Robin Hood 2010 (1 Viewer)

Since i started the "accent" debate in Robin Hood,i would like to clarify a general point on accents in movies.Todays modern movie goers demand /want more for their money,we can no longer look back to "classics" as benchmarks,this is a new age in film making and modern trained actors / actresses if they are taking the role of a historic character know they have to do the research and attempt to reincarnate this person in the genuine attempt at authenticity or at the minimum convince the viewer that their character is as real as could be replicated through their acting skills.John Wayne,Charlton Heston ,Kirk Douglas and their ilk,lived in a different age and their craft and movies should not be judged by the modern era.Russell Crowe prides himself in his craft but in my opinion he got this accent wrong but he was surrounded by british actors and director who should have known better,Ridley Scott is from South Shields and as a brit should know if a non british actor can pull off a regional british accent or not ,his own South Shields accent could not be easily duplicated by any actor born outside the North East of England its so specific.If the Robin Hood character in the movie was from Nottinghamshire,Crowe should have been embedded with a family from the region as part of his research in order to hone and perfect the regional dialect,we dont need audio tapes of 12th century british speech,few regional dialects change that much,i have not lived in Glasgow for over 30 years but still retain most of my dialect /accent,being a well travelled individual doesnt necessarily mean you will lose the accent you were born with , it may soften in time but ones accent can never be completely erradicated. Ken
Great actor doing a great accent,not a phrase that should worry either Crowe or Gibson then!;)

I'm guessing you're a big fan of Dick Van dyke too Bill!:D:D

IMESHO, Russel Crowe is one of the best actors of the last 20 years; as much as I like many of Mel's movies (INCLUDING THE PATRIOT), he is not quite in the same league. As my Trooper mate aptly agrees, accents in historical movies are much over rated. Frankly I much prefer just a consistent one rather than a stained effort at what someone may think is correct.

Yes I liked Dick Van Dyke at the time, though it seems dated now. So what's wrong with that?
IMESHO, Russel Crowe is one of the best actors of the last 20 years; as much as I like many of Mel's movies (INCLUDING THE PATRIOT), he is not quite in the same league. As my Trooper mate aptly agrees, accents in historical movies are much over rated. Frankly I much prefer just a consistent one rather than a stained effort at what someone may think is correct.

Yes I liked Dick Van Dyke at the time, though it seems dated now. So what's wrong with that?

Nothing wrong with it at all.We all like movies for different reasons and different criteria,some of us can accept any story purely for entertainment value others demand a certain standard of realism and historical truth,each to their own:)

Since i started the "accent" debate in Robin Hood,i would like to clarify a general point on accents in movies.Todays modern movie goers demand /want more for their money,we can no longer look back to "classics" as benchmarks,this is a new age in film making and modern trained actors / actresses if they are taking the role of a historic character know they have to do the research and attempt to reincarnate this person in the genuine attempt at authenticity or at the minimum convince the viewer that their character is as real as could be replicated through their acting skills.John Wayne,Charlton Heston ,Kirk Douglas and their ilk,lived in a different age and their craft and movies should not be judged by the modern era.Russell Crowe prides himself in his craft but in my opinion he got this accent wrong but he was surrounded by british actors and director who should have known better,Ridley Scott is from South Shields and as a brit should know if a non british actor can pull off a regional british accent or not ,his own South Shields accent could not be easily duplicated by any actor born outside the North East of England its so specific.If the Robin Hood character in the movie was from Nottinghamshire,Crowe should have been embedded with a family from the region as part of his research in order to hone and perfect the regional dialect,we dont need audio tapes of 12th century british speech,few regional dialects change that much,i have not lived in Glasgow for over 30 years but still retain most of my dialect /accent,being a well travelled individual doesnt necessarily mean you will lose the accent you were born with , it may soften in time but ones accent can never be completely erradicated. Ken

I would have to disagree on that score, I left the UK 20 years ago and most people don't realise I was from England.
Since i started the "accent" debate in Robin Hood,i would like to clarify a general point on accents in movies.Todays modern movie goers demand /want more for their money,we can no longer look back to "classics" as benchmarks,this is a new age in film making and modern trained actors / actresses if they are taking the role of a historic character know they have to do the research and attempt to reincarnate this person in the genuine attempt at authenticity or at the minimum convince the viewer that their character is as real as could be replicated through their acting skills.John Wayne,Charlton Heston ,Kirk Douglas and their ilk,lived in a different age and their craft and movies should not be judged by the modern era.Russell Crowe prides himself in his craft but in my opinion he got this accent wrong but he was surrounded by british actors and director who should have known better,Ridley Scott is from South Shields and as a brit should know if a non british actor can pull off a regional british accent or not ,his own South Shields accent could not be easily duplicated by any actor born outside the North East of England its so specific.If the Robin Hood character in the movie was from Nottinghamshire,Crowe should have been embedded with a family from the region as part of his research in order to hone and perfect the regional dialect,we dont need audio tapes of 12th century british speech,few regional dialects change that much,i have not lived in Glasgow for over 30 years but still retain most of my dialect /accent,being a well travelled individual doesnt necessarily mean you will lose the accent you were born with , it may soften in time but ones accent can never be completely erradicated. Ken

Absolutely agree re what we accept and what we don't these days,we spend our cash and therefore we can be more demanding.When we accept any old rubbish claiming to be a History movie we are lowering our standards and inviting even more people to take liberties with our heritage.

I agree as a Brit its easy to spot the non British British accent in films and tv.Some are done very well,some are not.Would you say there was any Irish in Crowes accent Ken?.

My next door neighbor is Welsh (Welch?) I wouldn't know his accent if he hadn't told me.
.....If the Robin Hood character in the movie was from Nottinghamshire,Crowe should have been embedded with a family from the region as part of his research in order to hone and perfect the regional dialect......

....or Ridley could have just approached me direct. I might have considered taking the role, albeit, the salary might have rquired negotiation, given my rather sassy local dialect.
After all, I string a mean bow, and I have been referred to on many occasions as an artist of a particular variety. :)
....or Ridley could have just approached me direct. I might have considered taking the role, albeit, the salary might have rquired negotiation, given my rather sassy local dialect.
After all, I string a mean bow, and I have been referred to on many occasions as an artist of a particular variety. :)

And I understand not wholly opposed to running round the forest in Green tights..if the money is right of course;)

As being in the Export department at work and I was introduced to some girls from the UK a few years ago and for the life of me I couldn't understand a word they said.It really surprised me.
How about kissing Cate Blanchet?

Well if she's game;)

As being in the Export department at work and I was introduced to some girls from the UK a few years ago and for the life of me I couldn't understand a word they said.It really surprised me.

Mark,thats probably nothing to worry about,most of them are drunk quite a lot of the time;)

As being in the Export department at work and I was introduced to some girls from the UK a few years ago and for the life of me I couldn't understand a word they said.It really surprised me.

You're lucky. I have to feign deafness to get away with that. :)
I'm personally up for it, but there's the small matter of the restraining order she has out against me......:mad:;)

Wow thats a strong restraining order,I mean to say,she lives in Australia and you live in Nottingham!.100yrds I can understand,but blimey!!

Wow thats a strong restraining order,I mean to say,she lives in Australia and you live in Nottingham!.100yrds I can understand,but blimey!!


Tell me about it. One little 3 month stalking episode, and they b*gger off to the other side of the world. :rolleyes:

But I can even trump Mr Connery's effort in the Russian UBoat.I know this will upset my good friend Mr UK Reb of Bobshire,but John Waynes Cowboy Roman centurion at the Crucifixion was a classic.

'This truly was the son of get on your horse...'ok I added that last bit;)


That's your G&T in June with definitely a lot less juniper:)

personally I would love to have seen the Duke play Robin Hood with Victor McLaglen as an Oirish Friar Tuck; Ben Johnson as Little John; Harry Carey Jr as a red headed Alan-a-Dale and Hank Fonda as Guy of Gisborne
What a movie that would have been;)

Rob no doubt you're manning the bofors again defending yet another "British hero" being maligned again by a non-British actor. As much as I admire your Bulldog stance it is after all only a movie ;) and financed with US money plus like you state you do not have to part with your coin of the realm and sit through it if you feel that strong about it.

As I said in my OP Robin Hood is a myth-like it or lump it-he didn't exist and here we are discussing accents aligned with reality. However, if we had an Aussie playing our "real quintessential hero" James Bond then that would be a proper howler-Come to think of it we soon got rid of such a guy after one movie-didn't we? :D:D:D

We will I'm sure discuss this in more depth at the bar in June;)

Bob of UKRebshire.
That's your G&T in June with definitely a lot less juniper:)

personally I would love to have seen the Duke play Robin Hood with Victor McLaglen as an Oirish Friar Tuck; Ben Johnson as Little John; Harry Carey Jr as a red headed Alan-a-Dale and Hank Fonda as Guy of Gisborne
What a movie that would have been;)

Rob no doubt you're manning the bofors again defending yet another "British hero" being maligned again by a non-British actor. As much as I admire your Bulldog stance it is after all only a movie ;) and financed with US money plus like you state you do not have to part with your coin of the realm and sit through it if you feel that strong about it.

As I said in my OP Robin Hood is a myth-like it or lump it-he didn't exist and here we are discussing accents aligned with reality. However, if we had an Aussie playing our "real quintessential hero" James Bond then that would be a proper howler-Come to think of it we soon got rid of such a guy after one movie-didn't we? :D:D:D

We will I'm sure discuss this in more depth at the bar in June;)

Bob of UKRebshire.

Sir Bob King of Reb and the Dioshires,

Sir,I felt I just had to write to your newspaper as I sip my Earl Grey, before heading to my club for an early lunch and stroll round St James and back in time to flog a few servants before tea and crumpet. Much as I may have the shameful notoriety as an anti Horse waste entertainment crusader, on this one occasion I am maligned Sir. On studying this most informative, ney riveting, outpouring of historical opinion, you will perhaps Sir note that my own utterances have been aimed at the ungentlemanly conduct of said scallywag in a recent coming together with member of her majesty's press. I have not mentioned his performance in this new fangled cinema contrivance in anyway as I have yet to bathe myself in the delights of this most noble reproduction of a our old myth.

Whilst I may have succumbed to the indulgence of asking about said actors accent, I must reserve my own very humble and frankly worthless opinion until the delights of this film have washed over me like an incoming oil slick . As soon as I have glorified myself in the delights of said entertainment I shall of course divest myself of my opinion to you good Sir as to whether it is a rollicking enjoyable adventure or indeed as I perceive the young scamps of tommorow may describe things,Pants!.


Sir Robert of St James (Mrs)
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