Does anyone know of other female samurai sculpts (kits I suppose), not necessarily in a fighting pose, that the Russians could paint? I'd hate to think that this kit is the only one of its type available.
Did you hit the lottery?{eek3}^&grin
This little vignette is Two Generations of Vikings - Father and Son with Toy Boat. I don't know who the sculpt is from, but I bought it from spbsouvenir
I absolutely love the subject matter here. The painting is good, not great, but I didn't care.
This little vignette is Two Generations of Vikings - Father and Son with Toy Boat. I don't know who the sculpt is from, but I bought it from spbsouvenir
I absolutely love the subject matter here. The painting is good, not great, but I didn't care.
This one was the shock of the day. I bought this thinking it was 54mm and the cost was reflective of this thinking. It came in the mail and I said, "What the hell else is in the box with this?" The answer is, nothing was! It was a 90mm mounted figure!!!!
It is Robert the Bruce - painted by Nienna. I am not sure who did the sculpt. Maybe when Igor pops in he could lets us know.