El Pippo,
The first is Eustace de Ribeaumont w/Flag from Grudsky Studio. Sculpted by Valdimir Shevchenko. It was first made in 1997 and there are 143 of them.
The second is Sir Robert de Fiennes w/ Sword from Grudsky Studio. It was sculpted by Serge Bazylev and was first made in 1997 with 113 produced.
The third has a very creative name! "Knight w/ Sword". It was made by Arsenyev Studio in 1997 and 70 were made (many different paint patterns though)
The fourth is Count of Flanders w/ sword. There are a few version of #3140. Yours is 3140.1 from Grudsky, sculpted by Michael Kuryatkov in 1998 with 102 made
The fifth is Knight charging w/ axe 14century from Arsenyev Studio. Sculpted by Roman Ruchkin. Made in 1998 with 77 produced
The last is Philip the Good, Duke of Burgundy w/ sword or axe from Grudsky Studio and sculpted by Roman Ruchkin in 1997 with 61 produced. The number of your version is 3116.1
Hope this helps. Sorry it took so long