Resin figures. (12 Viewers)

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Right here we go strange question as I like everything I buy. Secondary market and retail. I have in the last month or just over bought the following from K&C alone:

Maultier flak
FW190 Dora
105mm Sherman
howitzer and crew battle of the bulge
winter ambulance
funkkraftwagon winter
beach master set D-Day
Tiger I Kursk for repainting and adding of Zimm
2 winter 222 armoured cars
1 slightly damaged winter chaffee
All of the Brit commando's
four 101st US para's
Hanomag grey
Panzer IV
adler on its way
Classic German figures a number of marching figures on there way
2 P Arnhem extra figures to repose their arms for different poses
Vickers brit tank
cold feet warm boots
old D-day para's ''ready to jump'' I believe
Horse riding paratrooper
santa dancing with wife
winter tiger I
grey 222 armoured car

sure there are more just can't remember without going and actually checking. Disposed of a huge amount of my LAH collection so I wonder if that means I dislike K&C????

As I said just because I don't like some policies, the way the owner often talks to customers, and some detail or often lack of detail issues does not mean I hate K&C!!! That is the reserve of those who view the world in that sense where if you say anything negative you are not with the in gang and must be against us!!!!

Makes sense.

Just out of curiosity, what was the last K&C piece that you liked and purchased?
Right here we go strange question as I like everything I buy. Secondary market and retail. I have in the last month or just over bought the following from K&C alone:

Maultier flak
FW190 Dora
105mm Sherman
howitzer and crew battle of the bulge
winter ambulance
funkkraftwagon winter
beach master set D-Day
Tiger I Kursk for repainting and adding of Zimm
2 winter 222 armoured cars
1 slightly damaged winter chaffee
All of the Brit commando's
four 101st US para's
Hanomag grey
Panzer IV
adler on its way
Classic German figures a number of marching figures on there way
2 P Arnhem extra figures to repose their arms for different poses
Vickers brit tank
cold feet warm boots
old D-day para's ''ready to jump'' I believe
Horse riding paratrooper
santa dancing with wife
winter tiger I
grey 222 armoured car

sure there are more just can't remember without going and actually checking. Disposed of a huge amount of my LAH collection so I wonder if that means I dislike K&C????

As I said just because I don't like some policies, the way the owner often talks to customers, and some detail or often lack of detail issues does not mean I hate K&C!!! That is the reserve of those who view the world in that sense where if you say anything negative you are not with the in gang and must be against us!!!!

I knew there had to be a reason K&C keeps raising prices every month. {eek3} It's because they can!!! As long as Mitch continues to buy at that pace, K&C has no incentive to do otherwise.

Mitch must be stopped - or forced to become a K&C dealer and reduce his stockpile of armour and soldiers. ^&grin

You can roll bickering up into making assumptions and, lo and behold, there you have the Forum's fractious side which, inevitably, seems to overwhelm everything. It's akin to motorists watching an accident: they can't take their eyes away.
I don't wish to be argumentative, Peter, as I don't usually get involved in such discussions - BUT - your sketch went straight into abuse - instead of argument - which is contrary to most of them here. We usually get argument FIRST - and THEN go on to abuse. (I can't really say what happens thereafter, because I usually don't bother to look at such posts much after that.)

Would it be possible to edit the sketch? jb:rolleyes:
Right here we go strange question as I like everything I buy. Secondary market and retail. I have in the last month or just over bought the following from K&C alone:

Maultier flak
FW190 Dora
105mm Sherman
howitzer and crew battle of the bulge
winter ambulance
funkkraftwagon winter
beach master set D-Day
Tiger I Kursk for repainting and adding of Zimm
2 winter 222 armoured cars
1 slightly damaged winter chaffee
All of the Brit commando's
four 101st US para's
Hanomag grey
Panzer IV
adler on its way
Classic German figures a number of marching figures on there way
2 P Arnhem extra figures to repose their arms for different poses
Vickers brit tank
cold feet warm boots
old D-day para's ''ready to jump'' I believe
Horse riding paratrooper
santa dancing with wife
winter tiger I
grey 222 armoured car

sure there are more just can't remember without going and actually checking. Disposed of a huge amount of my LAH collection so I wonder if that means I dislike K&C????

As I said just because I don't like some policies, the way the owner often talks to customers, and some detail or often lack of detail issues does not mean I hate K&C!!! That is the reserve of those who view the world in that sense where if you say anything negative you are not with the in gang and must be against us!!!!

Blimey! I wish i had your defence budget!!
At the risk of needing to change my forum name to Captain Obvious, my bet is that those that like K&C will love the new material figures and those that do not like K&C will hate the new figures.
If the reason why you buy K&C is that you like their style than it only stands to reason you will like it if they do the same style at a lower price. If you prefer something different, than the price is irrelevent. However if they can replicate their metal figures at a lower price, that result should be appealing to all since it may represent an innovation for the hobby for all manufacturers. So it would seem to represent a win-win.
I guess the next phase of this saga will be once the new line of figures hits the market there will be heated discussion about the "Is This The End of metal toy soldiers" while in another thread
there will be a poll of some sort putting one version up against the other, which would not be the intent from the start. To get a fair and honest assessment of a newly released product it
can only come of course once it is in the hands of the buying public. Not much talk about the positives this new range of figures can offer the hobby................

A) Lower price point will bring new collectors in who previously could not afford the current offerings

B) Those wanting to add multiples of figures to their displays to have the "Army in mass effect" will now be able to do so in an affordable manner

C) Offers an alternative and may fill the void between the plastic non painted and their painted white metal counterparts

It will be exciting to see how this all plays out soon enough :salute::
Right here we go strange question as I like everything I buy. Secondary market and retail. I have in the last month or just over bought the following from K&C alone:

Maultier flak
FW190 Dora
105mm Sherman
howitzer and crew battle of the bulge
winter ambulance
funkkraftwagon winter
beach master set D-Day
Tiger I Kursk for repainting and adding of Zimm
2 winter 222 armoured cars
1 slightly damaged winter chaffee
All of the Brit commando's
four 101st US para's
Hanomag grey
Panzer IV
adler on its way
Classic German figures a number of marching figures on there way
2 P Arnhem extra figures to repose their arms for different poses
Vickers brit tank
cold feet warm boots
old D-day para's ''ready to jump'' I believe
Horse riding paratrooper
santa dancing with wife
winter tiger I
grey 222 armoured car

sure there are more just can't remember without going and actually checking. Disposed of a huge amount of my LAH collection so I wonder if that means I dislike K&C????

As I said just because I don't like some policies, the way the owner often talks to customers, and some detail or often lack of detail issues does not mean I hate K&C!!! That is the reserve of those who view the world in that sense where if you say anything negative you are not with the in gang and must be against us!!!!

Umm, ok. I was just asking so that I could follow-up and ask if there was anything among your purchases that you could see yourself buying in resin form? Apologies if you saw or read it as some sort of an attempt to argue or debate your purchase history.

As far as liking your purchases I could quantify that by telling you that I do not like everything thing I buy. I do not like buying World War 2 Russians (no matter who the manufacturer is, it is a personal thing) but I buy them otherwise I really can't make a proper Eastern front diorama without them. So in my construction of the term 'like', it's application goes beyond the ordinary meaning.

And you lost me completely on the last paragraph? Specifically, "the in gang" and "against us"? Could you please perhaps clarify who the 'in gang' is and who the 'us' refers to?
Umm, ok. I was just asking so that I could follow-up and ask if there was anything among your purchases that you could see yourself buying in resin form? Apologies if you saw or read it as some sort of an attempt to argue or debate your purchase history.

As far as liking your purchases I could quantify that by telling you that I do not like everything thing I buy. I do not like buying World War 2 Russians (no matter who the manufacturer is, it is a personal thing) but I buy them otherwise I really can't make a proper Eastern front diorama without them. So in my construction of the term 'like', it's application goes beyond the ordinary meaning.

And you lost me completely on the last paragraph? Specifically, "the in gang" and "against us"? Could you please perhaps clarify who the 'in gang' is and who the 'us' refers to?

Could we please get back on topic ?
As I said just because I don't like some policies, the way the owner often talks to customers, and some detail or often lack of detail issues does not mean I hate K&C!!! That is the reserve of those who view the world in that sense where if you say anything negative you are not with the in gang and must be against us!!!!

Could we please get back on topic ?

Neil, I think if you read Jason's post correctly, you will see he was trying to stay on topic but your mate Mitch is again trying to take us to the off topic never land! His post with the words above is not only off topic, but also nonsense but then if I go into detail on why, then I will be guilty of going off topic and im sure this thread will degenerate into another endless argument and get closed down. Perhaps you should have included his post in your post above???

That level of detail and accuracy would be hard to ignore and would be quite exciting.
From what I have seen of resin figure's they appear with sharper details...maybe something to do with casting ?...whatever.... they look more realistic than the metal figure'e...mho....the two advanatges's of resin would be...hopefully ...cheaper price's...and less costly to post...a boxfull full would weigh only about half a dozen metal soldiers....I would certainly be interested in quality K$C resin figure's...what you saved on the postage cost would at least get you a extra figure if you brought several figure's opinion only...TomB
.......and less costly to post...a boxfull full would weigh only about half a dozen metal soldiers.......what you saved on the postage cost would at least get you a extra figure if you brought several figure's opinion only...TomB
I figure that if I have to worry about postage I probably shouldn't be buying anything. Besides most dealers ship postage free. Even overseas
if you buy at least $250 worth.
Could we please get back on topic ?

You mean the topic about which K&C has not made an announcement about yet and for which no images exist ?

Well OK since you insist.

I think they represent excellent value for money. Really like the sculpting, detail and paint work. Not sure about the scale though, 1/28, 1/29 or 1/30 is hard to tell as my imagination is not that exact. I can live with the muddy tracks on the $50 Tiger that looks just like a $220 one.

This new stuff is the absolute best ever no doubt about it.

Hope that helps.
I figure that if I have to worry about postage I probably shouldn't be buying anything. Besides most dealers ship postage free. Even overseas
if you buy at least $250 worth.

Although postage costs are pretty steep the real killer is, here in the UK, are the customs charges which make purchasing from the US a prohibitively expensive proposition, plus the VAT charge that is then added. A few years ago one could could sometimes get lucky and a package would sneek through. Not any more! So resin figures would not make much of a difference.
I figure that if I have to worry about postage I probably shouldn't be buying anything. Besides most dealers ship postage free. Even overseas
if you buy at least $250 worth.
I did not know postage was free.....I send the odd parce interstate and sometimes overseas...nothimg heavy.....I am not impressed with the cost of postage....therefore...I presumed ...heavier parcels would cost more......if dealers can post free,...good on 'em...... apparently weight is not an issue ?.cheers TomB
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