I don't say they haven't produced enough new releases in the last months. I even didn't like what they did before the virus, I mean in the last 5-10 years, not in the last few months...
KC, for example.I recognize that their Viet-Nam line is dynamic and well done, but, usually they always make the same fighting poses; and their standing figures( wild west, ww2, Dickens etc.) in a dummy-pose-Del Prado-style, with the head looking on one side to give an impression of life! Maybe they think that this way the figure is useful for evertything... But especially it is for nothing!)
FL: the viking-saxon line is boring, same fighting poses than crusaders etc...JJ, same thing , boring, repetition of the same poses just change colours and some other details...
I will do a small dio with 2 saxons and 2 vikings, very intriguing and lively figures and I will show what can be done to make something more intriguing that catches the eye...
FL samurai line: extra boring! Same silly poses( dynamic and static) and nothing original, just different clothes. I will show a samurai dio with a really great surprise!....
The golden age of toysoldiers is clearly behind us,the market is saturated, there are less collectors and the main companies, if they want to sell, they must make an extra effort in CREATIVITY and IMAGINATION, and not keeping on adding silly, repeated one million times poses to a range. I will show examples.:salute::