Thanks for the heads up on the Trophy catalogue.
Perhaps I shall have a crack at this one.
Best, Raymond.
Martyn, Guys,
Does anyone else besides me feel that this is a little insane? I would'nt pay that amount of money if it was the all-encompassing catalog of every set made! Was it one of us? Anyone? Damian, did you get an early 1st quarter bonus?
I have an old catalogue from 1997. It is well thumbed and teh pages are all loose. I agree I would not pay 300 USD for the old catalogue.
This one has product pictures with some in colour and some in black and white.
Sounds very similar to the 1998 one, mine is dated January 1998 on the top of each page and is a mix of colour and black and white product pictures.
A crack?! 6 other bidders! Do you need us to send you a ventilator, difibrillator, oxygen, anything for a friend?
hi guys, did any of you happen to see how much a couple of trophy napoleonic sets went for this mornng on ebay uk ? $232 for a six man set of the 28th and $122 for a regimental flagbearer of the 28th. i don"t know about you guys but that is starting to get out of my league.
hi guys, did any of you happen to see how much a couple of trophy napoleonic sets went for this mornng on ebay uk ? $232 for a six man set of the 28th and $122 for a regimental flagbearer of the 28th. i don"t know about you guys but that is starting to get out of my league.
Damien, look at ebay uk and go to other toy soldiers and then go to completed items. I thought i was high at $200. I have been outbid on items recently by a couple of new ebayers.
I think it's a guy in France (I hear their economy is really exploding)
Well they do have a great economy down there as i heard hillary last nite say that the us should emulate thier public and private sector relationship
I have pictured Hand to Hand sets 1 through 18 in my "ALBUMS", these should help sort your figures
I looked but was not able to find them. Which album is it?