Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (3 Viewers)

Sultan Saladin from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #5144.2




So jealous!!! I love this figure, great find!
This is King Jean II "The Good" Mounted from Grudsky Studio / St. Petersburg Collection catalog #356


I just grabbed these from a friend in California who no longer wanted them....Lucky me! :smile2:

They are:

Officer, Life Guard Hussars - 1812 Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection 45
Life Guard Hussar w/ Flag - 1812 Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection 46
Life Guard Hussar w/ Bugle - 1812 Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection 47
Life Guard Hussar w/ Lance - 1812 Arsenyev/St.Petersburg Collection 48




I just grabbed this one for a great price. I don't know why but I just love the donkey!

This is Arab Drummer on Donkey (bet you couldn't have guessed that one) from Grenada Studios for St. Petersburg Collection # 365


I got such a great price on these that I couldn't pass them up. As such, I have one extra. if you're interested in, let me know and I'll pass along my savings to you! These are very interesting in that they are metal toy soldiers, made by Arsenyev, but the bases are actually wood. Most have metal bases painted to represent wood. Of all the Russian figures I have, these are the first with wooden bases.

These are "Private, Preobrajenski Reg. w/Rifle-1709" from Arsenyev #040

This is a period where I feel the painting coming out of St. Petersburg was not what it once was or what it is now. AS you can see, it's very simple - especially when you compare the flag to the flags being produced now. That being said, the price was right on these and I couldn't pass them up (especially since I'm a sucker for anything Russian from the Napoleonic wars)
This is Fusilier Holding Flag - 1709 from Arsenyev #056

Same story as above, but this one is

Sergeant Fusilier w/ Pike 1709 #055

Not a bargain like the others, but how can you have a Russian Army without a strong leader? And thus....Enter:

Peter the Great from Grudsky Studio/St. Petersburg Collection #329




Always very impressive additions Zach! Can you still dispaly them all? you must be constantly rearranging them to make them fit....Maybe it's time to build a custom home with a gentlemans library of the toy soldier??? a study behind glass??:rolleyes:
haha! So far so good
My family kids around that it's "The Museum". I now have "The Annex", which is at work, as well.
The stuff at work is the overflow. When I can't fit something new that I love into "The Museum", something get relegated to "The Annex"! ^&grin
Just grabbed another Agincourt "tent"

This one is The English King's Pavilion AG6.1 from Arsenyev

This one is painted much better than my other one, glad I grabbed it


I have to apologize in advance for this one, but when I get excited about a set, you all have to suffer through the photos! Previously, I purchased these same figures one at a time as I found them, but I have now found a complete boxed set with the desk and chair (I didn't have this). Also, the painting on this set is higher quality than my other. I love them so much that I have yet to sell the other and don't know that I actually will.

This is "AG English" from Arseneyv. They are AG1, 2, 3, and 4
The figures included are Henry V, Thomas Erpingham (mounted), John Codrington (flag), Edmond de Thorpe



If you're not bored yet, keep scrolling - I'm doing my best!!!!! :rolleyes:

This is another beauty, in my opinion! It is
Going to Tournament-14th c Special Painting (set of 4) numbers 375-378 Made by Grudsky Studio for St. Petersburg Collection





I have to apologize in advance for this one, but when I get excited about a set, you all have to suffer through the photos! Previously, I purchased these same figures one at a time as I found them, but I have now found a complete boxed set with the desk and chair (I didn't have this). Also, the painting on this set is higher quality than my other. I love them so much that I have yet to sell the other and don't know that I actually will.

This is "AG English" from Arseneyv. They are AG1, 2, 3, and 4
The figures included are Henry V, Thomas Erpingham (mounted), John Codrington (flag), Edmond de Thorpe




Great dilemma to have! too much beauty! that is a great set, why don't you post the set in the presentation case?
OK I'll bite, you got a guy carrying a broom stick and a women on a chain?? gotta be a story??

If you're not bored yet, keep scrolling - I'm doing my best!!!!! :rolleyes:

This is another beauty, in my opinion! It is
Going to Tournament-14th c Special Painting (set of 4) numbers 375-378 Made by Grudsky Studio for St. Petersburg Collection






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