It is hard to know which is the best set Trophy ever made.
She didn't appreciate it when my Boxer Rebellion French Marines set up a perimeter around Our Lady of Lourdes. Or when my Crimean Russian artillery bombarded her Christmas Village. Or when my WWI Tommies held her carolers at gun-point. Then again, maybe it's my fault.
Hi Guys,
By way of intro you'll normally see me under the Figarti or Kand C headers but I have an avid interest in trophy also.Particularly the Zulu and Sudan wars.
I've garnered quite a few sets over the last couple of years but the numbering system doesn't help and some sets appear to have been launched in partials.
To make it worse there appears to be some companies duplicating the originals presumably from castings or remoulds.
So here's the question, does anyone have any idea of where I could get listings/brochures of what was produced and maybe with pics.
Soft copy (via the web) would be fine. Although I'd prefer hard copy if possible.
I seem to have drawn a blank wherever I've tried.
By the way I know Lyn(MKL) and Ken (Maison Militaire) pretty well but they can't help either.
Any pointers gratefully appreciated.
Dear Clive,Damian,
That's the idea but I'm not sure what Len ever produced. I assume more than 1 brochure etc., over the years. I have an old MKL catalogue which has some Trophy listed alongwith many other manufacturers.
I'm trying to work out where the sets I have fit in to the overall scheme of things and what's missing that would add to the completeness.
Any assistance greatly appreciated.
I will try to dig them out and ask Andy to bring them to the Symposium for you.![]()
Unfortunately, I cannot make it this year ... in addition, the person that collectors think I am does not need the Tony Curtis character that others compared me to.I guess that means you're not coming to NY, bummer![]()
The two Trophy catalogs that I own have many gaps in the set numbers and I believe that retired sets are not listed....Does the Trophy Catalogue, only list figures made for the year of the catalogue or will it list older figures too.