Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (5 Viewers)

I believe Zach's stunning female samurai is from Pegaso.

The flowing robes and kimono of samurai (male or female) not wearing armor seem to make the perfect canvas on which the Russian painters can go bezerk creatively and the results can be truly breathtaking.
I think SA14 (the seated samurai resting and drinking), photos of which have also been posted by Zach if I remember correctly, is another great example of this.

Does anyone know of other female samurai sculpts (kits I suppose), not necessarily in a fighting pose, that the Russians could paint? I'd hate to think that this kit is the only one of its type available.
Incredible Samurai Zach. Her robe is incredibly beautiful. Such a stellar piece.

Thanks for the pics!

This is the prototype figure of Aeroart's forthcoming Fighting Bishop of Laon, France mid-1400's. Figure # 6348.2

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Does anyone know of other female samurai sculpts (kits I suppose), not necessarily in a fighting pose, that the Russians could paint? I'd hate to think that this kit is the only one of its type available.

Off hand, I don't, but will keep my eyes out for some and let you know if I see any
While I wait to see what goodies I am getting from Serge, what better way to waste some time than post some newer acquisitions!

First on the list is Holy Roman Emperor Frederick III in Ceremonial Armor from AeroArt. #6275



This is one woman that I would not want to mess with.

She is Roman Woman Holding Vase from Aeroart. #6269

This little vignette is Two Generations of Vikings - Father and Son with Toy Boat. I don't know who the sculpt is from, but I bought it from spbsouvenir
I absolutely love the subject matter here. The painting is good, not great, but I didn't care.




Did you hit the lottery?{eek3}^&grin

Haha! I have collected (and drunk) wine for many years and have amassed a pretty good sized cellar. I finally hit the point that I realized there was no way I was going to drink it all and sent a ton to auction. That money is now my toy soldier money! This is money much better spent - these little guys don't go bad! ^&grin
This little vignette is Two Generations of Vikings - Father and Son with Toy Boat. I don't know who the sculpt is from, but I bought it from spbsouvenir
I absolutely love the subject matter here. The painting is good, not great, but I didn't care.





I think this might be an Andrea kit.
Nice vignette Zach, really does come to life and Vikings are always a good subject

This little vignette is Two Generations of Vikings - Father and Son with Toy Boat. I don't know who the sculpt is from, but I bought it from spbsouvenir
I absolutely love the subject matter here. The painting is good, not great, but I didn't care.




This one was the shock of the day. I bought this thinking it was 54mm and the cost was reflective of this thinking. It came in the mail and I said, "What the hell else is in the box with this?" The answer is, nothing was! It was a 90mm mounted figure!!!!
It is Robert the Bruce - painted by Nienna. I am not sure who did the sculpt. Maybe when Igor pops in he could lets us know.



Another lady who you don't want to screw around with!

Roman Woman w/ Flowers from AeroArt/St.Petersburg Collection #6272


Not too exciting, but a very nice piece in person. This looks like Arsenyev/Aeroart, but I can't find any markings on it, so don't really know.

I've been on the hunt for this one for a very long time. I've lost it at auction two times and finally found one the other day! I was not disappointed!

This is "Wheat's Tiger Camp Scene (2 Figures)" from Aeroart. Catalog # SI4


This one was the shock of the day. I bought this thinking it was 54mm and the cost was reflective of this thinking. It came in the mail and I said, "What the hell else is in the box with this?" The answer is, nothing was! It was a 90mm mounted figure!!!!
It is Robert the Bruce - painted by Nienna. I am not sure who did the sculpt. Maybe when Igor pops in he could lets us know.




Did you get this the other day for $150 off of eBay?

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