Report from "Figarti War Room" (1 Viewer)

I'm wondering the price for these pieces also. These are new releases are different but the are very well done. Very exciting.
Well, it's just my opinion and what do I now since I'm just a collector but now the question will be, one, can they get these out to the potential consumer when they still haven't been able to get out some of the things shown in Chicago, and two, will people buy them, despite the initial enthusiasm.
It is interesting but to me this is another case of Figarti spreading themselves thinly over many different areas where they probably ought to be focusing on a few. On the other hand, when the person behind the company has an idea, it's hard to say no.

From your comments I take it you are not a Figarti fan ? That is a shame because I believe we need more than one high quality toy soldier company. Saturday I spent a considerableamotof timeviewing the rail gun, V1 , V2 and current armour up close. Figarti is more than competative with KandC in terms of quality and imagination. I collect very little WW2 but I do own several of Figartis tanks
No, to the contrary. I have two of the Honeys and love them, as well as the Monty and hope to buy the Storch. I also have the German officer with dog, which I think is a great piece. I was very enthusiastic about what Rick did in Chicago. My only concern and I didn't mean to come across critical, more concerned, is spreading yourself thin over many areas instead of specializing in a few. However, like I said, I'm a collector, not a businessman whereas Rick is a very successful businessman so I may be wrong.

Artistically, the sculpting seems to have really improved, if these two sets are any indication and they are really quite well done and I'm sure even better in person, particularly the Last Supper, which is museum-like quality
Don't know Ray,

Maybe Steven Chong knows.

When asked, both Rick and James did not know what the pricing would be. As many of you may know, Figarti Miniatures was set up by Rick when James, his father, was melancholy following a medical operation. Rick runs Figarti but it is James' hobby. James wanted to do the Last Supper and the Chinese Opera despite Rick's reservations concerning the marketability. Rick did not want to bring these sets, but James told him that if they were not introduced at the Meeting with Figarti, Rick should just stay home in Shanghai. There has been no thought about pricing because both Rick and James did not know if there would be any interest by U.S. collectors. I think they were pleasantly surprised.;)
... My only concern and I didn't mean to come across critical, more concerned, is spreading yourself thin over many areas instead of specializing in a few. However, like I said, I'm a collector, not a businessman whereas Rick is a very successful businessman so I may be wrong ...
As Rick (the real one) has called me Figarti's number one critic, I want to say that I agree with Brad's concerns. This is not being critical of the products that Figarti has created, but whether Figarti can produce products that are shown to collectors -- though I have to admit that the M31 and Storch were introduced with the caveat that Figarti was still considering whether to go ahead with production and wanted to gage interest.

At the Chicago Show, there was a big splash with the K5, Monty Grant and US Lee, with prototypes of a M31 ARV and Storch, then nothing, no posts, no announcements for several months. Brad's concerns are legitimate, and I think the real Rick would have to agree that Figarti frittered away the excitement coming out of Chicago.:(

However, I also have say that Figarti Miniatures was originally created for Jame's benefit, and that prototypes of ideas that he likes like the Last Supper and Chinese Opera is his prerogative. Andy's shelves have a few prototypes of ideas that were considered but never done.:)
Personally I think the opera set set is fantastic and wille a great series or an add on to SOHK.
As Rick (the real one) has called me Figarti's number one critic, I want to say that I agree with Brad's concerns. This is not being critical of the products that Figarti has created, but whether Figarti can produce products that are shown to collectors -- though I have to admit that the M31 and Storch were introduced with the caveat that Figarti was still considering whether to go ahead with production and wanted to gage interest.

At the Chicago Show, there was a big splash with the K5, Monty Grant and US Lee, with prototypes of a M31 ARV and Storch, then nothing, no posts, no announcements for several months. Brad's concerns are legitimate, and I think the real Rick would have to agree that Figarti frittered away the excitement coming out of Chicago.:(

However, I also have say that Figarti Miniatures was originally created for Jame's benefit, and that prototypes of ideas that he likes like the Last Supper and Chinese Opera is his prerogative. Andy's shelves have a few prototypes of ideas that were considered but never done.:)

Both you and Brad have valid points and legitimate concerns, certainly I think these type of item have limited markets, but I don't think (hope not) that these type of items are an ongoing line. I've never been one to believe everything you produce has to have a long line of associated products, more something like the special Christmas set.
We have worked with Rick for a quite a while now. Figarti seemed very focused when they released their Modern and Pacific series. But now their series seem a bit incomplete. Instead of the B-17, and now the Storch. I would have done a Horsa Glider to complete the Pegasus Bridge series. The Medical tent and figures are a great idea, but lets see some more figures, accessories and vehicles to support the series. Same with the Winter series etc. The V1 / V2 is pretty good. Who knows maybe Figarti will build on these series, but at a slow pace. I have beena big fan since the begining. Alex
Rick -this is Greg Kempton , well Done! I love the Last Supper and will buy one when it comes out. It's something I just showed my wife and she said.."... no that's cool.." She said we could put it in the living room too!

I suppose ultimately the market we decide if it is successful for your business. I think it is great and make attract some other fans to your great company. Hopefull it sells.

It has been proven the Streets of Hong Kong and Imperial China sells - just ask Andy. I think it's a good move there too. Competition always helps improve products.
See you in Chicago again....
Hi all, I justed wanted to say thanks again to Rick and Peter and James from Figarti; Mike, Myszka and Andrew from Sierra; and Matt from Hobby Bunker for such a wonderful event. I must say the Last Supper prototype piece was absolutely stunning. It is a must have for my collection. It was just awesome to be able to not only see but to handle so many of Figarti's creations. Truly amazing stuff. And Matt from Hobby Bunker's collaboration w/ Figarti on the Wake Island series was quite a nice surprise. I love the early war marine helmets, and the paint jobs on the new figures is exemplary, as perhaps best seen on the new 4 piece set "Lost in the Desert". Great stuff guys!! And Rick if you read this, remember what I suggested when you asked us about ideas for future Figarti "WOW" and/or "shock and awe" items.......I suggested the old Marx Navarone playset done the Figarti way! I'd be alll over that in a less than a heartbeat!!! I can almost see it now. What do you guys think???? Also Rick, thanks for the fantastic Romell figure; it really does look like him. It was fun talking w/ you and it was great to have the extensive conversation my wife and I got to have w/ Peter Sunday at the show. A fantastic experience throughout, I must say. Thanks for giving us all such wonderful creations to enjoy in the present as well as to look forward to! :D
Hi all, I justed wanted to say thanks again to Rick and Peter and James from Figarti; Mike, Myszka and Andrew from Sierra; and Matt from Hobby Bunker for such a wonderful event. I must say the Last Supper prototype piece was absolutely stunning. It is a must have for my collection. It was just awesome to be able to not only see but to handle so many of Figarti's creations. Truly amazing stuff. And Matt from Hobby Bunker's collaboration w/ Figarti on the Wake Island series was quite a nice surprise. I love the early war marine helmets, and the paint jobs on the new figures is exemplary, as perhaps best seen on the new 4 piece set "Lost in the Desert". Great stuff guys!! And Rick if you read this, remember what I suggested when you asked us about ideas for future Figarti "WOW" and/or "shock and awe" items.......I suggested the old Marx Navarone playset done the Figarti way! I'd be alll over that in a less than a heartbeat!!! I can almost see it now. What do you guys think???? Also Rick, thanks for the fantastic Romell figure; it really does look like him. It was fun talking w/ you and it was great to have the extensive conversation my wife and I got to have w/ Peter Sunday at the show. A fantastic experience throughout, I must say. Thanks for giving us all such wonderful creations to enjoy in the present as well as to look forward to! :D


Great idea! :cool::cool: When I was a kid the Guns of Naverone movie and playset were both my favorites. I could imagine all of the characters, Gregory Peck as Long Range Desert Group Major Mallory, Anthony Quinn as Greek Armor Lt. Colonel Andrea Stavros (detached), David Niven as Corporal Dusty Miller, each done the Figarti way!! and the mountaintop fortress, the cave with the guns, Miller's booby traps and the bomb on the lift track. I would have to have one, even if it meant selling something else for the first time . . .
I love all the stuff, looks great as usual.

I still want a Kelly's Heroes tank!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tom D.
The new releases are beautiful...

On the other hand I more into the V1 and V2 range


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