a manufacturer or even to obsess about the items you buy; it's just about your own choices, whatever turns you on. And then it's also not wrong to objectively invest in items for appreciation of value...for just the same reasons.
The Flickstarter Option was a good idea by FL IMO but seems to have gone by the wayside:rolleyes2:...... (Personally with FL Fllickstarter I did purchase an extra set of Stalingrad Tank Riders and MG Stalingrad Crew at a fair price...PAID TO FL :smile2:).... ...Now that said...... My view especially for NAP ranges:... I personally think that providing more FL Flagbearer figures is a good idea because without a Flagbearer figure the rest of a remaining NAP range simply will have much difficulty selling out.....Shortage of Flagbearers just stagnates the sale of the rest of the range for years...........In this case at least there is a Prussian kit available as a possible option and an alternative to getting ripped off on e-bay by the hoarders of flagbearers.....producing more flagbeaers would deter the hoarder's tactics and put more money in the pockets of FL where it belongs
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... Following what you say Brad... There should not be any loyalty to buyer or seller... Loyalty is a feeling, and money and feeling should never be together on anything that is bought like a car...
And that its just a non feeling transaction, And loyalty should not be expected.. Got it.. At least your mind set. I got..

I gather that mind set is not yours. I have never understood people passionately defending a manufacturer over another. It’s a business. If they make products you like, you will buy them. If not, you won’t. It’s not more complicated than that.
I personally think that providing more FL Flagbearer figures is a good idea because without a Flagbearer figure the rest of a remaining NAP range simply will have much difficulty selling out.....Shortage of Flagbearers just stagnates the sale of the rest of the range for years

I do actually agree with this to some extent and in the case of the French 18th Line standard bearer, we most likely will make more. It just doesn't apply to the Prussians as the majority of the codes are sold out and we are moving on from that release. There were tons of standard bearers made for Prussian release, they've sold, it's time to move on.

Spartan - are you suggesting that you won't continue to collect our products because we aren't re-making the Prussian standard bearer? If so, not really sure what to say about that. If you slowing down is unrelated, then why the desire to have us remake that one figure? I'm just not following you on this, apologies if I'm overlooking something obvious.



PS - Flickstarter hasn't so much as gone by the wayside and we need a more effective way to manage it. Too many "orders" went unpaid and had to be cancelled and we ended up with stock left over because of this. Not exactly what we had in mind....
I do actually agree with this to some extent and in the case of the French 18th Line standard bearer, we most likely will make more. It just doesn't apply to the Prussians as the majority of the codes are sold out and we are moving on from that release. There were tons of standard bearers made for Prussian release, they've sold, it's time to move on.

Spartan - are you suggesting that you won't continue to collect our products because we aren't re-making the Prussian standard bearer? If so, not really sure what to say about that. If you slowing down is unrelated, then why the desire to have us remake that one figure? I'm just not following you on this, apologies if I'm overlooking something obvious.



PS - Flickstarter hasn't so much as gone by the wayside and we need a more effective way to manage it. Too many "orders" went unpaid and had to be cancelled and we ended up with stock left over because of this. Not exactly what we had in mind....

I understand no one wants to get stuck with XS stock.... In the flickstarter program perhaps a 50% non-refundable deposit would be best with the order when placed.....Refundable ONLY if the figures are not re-made by FL after a reasonable time frame say 3-6 months......Would that strategy help the Flickstarter option to function as it was intended?? Might be the answer? Up to you Matt ......Last Question Matt, Is there any chance that we might see more of these Prussians in "fighting poses"....Such as Standing Firing, Kneeling firing, Charging with bayonet etc etc....I would like to add to my existing figures which are mostly marching but not engaging the enemy in combat.....I recently purchased the Prussian Artillery set and I really like it and the uniforms match very well with the earlier Prussian uniforms.
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Prussian Artillary Crew with Prussian Infantry.... works well together:salute::
Matt, I am not really not into the Prussian standard bearer. Sold mine when someone asked me if I had one. I sold it to him and sold some other Prussians when I decided not to go into that army.. I was just trying to help other collectors by commenting on it. I am more into the French ( I have some of the 18th).. And the British.. And that is where my turn off is at. You have all this great looking Gordon Highlanders.. But no standards to protect or to follow... And I could never collect any pieces that there are no center pieces, which is always going to be the standards. And the 4 winged lancers that I bought last.. Two of them are the standard bearers..
I can understand the want / need of standard bearers and if someone missed out it sucks, but what company in the world brings back old products because a consumer missed out on it?
In addition, most of us don’t collect these these things for the monetary value of them, but if at any time a company will willy nilly remake them, the value becomes nothing!
I’ve been looking for nap0012 for years now. I have never begged matt to remake them. I keep hunting and someday I’ll find it.
Matt, I am not really not into the Prussian standard bearer. Sold mine when someone asked me if I had one. I sold it to him and sold some other Prussians when I decided not to go into that army.. I was just trying to help other collectors by commenting on it. I am more into the French ( I have some of the 18th).. And the British.. And that is where my turn off is at. You have all this great looking Gordon Highlanders.. But no standards to protect or to follow... And I could never collect any pieces that there are no center pieces, which is always going to be the standards. And the 4 winged lancers that I bought last.. Two of them are the standard bearers..

Spartan, I completely agree with you with the idea of re-making flag bearers for FL NAPS especially when they are gone and most of the remainder of the line is stagnated...If FL remakes them in the Flickstarter Option it would be great for collectors ( Bad for hoarder/speculators and VERY GOOD FOR FL SALES $$$$ of a existing product line)....Personally I would rather pay FL a non refundable pre-order deposit and a reasonble mark up premium for a re-release... rather then be fleeced by an evil bay hoarder....These are FL products and as such FL should benefit $$$$ from the re-release..... NOT the speculator who seeks to profit off other collectors and First Legion as well....Real Collectors who need a flagbearer figure are thus deterred from purchasing more FL figures when the flagbearer is lacking in a NAP Series.....The people who oppose a re-release are likely purchasing multiple flagbearers only for re-sale profits....and some are sadly dealers
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My God! I have never seen such whining and complaining as I do in this hobby. In my other hobby -- collecting and listening to jazz -- I never hear these kinds of complaints. People move on when a recording goes OOP and hope something gets reissued or you find it in the secondary market.

Get over it. This figure is not coming back; Matt has just so. Could he make it any plainer than

"There were tons of standard bearers made for Prussian release, they've sold, it's time to move on."​

There is nothing with buying an extra one or two for resale or trade. That's our economic system. Moreover, the hunt is great; when you find that missing piece, you feel ten times better than had you won it on eBay.

However, you know what: very few of these flag bearers show up on eBay. What does that tell you? That most people buy them to keep for their collection. In the last two years, I can only recall seeing two or three on eBay and one offered for sale here.

Instead of constantly complaining about what we don't have, celebrate what we do!
Under te logic here, manufacturers should look in the wanted section of the forum and remake all those items!
Spartan, I completely agree with you with the idea of re-making flag bearers for FL NAPS especially when they are gone and most of the remainder of the line is stagnated...If FL remakes them in the Flickstarter Option it would be great for collectors ( Bad for hoarder/speculators and VERY GOOD FOR FL SALES $$$$ of a existing product line)....Personally I would rather pay FL a non refundable pre-order deposit and a reasonble mark up premium for a re-release... rather then be fleeced by an evil bay hoarder....These are FL products and as such FL should benefit $$$$ from the re-release..... NOT the speculator who seeks to profit off other collectors and First Legion as well....Real Collectors who need a flagbearer figure are thus deterred from purchasing more FL figures when the flagbearer is lacking in a NAP Series.....The people who oppose a re-release are likely purchasing multiple flagbearers only for re-sale profits....and some are sadly dealers

I think this post says it all in a very clear logical and truthful manner........many will agree others will not.... take it as you will
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This rather strange phenomenon seems to be limited to First Legion, I can't remember ever reading similar requests being made to other manufactures. One really does need to be aware of First Legions company policy when it comes to their products being all produced as LIMITED EDITIONS.

"Our toy soldiers and historical miniatures are produced in limited numbers, typically less than 500 of each figure, though we reserve the right to produce as many (or as few) as we want unless the figures are marked as per the categories below:

Extremely Limited Edition: A product code that is marked as Extremely Limited Edition will have less than 500 of it produced.

Special Collector's Set: A product set that is marked as a Special Collector's Set will be produced in specific numbers that will be noted on the product detail page. This is typically 150-250, but each is noted with the actual number produced"

First Legions products really should be treated as any other collectable that is produced in limited editions. No different really then any other collectable like baseball cards, prints , action figures, records or if you have real bucks cars.
Spartan, I completely agree with you with the idea of re-making flag bearers for FL NAPS especially when they are gone and most of the remainder of the line is stagnated...If FL remakes them in the Flickstarter Option it would be great for collectors ( Bad for hoarder/speculators and VERY GOOD FOR FL SALES $$$$ of a existing product line)....Personally I would rather pay FL a non refundable pre-order deposit and a reasonble mark up premium for a re-release... rather then be fleeced by an evil bay hoarder....These are FL products and as such FL should benefit $$$$ from the re-release..... NOT the speculator who seeks to profit off other collectors and First Legion as well....Real Collectors who need a flagbearer figure are thus deterred from purchasing more FL figures when the flagbearer is lacking in a NAP Series.....The people who oppose a re-release are likely purchasing multiple flagbearers only for re-sale profits....and some are sadly dealers

The Truth to all who seek and accept the Truth...No deceptiom...No hidden agendas.
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.. Just my take on the subject.. And as I admitted the Gordon Highlanders looks real good. But without the standard bearers which are the centerpieces. The line is dead...

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