Recent purchases from Russian Manufacturers (8 Viewers)

This is a Landsknecht Camp Scene. It was pitched to me as being from AeroArt, but I can't confirm it as there is felt on the base so can't see any markings. From the back, there is a mark, but I don't really know what it refers to. I don't really care who made it bc I love it no matter what! :p




Here are a few that were part of the package deal with the camp scene:


I was shocked beyond belief when it came. I didn't read carefully so didn't realize he described how big it was.
We can share!
I love the Aeroart Roman "Matrons" , but they seem really very "russian" to me..:) and being italian i know how a mediterranean girl looks like!:) By the way very imposing figure!
This is Knight in Parade Armor with Large Banner Horseback - RV43.2
It is a Nevskaya Miniatura sculpt that was painted by Kolobob. The rider is amazing, but when you look at this figure, all you see is the flag. It's almost like the knight is an easel!


I recently acquired a few Arsenyev figures, including this brilliant Joan of Arc PB408 piece. It is perhaps the very best piece in my collection. Even though the pics don't do her justice, I hope you enjoy them nonetheless!

I love that figure. It's on my wish list. You don't see her often. Congrats!
I recently acquired a few Arsenyev figures, including this brilliant Joan of Arc PB408 piece. It is perhaps the very best piece in my collection. Even though the pics don't do her justice, I hope you enjoy them nonetheless!

Great figure!
Can you tell me how do you order from Arsenyev, or was it from second hand? I sent them mail once but no answer.
Thanks Janusz
Every time that I've order a new Arsenyev figure, I have gone through Boris at Kolobob. He has access to the whole catalog. When I emailed through the Vityaz website, he is the one who answered it. i don't know the relationship, but maybe Vityaz operated the physical location and Boris operated the internet stuff???
Joe - did you make that castle wall? Looks great

(Ps - still loving my castle that I bought from you! Right now it's the castle at Agincourt with my first legion figures (even though there was no castle where the battle was fought! - who cares - knights go with castles! haha)
Joe - did you make that castle wall? Looks great

(Ps - still loving my castle that I bought from you! Right now it's the castle at Agincourt with my first legion figures (even though there was no castle where the battle was fought! - who cares - knights go with castles! haha)

The castle wall was made by David Marshall of TM Terrain. I love his work. The big castle w/ moat that you bought from me was made by David as well. I completely agree with you about displaying things....I've always preferred what looks good to my eye over historical correctness. If the two meet up then that's great, but if they don't, I always go with what looks best! I'm glad you are enjoying it so much. I loved it too, but even though I was very involved with the design of it (did I show you my original sketch?) I just really didn't quite grasp how large it was going to really be. Indeed it started off as a smaller project but expanded as details were added. It is a spectacular piece, and I'm so glad it found the perfect home with you. I just couldn't find the appropriate space for it.

Just got this tough guy from Kolobob. He is
Greek Nobleman, Argiraspide, with Spear. (90mm)



This one is from AeroArt:
1st South Carolina Volunteer Infantry w/ Rifle Romanenkov Studio/St.Petersburg Collection 3842.2


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