"Refugees on the Road" (5 Viewers)

Not a very "moderate" response coming from a "moderator".

I don't appreciate being effectively told to "shut up" publicly by the representative of this establishment for voicing a reasonable concern.

I agree 100% with this...who sits in judgment of someone else's commentary..just because it's your forum? we are talking about toy soldiers and civilians here..depictions of their miserable lives captured on film by the glorious reich..I want to read what he had to say...did his comments bother Mr. Nielsen and he called you to yank the comments?

You wrote :

"I agree 100% with this...who sits in judgment of someone else's commentary..just because it's your forum? we are talking about toy soldiers and civilians here..depictions of their miserable lives captured on film by the glorious reich..I want to read what he had to say...did his comments bother Mr. Nielsen and he called you to yank the comments? "

Dave (the Moderator) expressed an opinion and his views are no less valid than others. I happen to agree with his points and some don't. As has been pointed out they could be German civilians fleeing the Russians or Allied bombing. How these figures are viewed obviously varies from person to person.

It is quite simple. If these figures bring up suggestions of events that you don't like then don't buy them Constantly harping on about it is pretty pointless as they will be released next month and will be available for sale for those who wish to buy them.

You have been able to read what the other Dave said and I can not see that anything has been "yanked". Your comment suggesting a call from Andy Neilsen is therefore in my opinion quite unlikely and probably offensive to both Andy and Dave.

If I recall correctly you are a Pacific war fan and have been keen for such figures. I am in Australia and in my shop I am pretty sure figures of Japanese soldiers are more likely to attract adverse comment than these civilian figures that seem to have upset a small minority.

I can not help but notice that some of the negative comments have been from people who as far as i can see are not K&C collectors but can't resist commenting anyway.

I think this thread has finally jumped the shark.

I'm sorry if I got this thread going in its current direction. As I mentioned there is nothing wrong with the figures. What happened (and happens to this day) to refugees is very sad and tragic and I think Andy has told their story very well. There is a lot of literature out there but I would direct you to any account of the Fall of France and from the other side if you want to read what happened to German civilians, I'd direct you to Max Hastings' Armageddon and Antony Beevor's Fall of Berlin.

Now, the photos. Andy is giving us an interpretation of how he sees things, no more, no less. No one always has the same opinion about art and this is really no different; for example, some people hate Picasso and some love it. I guess Guernica comes to mind when we think about what happened to non-combatants: the agony of Spain. These refugees are no different. The picture with the photographers is no different. Maybe not told as artistically as Picasso but still conveying their agony.

I hope this is the last word on this topic (although it is mine) but I doubt it :)
I am a K&C collector..and yes, I would love to see more Pacific theater stuff come out by K&C..if they would make it, i would buy it...and i do own more than Pacific Theater figures by K&C and others..i don't know what the fascination of nazi items is for people but i do know that it is popular and that's why it is produced so much. I have no problem with these refugee figures, they are nice, typical K&C quality...the problem that i have is that people with the not as popular opinions on these forums always seem to be tossed aside...it's just an opinion, and everybody should be able to voice it
I am a K&C collector..and yes, I would love to see more Pacific theater stuff come out by K&C..if they would make it, i would buy it...and i do own more than Pacific Theater figures by K&C and others..i don't know what the fascination of nazi items is for people but i do know that it is popular and that's why it is produced so much. I have no problem with these refugee figures, they are nice, typical K&C quality...the problem that i have is that people with the not as popular opinions on these forums always seem to be tossed aside...it's just an opinion, and everybody should be able to voice it

What is the remedy that you are looking for? Do you want KC not to produce them or other collectors not to buy them? I don't see any examples where collectors have not had a fair opportunity to express their opinion. It's not clear to me how anyone's opinion has been tossed aside. Some people just disagree with your opinion.
What is the remedy that you are looking for? Do you want KC not to produce them or other collectors not to buy them? I don't see any examples where collectors have not had a fair opportunity to express their opinion. It's not clear to me how anyone's opinion has been tossed aside. Some people just disagree with your opinion.

I have no remedy,...as long as people keep addressing me personally, then I am gonna reply..i could care less about it..other people have complained about the figures or the depiction of the figures and i threw in my own two cents...that's it...the shark has definitely jumped the tank on this one, folks.
the shark has definitely jumped the tank on this one, folks.

Actually the term is jumped the shark, which signifies when a once great tv show has bottomed out, refers directly to the episode on Happy Days when the Fonze, while waterskiing in his leather jacket, literally jumps over a shark......:eek:

Sort of like in All in the Family when Gloria and Mike moved out, or in Wings when Lowell left, or in Mash when Charles appeared, or in............

well you get the idea.............
Actually the term is jumped the shark, which signifies when a once great tv show has bottomed out, refers directly to the episode on Happy Days when the Fonze, while waterskiing in his leather jacket, literally jumps over a shark......:eek:

Sort of like in All in the Family when Gloria and Mike moved out, or in Wings when Lowell left, or in Mash when Charles appeared, or in............

well you get the idea.............

BINGO!! don't forget when Curly Joe joined the Three Stooges, too...thanks
BINGO!! don't forget when Curly Joe joined the Three Stooges, too...thanks

The stooges were awesome, Shemp is my favorite, he's priceless.

There are quite a few of them actually, just think of your favorite show and where and when things went south and you have another example of jump the shark...................
The stooges were awesome, Shemp is my favorite, he's priceless.

There are quite a few of them actually, just think of your favorite show and where and when things went south and you have another example of jump the shark...................

Now if K&C were to produce Three Stooges figures, that I would find offensive! :) Didn't they do an episode with Moe as Der Furher?
Now if K&C were to produce Three Stooges figures, that I would find offensive! :) Didn't they do an episode with Moe as Der Furher?

Actually, two episodes with Moe as Der Furher, one was called "I'll never heil again"; after Moe lost his trademark Hitler mustache and it was handed back to him, he said to the finder "Oh thanks buddy, my personality"........;)......no refugees in that episode, but there was an episode where the boys played the parts of refugees and were adopted by a wealthy couple..........boy has this thread jumped the shark......:p
Actually, two episodes with Moe as Der Furher, one was called "I'll never heil again"; after Moe lost his trademark Hitler mustache and it was handed back to him, he said to the finder "Oh thanks buddy, my personality"........;)......no refugees in that episode, but there was an episode where the boys played the parts of refugees and were adopted by a wealthy couple..........boy has this thread jumped the shark......:p

The wealth and diversity of your knowledge, George, simply astounds me! I am surprised you have not provided a bibliography! ;)

Frankly, I would purchase any figure produced by any manufacturer, regardless of the genre and nationality of the figure it he had Larry Fine's haircut.
The stooges were awesome, Shemp is my favorite, he's priceless.

FINALLY!!! Somebody brought this whole stupid conversation to a conclusion..."The Three Stooges WERE awesome" something we can finally agree on...
It was not until today that I read thru this thread as I thought it was the typical "I love these figures, great addition, blah, blah, blah.
But today I did read it and seen the terms, "I got the shivers" or "I was disturbed".
I can honestly say in all my years of collecting I was never "disturbed" nor did I get the "shivers" after viewing ANY toy soldier figure, set or era depicted.
I simply like it or don't.
If viewing a toy soldier can cause that type of emotion, how can one handle the ups and downs of real life!
Oh, one figure did cause me to chuckle, it was the German pooping!
Lighten up!
The wealth and diversity of your knowledge, George, simply astounds me! I am surprised you have not provided a bibliography! ;)

Frankly, I would purchase any figure produced by any manufacturer, regardless of the genre and nationality of the figure it he had Larry Fine's haircut.

Thanks Nick, I do love comedy and speaking of the Larry Fine haircut, I recall an episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza is lamenting the loss of his hair and when he's told hair is not that important to try to cheer him up, he says "Listen, no one I know goes to the barber and when asked what style he wants says give me the Larry Fine!

Comedy and Napoleonics, you can't beat either one.......;)
"As it happens my friend there’s plenty of boundaries I personally (and therefore K&C) have no wish to cross… Concentration camp scenes and massacres of civilians are two in particular I can think of for a start."

Sorry but I will have to disagree with this. If we can show the Nazi scum in all their glory marching on their parade grounds why can’t we show all their evil and inhumanity as well? For years and years I’ve heard the excuse….”Well it was a part of the history of the times” as the reason for Berlin 38……So we are saying concentration camps were not a part of that history by not producing that side of the story? I know I will be in the minority here but I for one will never buy a Berlin 38 set….but I would by figures depicting living human skeletons dressed in striped pajamas being guarded by their Nazi tormentors! I would enjoy explaining to my son via that diorama, that I would build, that there is evil in this world and there was a time where men stood up and said no more…….
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"As it happens my friend there’s plenty of boundaries I personally (and therefore K&C) have no wish to cross… Concentration camp scenes and massacres of civilians are two in particular I can think of for a start."

Sorry but I will have to disagree with this. If we can show the Nazi scum in all their glory marching on their parade grounds why can’t we show all their evil and inhumanity as well? For years and years I’ve heard the excuse….”Well it was a part of the history of the times” as the reason for Berlin 38……So we are saying concentration camps were not a part of that history by not producing that side of the story? I know I will be in the minority here but I for one will never buy a Berlin 38 set….but I would by figures depicting living human skeletons dressed in striped pajamas being guarded by their Nazi tormentors! I would enjoy explaining to my son via that diorama, that I would build, that there is evil in this world and there was a time where men stood up and said no more…….

I am 100% with you, Brian. Although I would prefer the concentration camp guards to either be in the act fo surrendering or of being shot by Allied troops liberating the camps - I like to tell my kids about how the greatest generation triumphed over the most evil men to have ever lived, the Nazis.
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That's it, George...I know the subject of my next conversion...just have to find the right moss for the hair. What Napoleonic unit would Larry best suit?

Thanks Nick, I do love comedy and speaking of the Larry Fine haircut, I recall an episode of Seinfeld where George Costanza is lamenting the loss of his hair and when he's told hair is not that important to try to cheer him up, he says "Listen, no one I know goes to the barber and when asked what style he wants says give me the Larry Fine!

Comedy and Napoleonics, you can't beat either one.......;)

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